Dixie and Scarlett are standing next to the jeep, staring at Ye Feng, their distance can only see Ye Feng in front of a black, blue, also don't know what Ye Feng saw.

At this time, Ye Feng was silent and continued to look outside. At this time, he had already figured out some things through a series of things that had happened before, plus the scene he saw in front of him.

Before they entered the cabin of the spaceship, the cabin began to vibrate. After that, they could feel the faint tremor all the time, including the ants and mice moving from the base and the animals escaping from the forest. In fact, it was not an earthquake, but the engine of the spaceship was starting. That's why they felt that.

As a matter of fact, the spaceship has started to start, and it has taken the whole island of Suxi into space. In fact, the deep blue water we see is not the real sea, but a kind of protective cover, which covers the whole island. On the one hand, it continues to provide oxygen for life on the island; on the other hand, it prevents people on the island from discovering it. In fact, Suxi is early It's not on earth anymore.

After Ye Feng thought about this, he felt a sense of collapse. There were many places on the earth that he had not been to. Now he was taken directly into space by this star's spaceship, and the destination was not clear. NIMA simply had a feeling of not knowing what to do.

Ye Feng stares at the transparent cover for a long time, and knows that he doesn't need to look any more. It's just the result. Although Ye Feng can't guarantee that he guesses 100% accurately, there won't be anything wrong.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng walked slowly towards the coast. Dixie and Scarlett looked at Ye Feng dejected and powerless. They all instinctively walked forward to welcome Ye Feng.

After waiting for Ye Feng to walk to the shore, Dixie immediately asked Ye Feng, "what's the matter?"

Scarlett then asked Ye Feng, "what happened in front of you just now? How could it be black and blue? What happened? "

Ye Feng stared at Scarlett and Dixie and said, "we may not be on the earth anymore!"

Scarlett and Dixie can't help but move when they hear the words. They don't seem to understand Ye Feng's meaning. They stare at Ye Feng and don't say anything for a long time.

At this time, Dixie came back and looked at Ye Feng in surprise. "What do you say? What do you mean we may not be on the earth any more? Make it clear! "

At this time, Ye Feng simply lay on the beach and murmured, "do you remember the trembling feeling of the spaceship cabin?"

Hearing the words, Dixie immediately nodded, "remember, what's the matter?"

Ye Feng sighed, "that's not the precursor of the earthquake, but the engine of the stele spacecraft! It's already started, and it's still starting. It's taking the whole island of Susi to space! "

When she heard this, she was stunned. Scarlett seemed to look at Ye Feng and said, "what do you see?"

Ye Feng said at this time, "all the visions you see are false. The whole island of Susi is covered by a cover similar to a monitor. We see the ocean in the distance, which is seen on the monitor. In fact, outside the cover, there is a starry sky. Don't you ask me what I see? I've seen countless rivers of stars, and I've also seen stars passing in front of my eyes... "

After listening to Ye Feng's speech, Dixie and Scarlett can't help but look at me and I'll see yours. After all, they haven't seen it with their own eyes. They can't imagine what it is, and they are even dubious.

It's not that they don't believe what Ye Feng said. They also know that Ye Feng won't lie to them at this time, but after all, it's too mysterious. They can't imagine that the brain can't make up for it. If other people say it, they won't believe it at all. It's just because ye Feng said it, they are dubious at this time.

At this time, Ye Feng sighed, "now, don't think about it. We may be taken to stele, or one of their colonial stars Who knows! "

Hearing what Ye Feng said, Dixie immediately sat on the ground and said, "so, we are in space now?"

Scarlett just regained her mind and muttered, "are we in space? True or false, how can I feel like I'm dreaming? "

At this time, there was a sound of the car engine in the distance, and Ye Feng sat up at this time. Dixie and Scarlett looked back quickly, only to see some jeeps coming in the distance.

When the jeep arrived near Yefeng's car, Yefeng stood up and looked over there, only to see that the jeep was full of robots.

Soon one of the robots jumped directly from the car and immediately came to Ye Feng and the three of them. Then he said coldly to Ye Feng, "Satan, I always thought you were a man of your word. I didn't expect you to cheat me with Monica's hair?"

But Ye Feng stares at Dante Emma, who is driving the robot body in front of her. She doesn't speak for a long time. She suddenly looks up at the sky with a smile. She can't stop laughing.Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what are you laughing at?"

Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "don't you want to be a God? Now you can get it! "

Dante Emma still looks at Ye Feng in surprise and says, "what do you mean?" Then he looked at Dixie and said, "what's the matter with Satan? Is he crazy? "

But Dixie said faintly, "not only is he going to be crazy, but I'll be crazy soon too..."

Dante Emma can't help staring at Ye Feng and Dixie. After a long time, she stepped back and said coldly, "what are you playing?"

"You are a robot. You are a slave of star stele. Don't you know that?" she said to Dante Emma

Dante Emma looked at Dixie in surprise and said, "what are you talking about? What do I know? "

"We're in space now!" he said to Dante Emma

When Dante Emma heard this, she didn't say a word for a long time. His robot's expression can't make too many complex expressions, but still can see his surprise.

A long time later, Dante Emma said, "what are you talking about? Are we in space? " Then he looked around and said, "it's not like space here. Are you really crazy?"

Ye Feng then said to Dante Emma, "you can go to the seaside to have a look, reach out and touch the sea, and you will understand everything!"

Dante Emma immediately looked toward the sea, and then adjusted the focus of her eyes. Only then did she find that the sea was not the same from a short distance as from a long distance. From a short distance, the sea was three or four meters high and flat.

Seeing such a surprising situation, Dante Emma immediately made a great effort under her feet, and her whole body immediately rose up and fell in front of the sea water. Looking at the rain swimming in the sea water, Dante Emma thought that Ye Feng asked her to touch the sea water, and immediately extended her hand to touch the sea water in front of her eyes. She didn't want the sea water to turn into a piece of black.

Seeing this, Dante Emma's heart suddenly moved, staring at the dark place, but she could see the continuous passing of nebulae outside. Occasionally, she could see stars or pop stars in close range.

Dante Emma is a fool. His robot arm is not afraid of cold, so he can always look at the sea level. After watching for a long time, Dante Emma thought of what Ye Feng and Dixie said, they are in space.

Thinking of this, Dante Emma immediately exclaimed, "no I haven't dominated the earth yet, why Why did you take me... " With a heavy blow, he fell on the surface of the sea.

At this time, I saw the black in front of Dante Emma. Originally, from a distance, it was like a black spot in the ocean, but now it quickly spread around, and the blue ocean turned black in an instant.

Not only the sea, but also the sky above, are gradually becoming a piece of black, but the strange thing is that they are still in a place where you can see everything on the island.

It's just an instant. There are endless starry sky all around and above Susi Island, which is far more magnificent than the starry sky seen by Ye Feng and Dante Emma.

At this time, Dixie and Scarlett also looked up at the starry sky, looking at the dense clouds and occasionally across the stars in the sky. Dixie and Scarlett were all silly.

Ye Feng had always said that before, but now they really saw it with their own eyes. It's a magnificent sight that Ye Feng can't express in words, but it's dark and terrible.

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