After staring at Zhuo wanqiu for a long time, Ye Feng asked Zhuo wanqiu, "since you don't remember your name Zhuo wanqiu and don't know us, do you remember your name?"

Zhuo wanqiu was stunned when she heard the speech. After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, she murmured, "Zhi Zhihe Ma Yesheng... "

Ye Feng, Dixie and Scarlett were all shocked when they heard this. Scarlett looked at Zhuo wanqiu in surprise and said, "what's the squeaky hippo?"

Ye Feng is also surprised, how does the name sound like a Japanese name?

At this time, Zhuo wanqiu said, "it's not Zhizhi hippo, it's zhihema Yesheng! The translation means 1238399! "

When Ye Feng and the other three heard this, their faces could not help but move. Ye Feng murmured, "1238399? Arabic numerals? "

Zhuo wanqiu listened to Ye Feng's question and nodded, "that's right. Zhihema Yesheng's translation into the language you understand is 1238399! That's my name

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately a burst of ponder ground looking at Zhuo wanqiu, pondered for a long time didn't speak.

At this time, Dixie whispered to Ye Feng, "are these numbers her name? Are all the people on stele named by numbers? "

Where does Ye Feng know that all the people on Star stele use numbers as their names? However, after hearing Dixie's question, Ye Feng's heart suddenly moves and immediately asks Zhuo wanqiu, "where are you from? What are you going to do? "

Zhuo wanqiu looked at Ye Feng for a long time and then said, "I'm from colonial star 8876. What should I do?" Said immediately stretched out his hand to cover his head, thought for a long time also did not say anything, but the face appears particularly ugly.

Ye Feng immediately said to Zhuo wanqiu, "don't think about it for the moment!" Then he said to Scarlett, "take her to one side to have a rest first!"

Scarlett smell speech quickly in the past to help Zhuo wanqiu walked to the side to sit down, but Zhuo wanqiu seems to be still entangled in the problem of Ye Feng, the face is more and more ugly.

When Dixie saw this, he said to Ye Feng, "if I'm not wrong, you're right. She may not be Zhuo wanqiu at all, but a Steller!"

Ye Feng nodded, Zhuo wanqiu's performance is more obvious, her Arabic numeral name, and said that she is from the 8876 colonial star, which is completely in line with his basic understanding of star stele.

Ye Feng pondered at this time, if the Zhuo wanqiu in front of her was 123899, where did Zhuo wanqiu go? Or is it really just that Dante Emma created a person like Zhuo wanqiu according to the appearance of Zhuo wanqiu? Or some other reason I don't know?

At this time, Zhuo wanqiu said breathlessly, "I can't remember. I can't remember anything. Why am I here? Who are you?"

Scarlett held Zhuo wanqiu on one side and asked, "what's the matter with you? If you really can't remember, don't think about anything... "

Seeing this, Ye Feng and Dixie immediately walk over. Ye Feng squats in front of Zhuo wanqiu, holds Zhuo wanqiu's shoulders in both hands, and after pressing hard, his eyes stare at Zhuo wanqiu.

And Zhuo wanqiu also stares at Ye Feng's eyes at this time. After looking for a long time, her breath gradually calms down, and her eyes gradually begin to concentrate.

After a long time, Zhuo wanqiu looked at Ye Feng and said, "who are you?"

Ye Feng said to Zhuo wanqiu, "you don't care who I am. Now I ask you, what's the 8876 colonial star like in your mouth?"

Zhuo wanqiu murmured after a long time, "it's a desolate place. There's dark metal everywhere, and there's endless dark starry sky! There are countless people like me... "

After listening to the words, Ye Feng stared at Zhuo wanqiu and said, "do you think there are countless people like you? Do you mean the robot you are, or the robot covered with black and silver metal? "

Zhuo Wanqiu as like as two peas, he looked at Ye Fengdao, "of course I am the same person as you are!"

Listen to Zhuo wanqiu say so, Ye Feng suddenly heart next Lin, in the stele star colonial planet, actually still have human? Is that colonized planet the same as earth?

Ye Feng was surprised. Even if there are other alien civilizations in the universe, the evolution process of civilization and intelligent creatures on each planet is different. In this vast universe, what is the probability of developing two human civilizations with the same evolution process and structure? Almost zero.

When Ye Feng thought of this, he immediately asked Zhuo wanqiu, "how long have you been on the 8876 colonial star?"

Zhuo wanqiu shook her head and said, "I don't remember. It's dark there all the year round. There's no concept of time at all. I have the impression that I was born there!"

Ye Feng did not understand the way, "you were born there, where the name of the planet is 8876 colonial star?"

Seeing that Zhuo wanqiu nodded her head, Ye Feng was puzzled. Then she seemed to understand that maybe 1238399 was born after their planet was colonized by the stelians, so her impression was that birth was like that, and the so-called 1238399 was probably just for the stelians to count the population of the colonized planet.In other words, Zhuo wanqiu was just one of the slaves of many stelians on the 8876 colony. She was not a Steller at all.

wants to know what as like as two peas, but ye still think that what they think is something, but what we thought before, there are many planets in the universe, and the stars that are able to create life bodies are few. The planets that create intelligent life are even tens of thousands of miles or even hundreds of millions of people. One in a billion doesn't.

However, it is not absolutely impossible, after all, the vast universe, human understanding is very little, what may appear in the universe, so Ye Feng's heart at this time and into the confusion.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng asked Zhuo wanqiu, "what do you do in 8876 colonial star?"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately said, "my people and I are all in a deep underground cave. We are digging all the time. We don't even know what we are digging! I just keep digging. When the person in front dies, the person in the back follows up immediately. When the person in the back dies, the person in the back follows up again. It seems that the work is endless... "

Scarlett was shocked and said, "I see. Are you miners?"

Ye Feng and Dixie stare at Zhuo wanqiu without saying a word. Ye Feng secretly says that her guess about the 8876 colonial star is right. Zhuo wanqiu, the slaves of the steles, are helping them do some low work.

At this time, Dixie said to Zhuo wanqiu, "do you have any relatives and friends on that colonial star?"

However, Zhuo wanqiu shook her head and said, "no, I started from remembering things. I only remember that I was working, working endlessly and digging constantly. As long as I dare to stop, I will die Death... "

When it comes to death, Zhuo wanqiu's eyes become horrified and murmurs, "death, yes, people die every day and all the time. It's like our job is to work until death, but it's like there's no shortage of people. And it's strange that some people I clearly remember that they are dead, and I can see them again soon The appearance of Strange... "

Ye Feng and Dixie can't help but look at each other. They both seem to think of a problem. Maybe there is a so-called cloning technology on Star stele. Every time Zhuo wanqiu sees someone dead, a new clone will replace him immediately. So Zhuo wanqiu will meet the dead person soon.

Scarlett then asked Zhuo wanqiu, "don't you rest, don't you sleep, don't you eat? Just do it all the time? "

Zhuo wanqiu looked at Scarlett and said, "rest? Sleep? Eat something? Never. Some people die in a short time from entering to death. They don't have time to rest, sleep or eat at all. Besides, there is nothing to eat on 8876 except the dark rocks and mud! I've seen people starving. After eating a piece of soil, they die in a moment.... "

Ye Feng and Dixie look at each other again. They don't speak at this time, but they have understood the so-called life on 8876 colony. Stele people keep copying these people. They let them dig something from the beginning when they can work. They won't let them rest and eat until they die. They continue to copy these people after they die, For them, this is the endless productivity, and they don't need any resources to feed these people. These slaves are inferior to animals in their eyes.

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