At this time, Ye Feng actively grabbed his hair and pulled it hard. After pulling out a few hairs, he said to Dante Emma, "of course, he won't deny it!"

Then Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "but I'll wait for Zhuo wanqiu to recover completely!"

Dante Emma immediately frowned at Ye Feng and said, "you won't deny it? You just said that you only need to recognize Zhuo wanqiu! "

Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "at that time, I was not thoughtful. Who knows if Zhuo wanqiu will invade her consciousness and control her again as long as she doesn't fully recover? So only when she's fully recovered can I rest assured! "

The robot controlled by Dante Emma immediately stepped forward. It seemed that he wanted to grab the hair in Ye Feng's hand.

Ye Feng stepped back and said, "if you think about it clearly, if you really want to start, I may not be able to subdue you, but you may not be my opponent. To do so, you can only tear your face!"

Dante Emma, listening to Ye Feng's words, immediately moved. Of course, he knew that he wanted to subdue Ye Feng for a while and it was not easy for him to snatch his hair from his hands. When he was fighting with Ye Feng before, he wanted to stretch out his hand to pull Ye Feng's hair, but he didn't succeed every time. Otherwise, he would not take the initiative to ask Ye Feng for his DNA now.

Thinking of this, Dante Emma immediately stopped and shrugged at Ye Feng, "just move, don't be nervous!" Say unexpectedly still use sarcastic tone to say toward Ye Feng, "when do you begin to be so careful, grass and wood all soldiers?"

Ye Feng doesn't speak any more, but stares at Zhuo wanqiu, but sees that Zhuo wanqiu's body has begun to recover above the chest, and is still slowly and continuously recovering.

Dante Emma saw that Ye Feng didn't speak. The more he said nothing, he also stared at Zhuo wanqiu. After Zhuo wanqiu fully recovered, he asked Ye Feng for his hair.

However, Dante Emma is also worried that if ye Feng is not sure at that time, it will be a troublesome thing, but judging from his past performance to Ye Feng, he should not be like this.

After a long time, Zhuo wanqiu's body has recovered from above the ankle. Dante Emma can't wait to say to Ye Feng, "is it almost over?"

Ye Feng immediately said to Dante Emma, "wait for your feet to recover!" Speaking, eyes have been staring at Zhuo wanqiu, but Zhuo wanqiu's consciousness at this time seems to be confused, eyes empty, standing there motionless.

Ye Feng then said to Dante Emma, "why is she still so motionless?"

But Dante Emma said to Ye Feng, "I'm really sorry. I met you for the first time. How can I know what the situation is?"

Ye Feng frowned, "she won't always be like this, will she?"

Dante Emma shrugged her shoulders and said, "I don't know. Let her be lucky."

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow is a wrinkle again, after staring at Dante Emma, immediately stare at Zhuo wanqiu to see.

At this time, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "if it is completely assimilated, is it possible?"

Ye Feng where know, he and Dante Emma are the same, are the first time to encounter this situation.

But Scarlett reached out her hand to shake in front of Zhuo wanqiu, and told her, "late autumn, wake up, look at me, do you still know me?"

Zhuo wanqiu still stood there motionless, just like a zombie without soul. Her eyes were empty and dull.

Ye Feng looks at Zhuo wanqiu's feet at this time. Now the only thing she can pray for is that Zhuo wanqiu is like this because she hasn't completely recovered. Maybe after she has completely recovered, she can completely recover.

Seeing that the black and silver metal on Zhuo wanqiu's feet is getting smaller and smaller, and finally even the heel has disappeared, Ye Feng immediately looks up at Zhuo wanqiu, only to see that she is still standing in front of her. Ye Feng's face suddenly moves.

And Dante Emma immediately said, "well, Satan, she's fully recovered. It's time to keep your promise. Don't look down on you for any more reasons."

Ye Feng stares at Zhuo wanqiu for a long time. He still expects Zhuo wanqiu to wake up at this time. However, after waiting for a long time, Zhuo wanqiu still doesn't move.

Ye Feng took a deep breath and clenched her fist. Seeing this, Dante Emma immediately said, "Satan, you don't want to break the contract, do you? That's not your style

At this time, Ye Feng slowly breathed out a breath, loosened his fist, and then put his hand around Zhuo wanqiu, took her to Monica's side, and then picked up Monica, walked towards Dante Emma, finally gave her to Dante Emma, and then stretched out his hand to Dante Emma, "take it!"

Seeing this, Dante Emma immediately uses her robotic arm to reach Ye Feng's hand. After she takes the hair away from Ye Feng's hand, she immediately smiles and turns around with Monica in her arms.

Seeing this, Dixie immediately jumped in front of Dante Emma and said to Ye Feng, "don't let him go. He wants your DNA. It's obvious that he wants to continue his strongest war plan and can't let him succeed!" And he reached out to grab Dante Emma's hair.Dante Emma immediately jumped over the top of Dixie's head and said, "do you want to turn back?"

But Dixie sneered, "it's him who promised you, but I didn't promise you anything, and he has already given it to you, so he has fulfilled his promise to you. Now I won't turn back if I take it back!"

As she said this, she immediately stepped in front of Dante Emma again. However, just after she stood still, Dante Emma immediately jumped to the top of the cabin of the spaceship. She actually stood on the top with one of his feet. The whole person seemed to stand upside down and still held Monica, but she didn't fall down.

Seeing this, Dixie's face suddenly moved, and said to Dante Emma, who was lying on the top, "come down, you can do it!"

Dante Emma did not agree to Dixie, but walked directly to the front wall, other robots immediately came to Dixie surrounded in the middle, do not let her move half a minute.

Dante Emma then said, "Satan can fight me. You're not my opponent at all. Although I can't give up my life, I don't want to hurt you for this disappearance! But don't challenge my patience to you

Dixie is surrounded by the robot and can't move at all. Then she looks back and says to Ye Feng, "only you are his opponent. You can't let him take your hair away!"

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "forget it, take it for him! I promised him! "

When she heard this, she frowned and said, "how can you be so confused?"

Dante Emma then said with a smile, "Satan, I didn't expect that you would recommit to such a degree. It really makes me look up to you! Thank you Said Yang Yang hand hair, and then holding Monica turned out of the cabin of the spacecraft.

After Dante Emma disappeared, the robots in front of Dixie gradually dispersed.

Dixi Si wants to chase, but Ye Feng says to Dixi Si, "don't chase, I give him Zhuo wanqiu's hair! It's not mine at all

As soon as she heard this, she was stunned. Then she remembered that Yefeng had just gone to hold Zhuo wanqiu to his own hand. The hand holding her hair was under Zhuo wanqiu's neck. At that time, she could throw away her hair and pull out some more of Zhuo wanqiu's hair.

Dixie then understood why Ye Feng was not worried at all. It turned out that he already had plans in his heart. At that time, he thought Ye Feng was so pedantic for the so-called commitment.

Scarlett then said to Yefeng and Dixie, "what should we do now in late autumn? She won't be like this all her life, will she?"

Ye Feng and Dixie can't help but take a deep breath. They both stare at Zhuo wanqiu who is still motionless. They can't help but sigh. What Scarlett said is not impossible. Maybe Zhuo wanqiu will be like this in the future.

Scarlett saw that Ye Feng and Dixie did not speak. She immediately reached out and shook her hand in front of Zhuo wanqiu's eyes. She said to Zhuo wanqiu, "late autumn, don't do this. Can you move it?"

At this time, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "is it because she takes oral Monika's serum, so the dosage is not enough, and more Monika's serum is needed?"

Ye Feng shakes his head, but only says that he doesn't know. After all, no one has ever met such a situation, and he doesn't know how to save Zhuo wanqiu.

At this time, Ye Feng, Scarlett and Dixie all stand in front of Zhuo wanqiu and look at her. Suddenly, the cabin of the spaceship falls into a silence, and there is no sound.

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