After staring at Zhuo wanqiu for a long time, Ye Feng didn't say anything. Now it is enough to show that Zhuo wanqiu is not Zhuo wanqiu at all, or at least the consciousness is not Zhuo wanqiu.

Scarlett is still sitting there with Zhuo wanqiu, while Ye Feng and Dixie go to one side. At this time, Dixie can't help asking Ye Feng, "do you feel it?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng could not help looking at Dixie in surprise and said, "what do you feel? Do you feel any other problems with Zhuo wanqiu? "

But Dixie said to Ye Feng, "I'm not talking about Zhuo wanqiu, but about the space here, which has been shaking since I just came in!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan brow slightly wrinkled, in fact, Ye Feng has long found this problem, just came in before, here from time to time vibration, like an earthquake in general.

After that, although the violent vibration did not exist, the slight vibration continued all the time, but the amplitude of the vibration was very small, so Ye Feng didn't pay much attention.

Now, after hearing Dixie remind himself, I noticed that this kind of vibration has been going on since the violent vibration.

Ye Feng at this time in the heart secret way, difficult is this star's spaceship in start, so will continue to send out this kind of vibration?

At present, this kind of vibration frequency is low, and it doesn't have much influence on Ye Feng. So Ye Feng still said to Dixie, "anyway, let's leave here first."

During the conversation, Ye Feng walked towards the side of the cabin of the spaceship. He came once before and knew where the cabin door was. However, when he went there, he found that the cabin door was closed, and even the gap of the cabin door could not be seen.

Ye Feng thought that he had made a mistake. After turning around the wall of the spaceship, he didn't find any gap in the hatch. Finally, Ye Feng came to the cave where they came, and said to Dixie and Scarlett, "let's go back the same way. It's not a long-term plan to stay here!"

Ye Feng said immediately into the corridor, Dixie and Scarlett see, immediately past to help Zhuo wanqiu also toward the corridor.

After walking into the corridor, Dixie found that the vibration frequency in the corridor was much higher than that in the cabin of the spaceship. Even Scarlett could feel the obvious vibration under her feet, and asked whether Dixie felt it.

Dixi Si didn't say a word, still and Scarlett helped Zhuo wanqiu to the end of the corridor, here the rest is a vertical patio.

When he looked into the patio, he saw that Ye Feng was in the patio, pedaling the wall of the patio with his left and right feet. Soon he arrived at the entrance of the patio. After pedaling hard, he grasped the edge of the entrance of the patio, and then jumped up.

Ye Feng to the patio above, immediately found a rope, and then went to the side of the patio, the rope dropped from the patio.

Dixie Si and Scarlett first help to tie Zhuo wanqiu up. After Ye Feng gets Zhuo wanqiu out of the patio, she throws down the rope and pulls Dixie Si and Scarlett up one by one.

After several people arrived at the ground, Dixie's brow was still frowning. Ye Feng also looked around. He knew the reason for Dixie's frowning.

The sense of vibration in the cabin of the spaceship did not disappear as they left the spaceship. At this time, there was still a weak sense of vibration on the ground.

At this time, Ye Feng stares at a corner, and even he can see the dust on the ground shaking. Although the frequency is very small, he can still see clearly.

At this time, Dixie couldn't help but say to Ye Feng, "isn't this a precursor to an earthquake in Suoxi island?"

When Ye Feng heard this, he couldn't help but move. It's not impossible, but if we really want to have an earthquake, there must be more than these problems. We must be able to see other omens.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng walked to one side, but he saw a black line on the ground not far away. However, after Ye Feng walked in, he found that the black line on the ground was not a black line, but a group of ants were moving closely. Seeing this scene, Ye Feng was shocked. Isn't this the precursor of the earthquake?

Just thinking about it, Ye Feng saw a few mice flying in the past not far away. In the forest outside the base, birds kept circling over the forest, and the forest also made a rustling sound. After a while, he saw a lot of animals running out of the forest. Standing in the open space outside the forest, some wild wolves also made a few noises towards the sky from time to time There was a howl.

At this time, Dixie came over and said to Ye Feng, "it seems that there is going to be an earthquake!"

Ye Feng nodded, then looked up at the sky, he actually found that the sky seems to be moving in general.

A closer look doesn't seem to be moving, but gradually enlarging, but this scene is fleeting, instantly returned to normal, leading Ye Feng to doubt whether he was wrong.

Suxi island at this time revealed a variety of strange, let Ye Feng feel very uneasy, always feel what happened, not just the earthquake so simple.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to Dixie and Scarlett, "take Zhuo wanqiu to find a place to have a rest. I'll go outside the base to have a look!"As soon as Dixie heard this, he immediately said to Ye Feng, "the open space outside is full of wild animals. Isn't it very dangerous for you to go out at this time?"

Ye Feng looked around and said to Dixie, "is there any transportation in the base?"

Dixie then nodded to Ye Feng and said, "I know where there is a car. Let's go with you. If you're not here, what will Dante Emma do when she comes back?"

Ye Feng thought it was the same, immediately let Scarlett with Zhuo wanqiu to follow up, three people immediately followed Dixie Si to one side.

Soon, Dixie went to a garage and opened it. It was full of military jeeps.

Ye Feng immediately jumped on the jeep and started the car. After Dixie and Scarlett helped Zhuo wanqiu to get on the car, they immediately stepped on the accelerator and the jeep immediately came out and drove directly towards the gate of the base.

However, all the way was unimpeded, and no one was seen, including the infected and assimilated robots.

Ye Feng drove the jeep to the door and saw that there was an iron gate closed. Instead of slowing down, he began to accelerate, directly knocked open the iron gate and rushed out.

Scarlett then asked Ye Feng, "where are we going?"

In fact, Ye Feng didn't know where he was going. At this time, he was driving along the road towards the front. If there was an earthquake in Suxi Island, it would probably cause a tsunami. By that time, the island would be gone.

Ye Feng knew that no matter where they were on the island, they would not be able to escape if they really got there, but he still wanted to work hard at the last moment. Maybe there was some way to escape.

Ye Feng has been driving along the road towards the front, and soon saw the coast in front of him. In the distance, there is an endless ocean.

Ye Feng quickly drove the car to the beach and stopped, looking into the distance, hoping to see a boat passing by in the distance, that would be the best.

However, when Ye Feng looked at the sea, he found that somewhere in the ocean, there was a natural chasm on the surface of the sea. The sea water was flowing in, but only the side close to them was flowing in. On the other side, the sea water was still shaking, which was no different.

Ye Feng directly stood up from his seat, jumped to the front of the car and stood. Looking into the distance, he found that this natural moat was too long to see the edge, but it seemed to be formed around Suxi island.

At this time, Dixie also climbed to the front of the car and stood. He followed Ye Feng's eyes and looked into the distance. It seemed that he also saw the moat. He couldn't help looking and said, "what's that over there?"

At this time, Ye Feng looked towards the beach, but saw that the sea water was slowly receding behind, just like the ebb tide, but the ebb tide was just moving towards the distance, and there was no back shooting, which was not like the filtering of coastal waves.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng was stunned. At this time, he saw that the sea water in the distance began to flow rapidly towards the graben, and the coastline along the coast was also rapidly advancing towards the middle of the ocean. Just for a moment, the sea water had completely disappeared and all flowed into the graben.

But in the outer part of the graben, the sea water is still intact, and the tide is still rising and falling. Ye Feng is surprised to see that he grew up on Stewart Island. It can be said that he has been with the sea since he was a child. It's the first time to see such a strange phenomenon.

Not only Ye Feng, but also Dixie, who was so big, saw such a strange phenomenon for the first time. She even looked at the distance and was a little silly. She didn't recover for a long time.

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