Dante Emma, listening to Ye Feng's words, suddenly looks at Ye Feng in silence. It seems that he also sees that Ye Feng's attitude is tough. Finally, she shrugs and says, "OK! Notice now that we have to work together to solve the immediate problems! "

Ye Feng nodded to Dante Emma and said, "now let's talk about what's going on in the end on the planet of essf?"

Dante Emma can't help but look at Ye Feng and then says with a smile, "do you know I must know?"

But Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "I don't know if you know, but even if you don't know, you will know if you search the information from your consciousness!"

But Dante Emma said to Ye Feng, "I don't need to search. I have already searched after I know that the planet is the destination!"

At this point, Dante Emma in front of the platform, pressed a button, suddenly in front of the cylinder, suddenly appeared a translucent three-dimensional nebula.

Then Dante Emma walked down the steps of the cylinder to the translucent three-dimensional nebula. She stretched out her hands and stroked on the nebula. Suddenly, the nebula began to enlarge.

Ye Feng did not expect that this kind of three-dimensional Nebula can be controlled out of thin air? Is this the new technology of star stele? These are only seen in some European and American sci-fi blockbusters. I didn't expect to see them now.

At this time, Dante Emma continued to wave her hand, and the nebula still kept zooming in. Finally, several stars appeared in front of Ye Feng's eyes.

Dante Emma said to Ye Feng, "the planet of love is here!" Then he pointed to one of the pale blue stars and said, "look at it!"

Ye Feng went to the light blue planet of aesf and looked at it for a while. At this time, he looked at several planets around him, and then at the glowing stars. He could not help frowning.

Dante Emma said to Ye Feng, "do you see that?"

Ye Feng immediately looked at Dante Emma and said, "so, you also found out?"

Dante Emma said to Ye Feng, "before you came in, I looked at it alone. As you can see, this planet is very similar to the earth we live on, and the galaxy that is wrong is also very similar to our solar system!"

Ye Feng just saw this scene, so he was surprised. At this time, he was very surprised. He said to Dante Emma, "can there be two imagined galaxies in the universe? Or is this our solar system and earth? "

At this time, Dante Emma immediately reduced the galaxy map of the "solar system" and kept waving her hands. The galaxy map became smaller and smaller, and finally integrated into another larger galaxy map. When the larger galaxy map became smaller, there were still larger galaxy maps, as if endless.

Ye Feng doesn't know what Dante Emma is going to show herself, but after waiting for a while, Dante Emma has stopped.

Dante Emma then said to Ye Feng, "do you see anything?"

Ye Feng instinctively stepped back a few steps, and then he continued to look at the semi transparent galaxy map in front of him. At first, he didn't find anything. At this time, he found that the same galaxy could be found on both sides of the galaxy map.

Ye Feng took a closer look and finally found that the galaxy map on the left and right sides of a certain line is completely a mirror image. There are some on the left, on the right, on the right, and on the left. The only difference is that the left should be on the top, while the right should be on the bottom, the right on the bottom, and the left on the top, It's like that kind of reflection.

It is because of this kind of reflection, so Ye Feng did not find it for a while. After staring at it carefully for a long time, he found the problem.

Dante Emma saw from Ye Feng's expression that he should have seen what he wanted to see for Ye Feng. She immediately put her hand in two places of the nebula and pointed to one on the left and said, "our galaxy is here..." Then he pointed to a place on the right and said, "this is the galaxy where the planet is. Take a closer look!"

as like as two peas looked at each other for a while, he passed through a contrast, almost exactly the same. Then he said, "so the universe is mirror image?"

Dante Emma nodded to Ye Feng and said, "that's right, so our destination this time may be another earth!"

Ye Feng pondered for a while at this time. After a long time, he said, "this kind of mirror universe, if we go to another earth, is there a you and a me on that earth?"

Dante Emma pondered for a long time, then shook her head and said, "this is not clear!"

Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "you can control the nebula image and enlarge the star of essf. Can we see?"

Dante Emma said, "you think I don't want to. The nebula image I just showed you has been enlarged to the maximum. It needs special permission to look down, but I don't have it, and even the original owner of this body, my God, doesn't have it!"Ye Feng hears Dante Emma say so, it is a burst of silence immediately.

Dante Emma was in her hands for a while, and the three-dimensional galaxy map that floated in the middle of the sky disappeared in an instant.

Ye Feng then suddenly said, "do you think there is a possibility that the development of the two earth is not the same, they may be hundreds of years ahead of us, or we are thousands of years ahead of them in turn?"

Dante Emma shrugged at Ye Feng and said, "who knows?"

Ye Feng then said, "there is another possibility. How many times is this kind of mirror universe? Single time, or countless times? "

When Dante Emma heard this, she could not help looking at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what do you mean? I don't quite understand! "

Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "that is to say, what we saw just now is equal to two universes, but they are completely opposite. But if we regard these two completely opposite universes as one universe, then does the whole universe still have a mirror universe? If so, then the universe is really infinite, and there may be countless earth! Even countless you and me

Hearing what Ye Feng said, Dante Emma was stunned. She looked at Ye Feng and said, "your idea is very unique. I haven't thought about it, but it's not impossible!"

At this time, Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "don't you know how to reduce the galaxy map infinitely?"

But Dante Emma said to Ye Feng, "I just said that my authority is limited. I've shown you both the largest and the smallest. I can't see anything else. Even I doubt that if we can see so many technology masters, his authority may not be as big as we think."

At this time, Ye Feng pondered for a long time and did not speak. A moment ago, he was still thinking about how to deal with Dante Emma and leave Suxi island. But at the moment, Ye Feng had to consider the whole universe. This span was a little too large for Ye Feng's brain circuit to be transformed, although his brain gene had been modified.

Dante Emma didn't say a word again for a long time. Then she went to the cylinder steps and sat down on the steps, staring at a place in a daze. They both said nothing.

I don't know how long later, Dante Emma stood up and said to Ye Feng, "since we can't stop this spaceship from heading for another earth, why don't we go to that planet?"

Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "what if the earth was still in the age of dinosaurs? Or the future of technology? Can we fit in? And what if there are you and me on the earth? Are you and I going to kill you and me of that earth and replace them to live there? And will killing them have any effect on us? Have you thought about all this? "

Hearing that Ye Feng asked so many questions in a row, Dante Emma couldn't answer any of them. She couldn't help staring at Ye Feng and didn't speak for a long time.

At this time, Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "the size of the universe is not something you and I can think about clearly. We live on one earth, and the solar system already feels very big. Only there is our home. No matter how good the other earth is, I don't intend to settle there!"

But Dante Emma said to Ye Feng, "the problem is that even if we don't want to go, we can't stop the progress of the spaceship, and it's not enough to just stop it. If we damage the spaceship, we will wander in the universe! I would rather go to another earth than wander aimlessly in the dark universe

Ye Feng listened to Dante Emma's words, and immediately pondered for a long time.

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