Ye Feng frowned at Dante Emma and said, "do you want my DNA? Don't you already have my DNA? How else can I make so many clones of me

Dante Emma sneered, "are you stupid, or do you treat me as a fool? Your body has been genetically modified by park hero. I only have the backup of your body before the transformation, and there is no DNA of your body now! What I need is your DNA now! Do you understand? Do you want me to explain it again? "

Ye Feng stares at Dante Emma for a long time. He ponders for a long time and doesn't speak.

Dante Emma then said to Ye Feng, "what? You want to save people, I want your DNA, fair trade, do you even want that? "

Said Dante Emma also toward the leaf maple side of the Dixie said, "Dixie, I really feel sad for you, if it's me, don't say just want my DNA, even if it's my life, I won't hesitate, you see what you see?"

When she heard the words, she looked at Dante Emma and said, "are you really willing to give your life for me?"

Dante Emma said casually when she heard that, of course

"Well, give up your life now," said Dixie

When Dante Emma heard this, she was stunned. She looked at Dixie and didn't say anything for a long time.

At this time, Dixie sneered, "it seems that what you said is just talking. If you really want to give your life for me, you don't want to. Then you have no mouth to talk about others!"

Dante Emma immediately snorted and said to Ye Feng, "do you agree or not! I don't have time to stay here with you! "

After pondering for a long time, Ye Feng said, "I can give you DNA, but you must first release Zhuo wanqiu and hand over Monica's serum! I can't believe you're going to make a fair deal as you speak so casually

Dante Emma pondered for a moment, and immediately said, "I can give you the serum to save Dixie. When you see that it works, we will hand over your DNA to Zhuo wanqiu."

Ye Feng smell speech pondered a moment later, this just nodded a way, "can!"

Dante Emma immediately took out a syringe with bright red blood in it. Then she reached Ye Feng with her robotic arm and said, "give Dixie an injection!"

Ye Feng took the syringe in Dante Emma's hand and immediately said to Dixie, "come on..."

At this time, his arms and shoulders had been completely assimilated. It was impossible for the needle to go in at all. So he had to lift his pants and pat his legs a few times. After the tendons burst out, he nodded to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng immediately took the syringe to prick into the meridians of Dixie, and then injected the serum into the syringe.

In the injection, Ye Feng has been staring at Dixie see, until after pulling out the needle, Ye Feng immediately asked Dixie way, "how? Do you feel anything? "

Dixie shook his head to show that he didn't feel anything, and Dante Emma said to one side, "how can you feel it so soon? Wait a little longer! "

Then Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng again and said, "if Dixie likes you for a while, just give me a poke in your hair!"

Ye Feng didn't say a word, and continued to stare at Dixie. At this time, he saw that the black and silver metal on Dixie's shoulder was slowly degenerating, which showed that Monica's serum was really useful, and this syringe was also really Monica's serum.

Seeing that the black and silver metal on her shoulders was shrinking, she couldn't help looking at Ye Feng excitedly.

Seeing this, Dante Emma said, "although I can't give my life for you, I won't cheat you on such a small matter!"

Ye Feng and Dixie didn't speak. After watching the last black silver metal on Dixie's arm fade, they were completely relieved.

And at this time, Dante Emma smiles at Dixie and says, "Dixie, Congratulations, you are human again!" With that, he said to Ye Feng immediately, "now it's time for you to fulfill your promise!"

Ye Feng looked at Dante Emma and said, "you hand over Zhuo wanqiu first!"

Dante Emma's side, immediately out of a robot, Dante Emma said to Ye Feng, "this is Zhuo wanqiu!"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "are you stupid or am I stupid? You all look the same. I can see if she is Zhuo wanqiu? If you give me someone else, how can I tell? "

When Dante Emma heard this, she said to Ye Feng, "do you want to cheat me?"

Ye Feng then said to Dante Emma, "you first inject serum into Zhuo wanqiu. When her face returns to its original state, I'll give you my hair after I'm sure it's her!"

After hearing this, Dante Emma said to Ye Feng, "Zhuo wanqiu has been completely assimilated. Her body is made of metal. How can she inject it? I have to give you the human and serum. As for how you save her, it's your business. I can't help it! "

Ye Feng said, "it's true, but I still don't believe you. I confirm that Zhuo wanqiu is the one you use to talk to me now. So you take out a bottle of serum and drink it. No, drink two bottles. The effect of oral administration may not be as good as that of injection."Dante Emma listen to Ye Feng say so, can't help toward Ye Feng way, "Why are you sure my body is Zhuo wanqiu?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm not sure. I'm just covered! Try it! I believe in my sixth sense. I should not be wrong! "

Dante Emma can't help hesitating again when hearing the words. Then she said to Ye Feng, "you are really a slippery man. You are right!"

Ye Feng said with a smile to Dante Emma, "I'm right. Shouldn't I prove that you're the slippery one?"

Dante Emma is not interested in arguing with Ye Feng about who is more slippery. At this time, she takes out a bottle of Monica's serum and drinks it into her mouth.

Ye Feng reminds Dante Emma, "drink another bottle!"

Dante Emma can't, at this time immediately picked up a bottle of serum to continue to drink, then throw the glass bottle to one side, the ground broke, this just toward Ye Feng said, "OK?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "wait a moment, I'll see if it's Zhuo wanqiu!"

Dante Emma sneered, "isn't your sixth sense accurate? Yes? Do you still need confirmation? "

Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "I'm not you. What I need is accuracy, not just to reflect whether my sixth sense is accurate or not."

Dante Emma couldn't hear the words, so she had to stand in the original tunnel, "OK, we'll wait, but I tell you, even the internal organs of the fully assimilated people have changed, and no one can guarantee whether they can play a role!"

But Ye Feng said, "I don't care. If Zhuo wanqiu can't recover, then we can't make sure that what you give Zhuo wanqiu is Monika's serum or not. If we can't prove that your body is Zhuo wanqiu, then our transaction doesn't exist!"

Dante Emma was stunned, then snorted coldly, "cheating

Ye Feng shrugs his shoulders, saying that Dante Emma's evaluation of herself doesn't matter at all.

But at this time, Dante Emma control robot head actually appeared a few hair, which means that the serum has begun to work.

Dante Emma seems to be able to feel the change of his body. He immediately transfers his consciousness to another robot and looks at the change of Zhuo wanqiu's body.

After a long time, most of her head has recovered. In fact, from her head, Ye Feng has already judged that it is Zhuo wanqiu, but he didn't say a word.

After confirming that the robot in front of him is Zhuo wanqiu, Ye Feng has to consider whether he really wants to give his Dan to Dante Emma.

And he also has to consider whether Dante Emma is going to take her DNA and continue to copy herself to form a so-called strongest army.

Ye Feng has a very rich experience of his current physical changes. If there are hundreds of such special human beings, Dante Emma dominates the earth, it may not be a dream at all.

Ye Feng naturally won't let Dante Emma get what he wants, but if he doesn't give it to Dante Emma, it's not like his usual style. He has always been a man of no choice. Since he has promised Dante Emma to give him his own DNA, he will certainly do so.

When Ye Feng hesitates, Zhuo wanqiu's head has revealed most of it, and it is obvious that it is Zhuo wanqiu.

Dante Emma see in the eye, immediately toward Ye Feng said, "well, sure is Zhuo wanqiu, can trade?"

But Ye Feng said, "I can't confirm until the whole head is exposed!"

Dante Emma hummed to Ye Feng coldly, "Satan, it's not like your style. Anyone who knows Zhuo wanqiu can recognize him. Are you going to deny it?"

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