Compared with Dante Emma, who was shocked and even lost, Ye Feng has recovered from the shock he just saw.

Ye Feng also gradually figured out, now just shocked words, no help at all, now the only thing to do is to try to calm down, try to let yourself in the recurrence of their own unpredictable events, find what way to go.

At this time, Dante Emma seemed to recover a little, and immediately jumped directly from the edge to Ye Feng in front of them.

Dixie looked at Dante Emma and said in a cold voice, "what? You seem surprised, too! "

Dante Emma looked at Dixie, then looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you have any plans?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "even you are a God. What can I do for ordinary people?"

Dante Emma immediately said, "I'll go inside the ship and see if I can find a way back!"

Ye Feng didn't speak. Dante Emma immediately jumped to the back seat of the jeep. The robot in the front seat immediately started the car and headed for the base.

See Dante Emma left, Dixie this just asked Ye Feng way, "now what do we do?"

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "Dante Emma has the knowledge of stele people in her mind. Maybe he really has something to do with it! Let's not do anything at the moment. Let's wait and see what he can do! "

Say Ye Feng also returned to the jeep, Dixie Si and Scarlett see also immediately get on the car, Scarlett looked at Zhuo wanqiu, see her eyes are still a little dull, at this time, such a big thing happened, her expression did not change at all, and at this time, Scarlett heart also has some anxiety, also have no heart to care about Zhuo wanqiu's feelings.

At this time, she looked up at the endless starry sky, just like a huge 3D Max screen above her head. What she was playing was the most grand Star Trek film ever made. When she watched the stars in the sky passing by and the clouds fading away, she was filled with waves.

At this time, Ye Feng just drove and continued to drive towards the base. Soon after entering the base, he saw a jeep parked not far away. It must be Dante Emma who stopped there when they just came back.

Ye Feng drove the car directly to the patio of the Starship linked to stele, and then got off the car. After Scarlett and Dixie got off the car, Ye Feng said to them, "you take Zhuo wanqiu to have a rest first, I'll go down and have a look!"

Scarlett said to Ye Feng, "can you do it alone?"

Ye Feng said to Scarlett, "now we have the same problem with Dante Emma to solve. I believe he won't do it casually until this problem is solved!"

Dixi Si smell speech toward leaf maple a nod way, "good, we wait for you in the top!" With that, Scarlett went to help Zhuo wanqiu out of the car and entered the gate of a building.

Ye Feng jumped directly from the patio and went through the tunnel to the cabin of the STEL spacecraft.

As soon as Ye Feng came in, he saw that the cylindrical steps had arched in the center of the cabin, and a robot was sitting on the seat, controlling the buttons on the platform.

leaves maple as like as two peas, and after all, they are identical. Ye Feng can not tell whether the robot is Dante Elmar or other stellar star robot.

At this time, Ye Feng walked slowly towards the cylinder steps, and gently asked, "what are you doing?"

The robot continued to operate the button in its hand. After a long time, it raised its head and sighed, "there's no way. This is an automatic return start. Once it starts, it can't stop at all!"

Ye Feng's voice was Dante Emma's. after a sigh of relief, he said, "can you still operate these systems?"

After another long sigh, Dante Emma said to Ye Feng, "I said that I have the knowledge of stele people in my mind. As long as I want to check it, I can do it at any time!"

Ye Feng nodded, which he had already thought of. At this time, he looked at the console in front of Dante Emma, and then asked Dante Emma, "is there no way to crack this set of return system?"

Dante Emma said to Ye Feng, "this spaceship belongs to the fault spaceship. If there is no fault, it can cancel the return order, but now it is the fault ship, so once the return procedure is started, unless it reaches the destination, it will not stop operation halfway!"

When Ye Feng heard this, he could not help but move. After pondering for a long time, he looked at Dante Emma and said, "since you can read the information of star stele anytime and anywhere, then you must be able to find our destination this time?"

Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng and said, "of course I know, but why should I tell you?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng can't help looking at Dante Emma, and then sneers, "it's time. Do you still think about the grudge between you and me?"Dante Emma said to Ye Feng, "no matter when, the problem between you and me will always exist!"

Ye Feng listens to Dante Emma to say so, can't help shrugging a way, "that is good, that respective good luck!" With that, Ye Feng went down the steps.

But at this time, Dante Emma stopped Ye Feng and said, "what do you think of this matter?"

Standing under the cylinder steps, Ye Feng looked back at Dante Emma and said, "I do have some opinions, but Why should I tell you? "

Dante Emma a listen to this, heart suddenly move, he knows Ye Feng this is deliberately respond to his words before.

Thinking of this, Dante Emma pondered for a moment, then said to Ye Feng, "well, let's reach a temporary alliance agreement for the time being?"

Ye Feng looked at Dante Emma and said, "temporary alliance agreement? For example? "

Dante Emma immediately said, "before we return to earth, we must unconditionally share all the information and intelligence we know with each other."

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "OK, what's your destination this time?"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Dante Emma said, "it's a planet called essf!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "ace? What does it have to do with stele? "

Dante Emma said to Ye Feng, "at present, I don't know. I only know so much. As for the connection between it and stele, I think I can find it. But now I have disclosed some information to you. In order to show our mutual trust, should you tell me your ideas first in exchange?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "of course you can!" Then he shrugged his shoulders and said, "my idea is No idea! "

Dante Emma is staring at Ye Feng, cold hum a way, "at this time, you are still here and I cheat?"

But Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "I'm just telling you the truth. I really don't have any ideas at present. After all, you still have the knowledge of stele people in your mind, but I don't have anything in my mind. Even you can't find any way. What can I think?"

Dante Emma can't help but move when she hears what Ye Feng says. But she thinks what Ye Feng says is reasonable. She has information about star stele that can be accessed anytime and anywhere in her mind. Ye Feng's understanding of star stele may be the name of robot and star stele. What can she expect him to think?

Thinking of this, Dante Emma could not help but smile at Ye Feng and said, "it seems that the conditions between us are not equal to each other, so our relationship should be divided into a high ground according to their own situation, that is to say, in all future actions, between you and me, who should we listen to?"

Ye Feng said, "that's not the meaning of discussion. Who knows if you will set a trap for us in the next action, and deal with us secretly by this incident?"

Dante Emma said coldly to Ye Feng, "so you're not going to obey my orders?"

Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "since it's an alliance agreement, the alliance is equal to each other. No one obeys who says, no one's opinion is right, no one's opinion is right, no one's words!"

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