Listening to Ye Feng's words, Dante Emma was stunned. Yes, if so, it means that they will drift for thousands of years, or even longer, at least in this boundless universe.

But when Dante Emma thinks about it carefully, the answer he found out from his consciousness is like this. The knowledge of stele star is understood in this way, and he didn't lie to maple. So what's the problem?

At this time, Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "maybe your search results are OK, so there must be some tricks we don't know, but they haven't been found. It's not that the stelians came to earth 10000 years ago, is it?"

However, when he said that, Ye Feng's heart was suddenly shocked again. What he saw from the memory image of the stele people was that their spaceship came to the earth in ancient times. If he had to go back to a certain time, it might be 10000 years ago.

In this way, did the stelians really come to earth after 10000 years? But considering that the stelians are all robots, maybe life and time are not a problem for them at all?

But Ye Feng immediately thought it was wrong. Before the stele people came to earth, they had investigated the earth. Just as Dante Emma had observed another earth, the stele people observed it more carefully. They had even stretched the lens to the surface of the earth, and Ye Feng also clearly understood it Seeing the scene at that time, that is, a metropolis was built on the earth, and the ground was full of modern people in a hurry. How can this be explained?

In short, the current situation is that Ye Feng always feels a little hazy. The more he thinks about it, the more confused he becomes. He can't understand what's going on with the stele people.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately said to Dante Emma, "don't think about it any more. Let's share the stele knowledge in your memory. One more person, one more wisdom. It's entirely up to you. We can't crack the secrets of stele people in our life, and we don't know our future direction."

Dante Emma said with a sneer, "after all, you still want me to give you the memory of star stele. Hey, I won't be fooled by you. I'm not that stupid. The advantage I get along with you now is these memories. If I share them with you, what advantage do I have? For you, that is dispensable existence. Do you think I would be so stupid to give it to you so easily? "

Ye Feng sighs at Dante Emma's words, but from Dante Emma's point of view, it's just like what Dante Emma is worried about.

Now Dante Emma is a dictionary about star stele. If you don't understand anything, you can read it at any time. If this dictionary is completely in your mind, then you really don't have any effect on Dante Emma. It's inevitable that you don't have to abandon Dante Emma's idea at that time.

However, Ye Feng thought of another meaning from Dante Emma's words. According to reason, at this time, Dante Emma had no way to deal with him, let alone eliminate him, but he was a mortal body. Even if Park hero had modified his own gene and lengthened his life, he might not be able to accompany him Dante Emma arrived on the planet of essf, so no matter from which angle to look at this problem, Dante Emma and herself thought that it should be Dante Emma who took the initiative.

But from Dante Emma's tone just now, Ye Feng could hear that he seemed very afraid that he would abandon him completely after he got the knowledge of star stele.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help but move. It seems that although Dante Emma has an immortal body, in his heart, he is still a person. People are full of fear for the uncertainty of the future. Even if he has an immortal body of steel, the essence of consciousness has not changed. In the final analysis, that is, Dante Emma's body, no matter what carrier it is He is still human nature.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "in this case, the memory of stele in your mind is not willing to share with me, and I don't have any constructive help and ideas for you. This kind of temporary alliance is nothing, so don't worry!"

As soon as Dante Emma heard this, she immediately said to Ye Feng, "it's just the alliance. Are you going to break the alliance?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said to Dante Emma, "I don't understand the meaning of this kind of virtual alliance? Don't you think so? "

Dante Emma hears the words and ponders for a while. After a long time, she says to Ye Feng, "do you want to threaten me with this? Do you think too much? I won't be fooled

But Ye Feng continued to shrug his shoulders to Dante Emma, "whatever you think, I'm pushing out the covenant. Now you're busy. I think mine. We don't interfere with each other!" Then he waved to Dante Emma, and then went to the patio exit and said, "goodbye!"

Dante Emma looks at Ye Feng walking towards the patio exit. She wants to call Ye Feng several times, but she doesn't cry out.Looking at Ye Feng walking into the patio, he snorted, "I don't believe it. Without you, Satan, I, Dante Emma, would be a waste? In any case, I have the knowledge of stele that can be obtained at any time in my mind, and I must be better than you

said Dante Elmar immediately returned to his seat and sat down, and began to operate the platform before him. From time to time he meditated for a moment, and retrieved some memories of Starr from his consciousness.

At this time, Ye Feng has already jumped out of the patio. For Dante Emma, Ye Feng is confident that he will take the initiative to find himself. From several conversations with Dante Emma, Ye Feng has seen through Dante Emma. Although he now has an invulnerable machine shell of stele man, and he has stele star memory in his brain, but for him As far as Ding Emma is concerned, he has no ability to have all the things he has now. In terms of the life of his brain, he has not been promoted much because of his appearance change. In the end, he still has to ask for himself.

Ye Feng immediately enters the building and finds Dixie and Scarlett. Dixie immediately asks Ye Feng if he has found anything.

Ye Feng simply talked about his discovery with Dante Emma. After that, Dixie was stunned and looked at Ye Feng and said, "the planet of love? Another earth? "

Scarlett is also a face of puzzling, looking at Ye Feng Road, "what do you mean?"

Ye Feng didn't escape to explain anything to Dixie and Scarlett. He just said to them, "don't worry about so much for the time being. Anyway, we have a long journey this time!"

After all, the result was too shocking for them. They didn't even know where to start when they wanted to ask Ye Feng.

At this time, Ye Feng asked Scarlett, "where is Zhuo wanqiu?"

Scarlett said to Ye Feng, "since she found that this place is no longer on earth, she seems to be in a trance. She seems to be stupid and doesn't talk to people!"

Ye Feng then asked Scarlett, where is Zhuo wanqiu? Scarlett immediately took Ye Feng to a meeting room next door, but saw Zhuo wanqiu sitting there, looking at somewhere in a daze.

Ye Feng went to Zhuo wanqiu's side, looked at Zhuo wanqiu, squatted down to look at Zhuo wanqiu, after a long time this just said, "what are you looking at?"

Zhuo wanqiu still looked at somewhere in a daze, or said nothing.

After a long time, Ye Feng stands up and sighs. He doesn't know where Dante Emma has got Zhuo wanqiu's consciousness. He just forgot to talk to Dante Emma about it. It seems that the next time Dante Emma takes the initiative to find herself, Zhuo wanqiu's affair is one of the conditions.

At this time, disis and Scarlett came over and looked at Ye Feng and Zhuo wanqiu. Scarlett could not help sighing, "a good person has been made like this, alas!"

At this time, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "we need to find a way to make Zhuo wanqiu recover. Maybe Monica's serum can try again!"

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