In fact, Ye Feng knows that what Dante Emma said, in some ways, is not wrong. Now they don't know how to stop the Starship. The only thing they can do is to destroy it.

Not to mention whether the destruction will cause any threat to their lives, even if there is no threat to their lives, once as Dante Emma said, the whole ship wanders aimlessly on the boundless universe, it is not a matter.

Ye Feng can't help but feel a sense of fear at this time. It's not that Ye Feng is timid. Human beings have a natural fear of the unknown since ancient times. Ye Feng's fear just doesn't know what will happen next.

Seeing that Ye Feng hasn't spoken for a long time, Dante Emma said to Ye Feng, "I've told you almost everything I know. We're not a temporary alliance. Can't you have no idea at all? What do you want to say? "

Ye Feng pondered for a long time before he said to Dante Emma, "don't you have the knowledge of stele people in your mind? Otherwise, you can continue to search in your mind to see if there is any other way in this case!"

Dante Emma immediately leaned on a way, "stuffy for a long time, just such a word? Do you still need to remind me? I've searched TM for so many times. There's no way at all! "

After staring at Dante Emma for a long time, Ye Feng continued to say, "then you can search again to see if there is any way to share this knowledge base. You can't use it alone. More people will help you find it!"

When Dante Emma heard this, she was stunned immediately, and then she said with a cold smile, "I said Satan, you are so cunning. At this time, how do you want to take advantage of me? Why should I share this knowledge with you? "

Ye Feng heard Dante Emma say so, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "I am such a proposal, I don't think you will agree, if you don't want to!"

Dante Emma snorted coldly, "if I let you share your DNA, let me copy you infinitely..."

At this point, Dante Emma's face suddenly moved. After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, she said, "yes, we can infinitely copy super humans like you. At that time, even if we arrive at the new earth, we will not be afraid. We can even capture their earth and become the king there!"

Listening to Dante Emma's words, Ye Feng said with a sneer, "what you think is beautiful. For you, it doesn't matter whether you are a God on any earth?"

Dante Emma immediately said with a smile, "of course, we don't have a way to go back now? Since we can't go back, we have to think of danger in times of safety. We have to figure out what we will do if we log on to the earth? Is it to be slaughtered, or is it to be prepared? "

Ye Feng frowned and said, "if all the robots on the earth are the same as you, or even more advanced than you, what's the use of creating so many clones? Another most important question is that human cloning is also a human being and needs food. Look at the desert island, what can provide food for so many people? Let's just say that on earth, we are all drifting in space now. Do you want these people to starve after they are cloned? "

Listen to Ye Feng say so, Dante Emma suddenly a burst of silence, and then a bright way, "we can clone first, put them in the experimental container, do not activate them, can not guarantee their nutrition, and do not need to consider the food problem?"

Ye Feng said casually, "don't dream! I won't agree! "

Dante Emma smell speech but immediately toward Ye Feng said, "you this is pedantic, we all arrived at this kind of situation, you are still complacent, really want us to wait to die after that earth?"

At this time, Ye Feng pondered. What Dante Emma was worried about was not unreasonable. After all, they didn't know everything about the planet. What kind of danger was waiting for them there. No one knew or could say clearly.

But Ye Feng naturally knows that Dante Emma's ambition, even in this situation, has not subsided at all. Naturally, he will not succeed Dante Emma.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help asking Dante Emma, "how far are we from the planet of love now, and how long can we get there?"

Dante Emma immediately went to the platform, opened the three-dimensional image of the nebula, and then pressed a button. At this time, there was a bright spot on the nebula, which obviously indicated the location of their spacecraft.

After staring at the nebula image for a long time, Ye Feng was dumbfounded. From the macroscopic Nebula image, they are still in the galaxy and have not moved at all.

Dante Emma seems to have found this problem. She can't help but walk down the steps and go to the nebula. After a long time, she sighs, "I don't know how many light years there are between the two earths. No, how many billion, how many trillion light years there are. When we get there, it may be hundreds of millions, or even a few trillion years later. It's over We are destined to wander in this boundless universe

Ye Feng looked at it, but he didn't say a word. According to the macro Nebula map, what Dante Emma said is not exaggerated. Looking at the nebula map, it seems that the earth is only a few meters away from another earth. But how many galaxies are there in every millimeter? Each galaxy is tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions of light-years away. It really depends on this Even if you can live forever, you will become an old fool who forgets where you come from and where you are going.However, Ye Feng immediately thought of a question. This spaceship came from the colonial star of stele. Why is the return route of this spaceship on the other side of the universe? Even if it's not a colonial star going to stele, it's right to go to stele. What's the connection between stele and aessf?

And the most important question is, how did this ship get here? At that time, Ye Feng saw the impact of the memories of robots. When he saw them coming by spaceship, it was just a moment's effort. Although the film was probably fast forward countless times, it was not hundreds of millions of years, was it?

Obviously, it's impossible to reach the goal only by spaceship, even if it moves at the speed of light, unless there is some other way to link the mirror universe on both sides.

Ye Feng can't help thinking of Hawking and Einstein. One is to say that there is a black hole in the universe, and the black hole is likely to be the conductor to realize the passage of the universe. The other is to say that when the speed exceeds time, the passage can be completed. Maybe the Stirling people already have at least one technology between the two? Either you can go faster than time, or you have mastered the technology of crossing black holes?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately said to Dante Emma, "you search the knowledge memory of stele people to see if there is any information related to crossing!"

Dante Emma a listen to this, a little thought, understand Ye Feng's meaning, you mean, their technology can be realized through

Ye Feng nodded and said, "otherwise, the distance between the two is so long, it is impossible to achieve flight arrival. There must be other ways, maybe in the return setting. You should search carefully!"

Dante Emma could not help nodding, and then began to meditate, but did not speak for a long time.

Ye Feng expected that the technical knowledge base of star stele must be very large, not that it can be found in a short time and a half.

While Dante Emma was searching and traversing the relevant information, he also learned from Dante Emma before, waved his hand in front of the star cloud image, controlled the nebula image in front of him, and began to enlarge the place where the spaceship was, until it was no longer big, then found that they had just left the solar system.

And at this moment, Dante Emma suddenly said, "really, they have set up space conversion stations in several parts of the universe. We are now flying to a space conversion station in the Galaxy!"

Ye Feng asked immediately after hearing the speech, "when we get to the space conversion station, can we reach the planet of essf?"

Dante Emma shook her head and said, "it's not that easy. We have to go through at least a hundred or so space conversion stations before we can reach essf. There is a numerical limit to the distance of each conversion in this universe, and the technology of their planet can't reach the peak!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng pondered, "that is to say, if we have to wander in the universe for decades or even hundreds of years before each time we arrive at the conversion station, after that 100 space conversion stations, it will be at least 10000 years later?"

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