After an earthquake, the cabin of the spaceship was gradually calm again. All the previous vibrations were calm at this moment, as if it had never happened.

Ye Feng, Dixie and Scarlett are still squatting in the corner. At this time, they can't help looking around. The surrounding environment hasn't changed.

The three people waited for another moment to prevent aftershocks. However, after waiting for a moment, they found that there was no aftershock. Then they stood up and asked each other if there was anything wrong with the other two people.

After confirming that all three of them didn't, Ye Feng was relieved, but he was surprised. Why did the spaceship vibrate so strongly and continuously?

Just thinking about it, Scarlett looked at the center in surprise and stammered to Yefeng and Dixie, "you Look Look over there

Ye Feng and Dixi smell speech along Scarlett's eyes toward the center of the spaceship cabin to see the past, but see the center position, don't know when actually appeared a black and silver metal cuboid thing.

Scarlett then said to Ye Feng and Dixie, "look at that thing, isn't it a bit like a coffin?"

Ye Feng and Dixie were also staring at the cuboid. After listening to Scarlett's words, the small object with big feet really looked like a coffin.

Ye Feng didn't say anything, and immediately walked towards the middle. She instinctively stretched out her hand to pull Ye Feng's arm and said, "be careful!"

Ye Feng nodded back to Scarlett, but still walked toward the center of the spaceship cabin. However, he didn't walk fast. He was not sure what the coffin was.

Although Ye Feng didn't walk fast, the cabin of the spaceship was so big that he came to the coffin. At this time, he saw that the surface of the coffin was the same as the wall of the spaceship cabin, with various symbols on it. At the bottom, there was a string of symbols similar to the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs they had seen before.

looked as like as two peas. He looked at the symbol and found that the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs were exactly the same as those just seen in the corner.

Dixie Si and Scarlett see Ye Feng standing in front of the coffin, it seems nothing happened, at this time also crept to Ye Feng's side.

After seeing the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs on the coffin, Scarlett couldn't help but wonder, "do you have this one here?"

Ye Feng then asked Scarlett, "can you understand these meanings?"

Scarlett could not help shaking her head and said, "I've just seen it, but I can't understand it. The hieroglyphs of several ancient civilizations are almost the same. It's hard to understand the meaning of it!"

Ye Feng couldn't help pondering. The words with the same character appeared in both places. It must be a passage with different meaning, but they couldn't decipher it for the time being.

At this time, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "look, there seems to be a button here!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately look to Dixie this side, but see she is standing at the top of the "coffin", her eyes are staring at the top of somewhere, and her hand has begun to extend toward that side.

Ye Feng immediately stopped Dixie. After all, they didn't know whether pressing this button would open the coffin or start some mechanism?

Ye Feng went to the side of Dixie immediately, looked at the button at the top of the coffin, and then asked Dixie and Scarlett to go away and let themselves press the button.

When Dixie and Scarlett go to the side of the wall, Ye Feng looks at the button in front of him. After taking a deep breath, he reaches for the button.

Ye Feng of course knows that there is a certain risk, but at this point, they have no choice.

When Ye Feng pressed the button, the whole cabin of the spaceship began to vibrate again, but the frequency was not as high as before, but it still made people unstable.

At this time, Ye Feng also quickly reached out to help the "coffin" and tried to balance herself. Scarlett and Dixie also hid in the corner of the wall, squatting there to support the wall as before.

It wasn't until the shock was over again that Ye Feng, Dixie and Scarlett were relieved.

At this time, Ye Feng looked at the "coffin" in front of him. There was a gap on one side, and there was a faint blue light shining on the floating dust in the air, which made the things in the "coffin" more mysterious.

Dixie Si and Scarlett stand up at this time. When they are about to come over, Ye Feng immediately reaches out his hand to stop them. After all, what is in the "coffin" is still uncertain. If there are concealed weapons or other things in it, we don't know if it is dangerous, so we can't let Dixie Si and Scarlett take risks for the moment.

Dixie Si and Scarlett see Ye Feng toward his hand, motioned them not to come, immediately stopped, looking at Ye Feng from a distance.

At this time, Ye Feng stretched out his hand to push the lid of the "coffin" in front of him to one side. The lid of the "coffin" immediately made a dull sound of metal friction.When the lid of the coffin was pushed aside by Ye Feng, it fell to the ground with a roar and a heavy sound.

Ye Feng at this time toward the "coffin" in a look, suddenly face a change, this "coffin" is really a coffin, this coffin actually lies a person.

After Ye Feng takes a closer look, his face changes again. The person lying in the coffin is not someone else. It's Monica, whom they have been looking for but can't find.

At this time, Monica is closing her eyes, but her whole body is full of white smoke. Ye Feng is standing on one side of the coffin, still feeling a faint chill.

Ye Feng immediately reached out to touch Monica's face, and found that Monica's face was extremely cold, as if a completely dead person had been frozen.

Although they stood far away, they also saw a woman lying in the coffin, hesitating and hazy, unable to see her face clearly.

Scarlett and Dixie came over at this time. When Dixie saw that it was Monica, she couldn't help looking at her in surprise. Then she said to Ye Feng, "Monica?"

Ye Feng nodded, and Dixie immediately asked Ye Feng, "is she dead?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I don't know!" Although the mouth said so, but in fact, my heart has realized that Monica has been like this, is it difficult to live?

Who can withstand the low temperature? Monica should be dead. Ye Feng's heart is cold when he thinks of it. Is it Dante Emma who killed her and hid her here, or what other reasons? For the time being, Ye Feng is not known.

Ye Feng didn't think much at this time, and immediately reached out to take Monica out of the coffin and put her flat on the ground, but her body still reflected a trace of meaning, with a Teng of cold.

At this time, Dixie squatted down and touched Monica's body. She found that although Monica's body was colder than ordinary people's, her skin was still as soft as ordinary people's, not as frozen.

In fact, Ye Feng found this problem when he touched Monica's face before. Generally at this temperature, the skin and muscles can't be as soft as ordinary people. However, he thought that the coffin was made of special metal from star STEL, and maybe the ice sealing technology was also an alien technology, so that's why.

And now it's not about whether or not Monica's muscle tissue should be rigid at this temperature. It's about whether or not she's dead and why she's in this spaceship.

At this time, Scarlett said to Ye Feng, "pay attention to her wrist! What's that? "

Ye Feng and Dixie can't help looking at Monica's wrist, but they see that there are about five or six centimeters of wounds on her wrist. At this time, because of the ice, they have already begun to solidify.

Ye Feng can't help but wonder, is this someone deliberately putting dry Monica's blood? After all, Monika's blood is the so-called perfect serum, but at this time, the appearance of Monika is completely different from that after being dried, and it is still the same as normal.

All this makes Ye Feng feel a little bit incredible. Originally, many mysteries have not been solved, but added more mysteries that he didn't know for a moment.

At this time, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "do you think someone is going to send Monica's body to stele with the help of this spaceship?"

Ye Feng's eyebrows slightly wrinkled when hearing the speech, and she can't help looking at Dixie in surprise. It's undeniable that what Dixie said is reasonable. Otherwise, Dante Emma wants to hide Monica. There are many places. Why must she hide Monica in this spaceship, and give her ice treatment, which is obviously the preparation for long-term preservation of Monica. It's very important Well, it seems that this possibility can't be ruled out.

But the question is, what are they going to do to transport Monica's body to stele? The only value of Monica's body is her perfect serum. In this case, does the alien of stele also need Monica's perfect serum?

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