And at this time, suddenly the cabin of the whole spaceship began to vibrate again, but the amplitude was not very large, just the obvious feeling that the ship was moving.

Soon a wall on one side slowly began to become transparent, and behind the transparent wall, there were more than ten or twenty robots standing there motionless.

After the wall was completely transparent, a dozen robots came in at the same time, and one of them immediately said to Ye Feng, "Satan, can you find this place?"

Ye Feng hears that the voice belongs to Dante Emma. He didn't expect that Dante Emma would find them so soon. But if you think about it carefully, Dante Emma can control everything on the island with consciousness. It's easy to know that they have entered the spaceship.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, Dante Emma immediately stepped forward and took a look at Monica lying on the ground. Then she said to Ye Feng, "hand over Monica. I can return Zhuo wanqiu to you!"

While speaking, one of the ten or twenty robots behind Dante Emma came out slowly and stopped on Dante Emma's side.

Ye Feng takes a look. From the appearance, he can't tell the difference between this robot and other robots. In other words, Dante Emma says who this robot is, that's who. Ye Feng, they can't be sure whether he is Zhuo wanqiu or not.

At this time, Dixie hums coldly to Dante Emma, "you can find any robot to say that she is Zhuo wanqiu. How can we prove that she is Zhuo wanqiu?"

Dante Emma immediately said with a smile, "I don't have to cheat you. Even if I really give Zhuo wanqiu to you, she has been infected and assimilated. My consciousness can enter her body at any time and control her at will, so I don't have to cheat you at all!"

Ye Feng said, "even if this is Zhuo wanqiu, you also said that you can enter her body and control her body at any time. Then after I hand over Monica, you can control Zhuo wanqiu to leave here. I'm giving you Monika for nothing, but I don't get Zhuo wanqiu. Why should I do this?"

After hearing what Ye Feng said, Dante Emma sneered at Ye Feng and said, "because you have no choice! I'm not talking to you! "

As she spoke, Dante Emma immediately controlled a robot to come to the front and back of the crowd. Then it exploded and broke into black and silver metal. The black and silver metal suddenly began to smoke and float in the air.

But Dante Emma said to Ye Feng, "I only give you ten minutes to consider whether or not to hand over Monica, and in these ten minutes, I will control a robot to complete self explosion in front of you every 30 seconds, and I can't guarantee that it will be Zhuo wanqiu's body in this process!"

Ye Feng hears Dante Emma's words and frowns slightly. At this time, he sees that all the robots behind Dante Emma have come to the place not far away from Dante Emma.

Dante Emma then continued, "now the clock is on!"

Dixie immediately toward Ye Feng said, "can't give him Monica, the more he wants to get Monica's body, it means that Monica is very important to him!"

Scarlett then said to Dixie, "Zhuo wanqiu is also very important to Satan!"

"The more anxious you are at this time, the easier you will be fooled by Dante Emma! I even suspect that there is no Zhuo wanqiu among the dozen robots! "

Ye Feng took a deep breath at this time. After staring at Dante Emma for a long time, his heart moved. He said faintly, "Zhuo wanqiu must be here! But not necessarily the one he showed us just now! "

Speaking of this, Ye Feng whispered to Dixie, "if I guess correctly, the real Zhuo wanqiu is probably the body Dante Emma uses to communicate with us now!"

When she heard the words, she could not help but be surprised. At this time, she could not help looking at Dante Emma for a moment. Her heart began to hesitate. What Ye Feng said is reasonable. With her understanding of Dante Emma, Dante Emma is likely to operate in this way. After all, he also wanted to prevent a big fight with Ye Feng after he had a bad talk with Ye Feng. At that time, he controlled Zhuo wanqiu's body to fight with Ye Feng Hand, will let Ye Feng in the hands of the hand, so the situation will be more favorable to Dante Emma.

Scarlett then said to Ye Feng, "in this way, we will be completely passive!"

Ye Feng sneers at this time a way, "that also not necessarily!"

Then Ye Feng immediately picked up Monica lying on the ground and said to Dante Emma, "I already know that Monica's serum can save Zhuo wanqiu. If you want to get Monica, you must help Zhuo wanqiu recover. Otherwise, I'd rather destroy Monica. It's just that Zhuo wanqiu and Monica have one life for another. For you, it seems that your life is just the same The loss is greater

When Dante Emma heard this, she looked at Ye Feng and said, "don't you care about Zhuo wanqiu's life? Don't forget that Zhuo wanqiu has always been your follower since she was young. She likes you very much. Do you have the heart to die in front of you? "Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said to Dante Emma, "sometimes, sacrifice is inevitable. Besides, if it's you who killed Zhuo wanqiu, I can't bear it, and the killer will not change. I believe Zhuo wanqiu knows that I have to do it, and the starting point is to save her. I know Zhuo wanqiu's character, and you let her become the one under your control Robot, she would rather die. I'll do it for her, but it's you... "

Ye Feng said with a cold hum, "Monica is the perfect serum that you have painstakingly made. I believe her serum is far more effective for you than threatening me with Zhuo wanqiu's life. Although I don't want to hurt Zhuo wanqiu and Monica, I will destroy her body at that point, and you know what I can say with your understanding of me I can do it

With that, Ye Feng's hand has already strangled Monica's neck and said coldly to Dante Emma, "I believe you just keep Monica frozen. She is not dead, but if I break her neck, I believe that even if you want to revive her, it's a corpse, isn't it?"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Dante Emma sighed, "well, you win, you say, what do I want to do before you let Monica go?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "now unseal Monica, I need her perfect serum to save Zhuo wanqiu, after you want to take Monica, it's up to you!"

Dante Emma said to Ye Feng, "there is no perfect serum on Monica. Look at her hands. She has been emptied of blood before she is frozen!"

Ye Feng's heart moved, and then sneered, "who are you cheating? If there is no perfect serum in Monica's body, what's the difference between her body and ordinary body? What else are you doing for her to come to me? Even if you're right, the blood in her body has been drained, but I remember you told me that Monica's perfect serum can be reconstructed by herself. That is to say, after you revive Monica, her body can make her own blood. Am I right? "

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Dante Emma sighed, "it seems that I disclosed too much information to you in order to pull you into the gang! Now it's your way to deal with me! "

But Ye Feng sneered, "if you say so, can I understand that what I said is not wrong at all?"

Dante Emma shrugged her shoulders and said, "yes, but you should have heard me that the process of blood production is slow. It will take a long time for you to wait for Monica's body to produce the perfect serum again."

On hearing this, Ye Feng immediately said to Dante Emma, "where is the blood you drained from Monica? I'm sure you're not going to waste the perfect serum? "

Dante Emma hears the words and stares at Ye Feng for a long time. Then she nods and says, "OK, I can give you serum, but you must promise me a condition, otherwise I would rather destroy Monica and Zhuo wanqiu than let you save Zhuo wanqiu!" Then he took a look at Dixie, and continued, "besides, there is another Dixie beside you, who also needs the perfect serum of Monica!"

Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "tell me your terms, and answer it or not. I don't count now. I'll see what your terms are!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Dante Emma said, "I want your DNA!"

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