Ye Feng then immediately returned to the car, and then let Dixie also get on the car. After Dixie sat down, he immediately stepped on the accelerator and drove to the front.

Seeing this, she asked Ye Feng, "what do you want to do? It's all wet sand under the ground. This Jeep can't drive through at all

Ye Feng stopped just after driving a few times, and immediately began to drive around the beach, but his eyes were always looking at the natural moat. Now he was determined to find a place near the shore where the natural moat was.

At the back of the seat, Scarlett couldn't see what happened, but when the car began to drive across the beach, Scarlett finally saw the scene in front of her and said, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng and Dixie did not speak. Ye Feng continued to drive, and finally saw that a natural moat in front of him was only thirty or fifty meters away from the coastline. Ye Feng immediately sped by.

Soon the car stopped at the bank, and immediately jumped out of the car and walked towards the front on foot. However, the more we went forward, the looser the sand became. Every step Ye Feng took, his feet would sink directly.

When Ye Feng is about to walk to the front of the moat, every foot of the underground sand has reached Ye Feng's knee. However, Ye Feng still doesn't mean to stop and continues to walk forward. Fortunately, his genes have been transformed. This difficulty is nothing but trouble for him.

At this time, Dixie jumped out of the car and looked at Ye Feng, who was struggling in the distance. He called to Ye Feng, "be careful, those are all sand and soft. When it comes to the edge, be careful to slide down!"

Ye Feng's head also didn't return to return to return a responsibility, indicated that the di Xi Si, oneself already knew, but still continued to walk toward the front.

Just as he was about to reach the moat in front of him, a magical scene appeared. Not far from him, there was a three or four meter high sea water. What Ye Feng saw was like a blue mirror. Occasionally, he could see fish swimming by.

Ye Feng stood and looked for a moment, sighed, and then continued to walk forward. Only then did he find that there was no natural moat at all, that is, the sea water on this plane. From a distance, it looked like a natural moat gap. At this time, when he came to the edge, there was nothing below, let alone a natural moat, even a small gap.

Ye Feng couldn't help feeling a little confused at this time. He hesitated for a moment or walked towards the sea water on that plane. Until his face was only ten centimeters away from the sea water on that plane, he stood in front of him. Looking at these things in front of him, it was like a wall made of sea water, and he could not see the end from left to right.

Ye Feng took a deep breath. At this time, he reached out and touched the sea water. However, he was still a little scared. He thought that he would not touch the sea water himself. The sea water immediately broke a hole from the place he touched, and then all the sea water gushed out from here, right?

If ye Feng didn't believe it before, but now, since he came to Suoxi Island, there are still some strange things he hasn't seen. In addition, the scene before him, let alone seeing it, is impossible to think of it.

After several breaths, Ye Feng still stretched out his hand towards the sea water. When Ye Feng touched it behind him, he felt that the surface of the sea water was extremely cold, but the sea water was not transparent, as if there was something on the surface.

And when Ye Feng touched the surface, the color of sea blue immediately disappeared, and the sea water disappeared. What appeared in front of him was darkness.

After waiting for ye Fengsong to open his hand, he found that the sea water seemed to come back again. In an instant, his kung fu recovered to its original appearance.

Ye Feng knows that this place is definitely not so simple. It even reminds him of what happened when he came to the end of the world in Cao Yihai's fictional world. This scene seems to be the end of the world.

When Ye Feng thinks of this, he can't help but doubt that many things in the previous virtual world were not very realistic. He was in the virtual and mysterious world of immortals and demons, and didn't feel unrealistic when he was in it. He didn't know how unreal the world was until he left the world and returned to the normal world.

What's happening now is very similar to the virtual world in Cao Yihai before, except that the illusory immortals and demons before have become the science fiction aliens now. Is it that they have found that the world is virtual now?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help stretching out his hand again, but it's hanging in the air, and he doesn't dare to reach out to touch the sea water.

It's not that Ye Feng is worried that the sea water will really fall down and wash him away, nor that the sea water will cause him any harm. It's that Ye Feng doesn't want to get into such a movie. Finally, he finds out that the so-called real world is also illusory.

It's OK to have experienced such a thing once. If you experience it again, Ye Feng estimates that he will collapse, let alone Ye Feng. If you change into anyone, you may not be able to accept this reality. Every time you live in a virtual world, no one can stand it.But Ye Feng took a deep breath at this time and stretched out his hand toward the sea water level. Although he didn't want to face it, he still had to face it. If it was really the same as what he thought, he couldn't change it. Finally, he had to face acceptance.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng stretched out his hand and put his palm directly on the surface of the sea, but he closed his eyes. After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes.

After Ye Feng opened his eyes again, he found that it was still dark in front of him. When he released his hand again, the black disappeared immediately and returned to the appearance of sea water.

At this time, Ye Feng thought that the end of the previous virtual world looked different from the darkness in front of him. At the end of the world, there were data characters everywhere, just like what was shown in the matrix.

It seems that everything in front of him is completely different from before. It's just an endless darkness. Thinking about it, Ye Feng immediately reaches out his hand and prints it directly on the surface of the sea. When the darkness reappears, Ye Feng even pastes his face on it, as if he is looking out of the window.

But at this time, Ye Feng found that the black was not completely black. In the endless darkness, there were some small bright spots that didn't look very impressive, and they seemed to be moving rapidly in one direction. After seeing them, they disappeared.

Ye Feng was curious and had an indescribable taste in his heart. His hand on the surface of the sea became colder and colder. When he couldn't bear the cold, he immediately released his hand.

In the distance, Dixie and Scarlett look at Ye Feng not far away in surprise. They see a constant black in front of him and then return to sea blue. They are far away and can't see what happened.

"What's the matter, Satan?" he called to Ye Feng

Ye Feng then looked back at Dixie and Scarlett, but did not say anything, not do not want to say, but do not know where to start.

Ye Feng and other hands a little warm, continue to reach out and stick on the cold sea water level, in front of the sea blue moment disappeared, the dark again.

At this time, Ye Feng saw a faint light in the distance, and it was in groups. It looked like a galaxy of stars in the night sky.

During the rest period, Ye Feng's hand soon became unbearable, and immediately released it. Then Ye Feng's heart moved, staring at the sea water level in front of him in a daze. What he saw just now was not like the river of stars in the night sky, but the river of stars.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately changed his hand and continued to put it on the surface of the sea. The scene in front of him reappeared. The river of stars had been flying far away, but it was still clear.

And shortly after the galaxy disappeared, it immediately appeared a galaxy of stars, which seemed brighter than before. When Ye Feng's hand couldn't stand it again, he immediately changed his hand. At this time, a huge planet's surface swept past his eyes. The planet's surface looked like Saturn, full of storm eyes, which was very beautiful Magnificent, breathtaking, see Ye Feng hand has been extremely cold, are not willing to let go, until the planet completely disappeared.

At this time, Ye Feng released his hand. It seemed that he felt something in his heart, but he couldn't say it again. He just felt that his heart was ready to move and he would blurt out an idea.

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