Ye Feng and the other three couldn't find a way to wake up Zhuo wanqiu, which means that they can't save Zhuo wanqiu. They just came back to Zhuo wanqiu's body, and her soul, or consciousness, still doesn't know where it is.

Scarlett extremely tries to wake up Zhuo wanqiu by speaking. After all, she and Zhuo wanqiu have been in trouble together. She doesn't want Zhuo wanqiu to spend the rest of her life like this. It's better to die.

Ye Feng couldn't figure out what to do for a moment. At this time, she glanced at Dixie and asked if Dixie had found anything wrong. After all, she was similar to Zhuo wanqiu before, but the only difference was that she was only half assimilated, while Zhuo wanqiu was assimilated by the whole body.

But Dixie shakes his head, saying that he has not found any problems. Ye Feng reminds Dixie that if he finds any problems, he must remember to tell himself, so as not to find them later.

Dixie reassured Ye Feng, "you don't have to worry about me. Now we should try to save Zhuo wanqiu. When I see late autumn like this, I'm also afraid that I will become like this. So if I have any problems, I won't hide them."

Ye Feng nodded when he heard that. Then he looked at Zhuo wanqiu. After staring at Zhuo wanqiu for a long time, he reached out and touched Zhuo wanqiu's face. Only then did he find that although Zhuo wanqiu had recovered, the muscles on her face were still very hard.

Although this hardness is not comparable to the previous black and silver alien metal, it is absolutely no less than the hardness of the surface soil on the ground. Although this hardness can not be said to be extremely hard, as long as you press it hard, it is the hardness that human skin should not have.

At this time, Ye Feng touched other parts of Zhuo wanqiu's body and found that her face was almost the same as her face, which was abnormally stiff and looked like a zombie.

Seeing Ye Feng's action, Dixie frowned and asked Ye Feng, "what's the matter? Did you find anything? "

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "the hardness of Zhuo wanqiu's skin is not normal!"

As soon as she heard this, she reached out and touched Zhuo wanqiu's skin and flesh, and found that as Ye Feng said, she could not help but wonder, "is it really that the amount of serum is not enough?"

Ye Feng said, "maybe it's not something serum can solve!"

"It's not the problem of serum," she said? What would that be? "

Ye Feng didn't say a word. He turned around Zhuo wanqiu's body for a long time and didn't speak.

Scarlett and Dixie stand on one side, looking at Ye Feng and Zhuo wanqiu in surprise. They don't know what Ye Feng has found. If Ye Feng doesn't say anything, they don't know what to ask.

After turning around, Ye Feng came to the front again, but his eyes were still staring at Zhuo wanqiu's eyes. After a long time, he said to Scarlett and Dixie, "I doubt that she may not be Zhuo wanqiu!"

Scarlett and Dixie can't help but move when they hear this. They look at Ye Feng in surprise. Then they look at the motionless Zhuo wanqiu in front of them. No matter how they look at them, they are all Zhuo wanqiu, although her eyes are blank and her whole body is stiff.

After looking around, Dixie and Scarlett still didn't see it and didn't figure out how Ye Feng came to this conclusion.

Ye Feng then said to Scarlett and Dixie, "it's just my guess. It hasn't been proved yet. It's just my feeling!"

But Scarlett said to Ye Feng, "it seems that she is late autumn. How can she not be?"

At this time, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "can the so-called technology of star stele completely transform their robots into human beings on earth?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said he didn't know, after all, what is the development of science and technology of star stele, and how much it is ahead of the earth. Although Ye Feng has seen the memory of star stele people, it is only in concept, and it may not be star stele, it may be just one of the colonial planets of star stele. What is the real situation of star stele, Maybe no one knows except the real stelians.

And at this time, Scarlett suddenly said, "late autumn seems to move a bit!"

On hearing this, Ye Feng and Dixie can't help but feel awe inspiring. They look at Zhuo wanqiu, but they don't see her move. At this time, Zhuo wanqiu is still the same in their eyes.

"Did you read it right?" she asked

Scarlett said immediately, "of course not. I saw her finger move just now. It's so true!"

After staring at Zhuo wanqiu's hand for a moment, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "is the effect of serum only effective now?"

Ye Feng didn't say a word, because he knew it was possible. After all, no one had ever experienced such a thing.

Although the efficacy of Dixie will soon be available, Dixie has not been completely assimilated by infection. Secondly, Dixie is injected into the muscles and veins with a syringe instead of being taken orally. Maybe the efficacy is faster than that quoted orally.But at this time staring at Zhuo wanqiu for a long time, but no longer see Zhuo wanqiu move, Ye Feng began to doubt, but Scarlett said she can't read it wrong, is the time interval between Monica's perfect serum and Zhuo wanqiu's efficacy so long?

And at this time, Ye Feng's face suddenly moved, because ye Feng also saw Zhuo wanqiu's hand, and more than once.

Dixi see Ye Feng's face is not right at this time, immediately also look to Zhuo wanqiu's hand, she also saw Zhuo wanqiu's hand moving.

And at this time, Zhuo wanqiu not only started to move her hands, but also began to twist her neck slightly. Then she began to move all over her body, but her movements were extremely slow.

Before long, Zhuo wanqiu's whole body was moving, including Zhuo wanqiu's originally empty eyes, which gradually began to become divine.

Although Zhuo wanqiu's body moved, it was still a little rigid, just like people who had been frozen for a long time began to move, for fear that their movements would be too big and cause physical damage.

Ye Feng, Dixie and Scarlett instinctively step back to make room for Zhuo wanqiu and let her stretch her body.

After a long time, Zhuo wanqiu's activities became rigid again, and began to become more and more natural. Finally, Zhuo wanqiu looked at Ye Feng, but did not speak.

Ye Feng looks at Zhuo wanqiu, just want to say something to Zhuo wanqiu, Scarlett immediately goes to Zhuo wanqiu, holds Zhuo wanqiu's hands, excited way, "late autumn, you finally wake up?"

Zhuo wanqiu then stared at Scarlett in surprise for a long time. Then she asked Scarlett very slowly, "who are you?"

On hearing this, Scarlett's face suddenly moved. She released Zhuo wanqiu's hands and instinctively stepped back, as if she didn't know Zhuo wanqiu at all.

Ye Feng and Dixie are also surprised. Although Zhuo wanqiu wakes up, she doesn't know Scarlett. Scarlett is the one who has been in trouble with her.

Zhuo wanqiu then looked at Ye Feng and Dixie, and then asked, "who are you?"

Dixie frowned at Zhuo wanqiu and said, "Zhuo wanqiu, you really don't remember us?"

Zhuo wanqiu murmured, "Zhuo wanqiu? Who is Zhuo wanqiu? "

Scarlett immediately grasped Zhuo wanqiu's hands and said, "late autumn, you are Zhuo wanqiu! Are you okay? Don't you even recognize yourself? "

Zhuo wanqiu looked at Scarlett blankly, and murmured, "Zhuo wanqiu? My name is Zhuo wanqiu? How can I be called Zhuo wanqiu? Why? "

But Scarlett said anxiously to Zhuo wanqiu, "what's the meaning of why! Your name is Zhuo wanqiu

Ye Feng has been staring at Zhuo wanqiu, who is puzzled and even seems to be a little frightened. At this time, he says to Scarlett, "don't talk to her first!"

Scarlett then released Zhuo wanqiu's hand and said to Ye Feng, "is she amnesia?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "look at this situation, it's possible!"

Dixie said to Ye Feng, "can we say that people who have been completely infected and assimilated will lose their original memory even after recovery?"

Scarlett didn't wait for Ye Feng to speak, then immediately said, "it's absolutely possible, otherwise how could Dante Emma let Zhuo wanqiu give us so easily? He must know it would be like this, so he would promise us so easily!"

Ye Feng pondered for a long time, but she just looked at Zhuo wanqiu quietly. What Scarlett said was not impossible.

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