Dante Emma saw that Ye Feng didn't say a word. At this time, she frowned at Ye Feng and said, "what? What are you worried about? "

Speaking of this, did not wait for Ye Feng to reply, immediately said, "you are so suspicious, it is not nothing to do?"

Ye Feng took a look at Dante Emma. After taking a deep breath, he walked towards the coffin. Then he looked back at Dante Emma and said, "I'm lying in it. Don't you need it?"

Dante as like as two peas, Elmar immediately pressed a button on the platform in front of him, and instantly appeared a nearly identical coffin on the side of the coffin on Ye Feng. When Dante Elmar pressed several buttons on the platform, he went to the side of the coffin and faced Ye Fengdao, "yes!"

Dante Emma didn't know if she was afraid of what Ye Feng was worried about. She immediately took the lead in lying in the coffin, and then the lid of the coffin was closed with a bang.

See Dante Emma so, Ye Feng just lay in, just lay well, not a moment later, the coffin cover immediately covered, and then Ye Feng felt a strange sound around.

After a while, bursts of blue light appeared in the coffin, flickering and flickering, and then Ye Feng saw a blue current around him, but he didn't feel the slightest.

I don't know how long later, Ye Feng began to feel sleepy, and gradually narrowed his eyes. For a moment, it was as if he had fallen asleep.

At the moment when Ye Feng just fell asleep, Ye Feng felt that his brain was hit by lightning. From time to time, he felt that all kinds of scattered fragments in his brain poured into Ye Feng's head, just like snowflakes falling on Ye Feng's head and began to melt into his skin.

At this time, from the point of view of Dixie, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu, the two metal coffins in front of them were not flashing blue current, but also crackling like whips. The three women were surprised.

Especially Dixie, her eyes are always staring at the two metal coffins. She wants to save Ye Feng in time in case of any adverse situation.

After watching for a while, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu asked Zhuo wanqiu, "do you know what happened before you?"

Zhuo wanqiu could not help shaking her head and said, "at that time, I felt that my body began to be occupied by the black, and my consciousness became blurred, as if I was in the cloud. There was a blank space all around, no image, no sound!"

Scarlett then said to Zhuo wanqiu, "you don't know. You were all changed at that time. What's your name? It's not you at all!"

Zhuo wanqiu looked at Scarlett mistily and said, "is the string of numbers you said 1238399?"

On hearing this, Scarlett looked at Zhuo wanqiu in amazement and said, "how do you know?"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately said, "didn't I have a dream? In my dream, it seems that other people just call me this number. I don't know what it means. Now think about it, that's the name?"

Scarlett looked at Zhuo wanqiu in surprise, and then began to ask about the dream.

Zhuo wanqiu and Scarlett said, "I don't remember exactly. In a word, it's like everyone is working hard and digging something in the underground cave..."

Just then, I suddenly saw that the current outside the two metal coffins in front of me had disappeared, and then I heard a voice that seemed to be deflated. Then the two metal coffin lids began to move slowly towards both sides.

After a while, the lids of the two coffins were opened, and a white mist came out. In the white mist, there was a faint blue halo.

Seeing this, Dixie immediately walked towards Ye Feng's coffin and stood on the edge of the coffin. Then he saw that Ye Feng had already sat up. He just stood in the distance to see the fog was too big, and didn't see Ye Feng sitting up at all.

Dixie see Ye Feng sitting there motionless, heart can't help a Lin, immediately reached out to help Ye Feng way, "are you ok?"

Ye Feng shook his head, and then jumped out of the coffin. Dixie saw Ye Feng clearly, which was almost the same as before.

At this time, Dante Emma in another coffin also jumped out, and immediately walked towards Ye Feng, grabbed Ye Feng's collar and said, "so you are waiting for me here?"

As soon as she heard the voice of Dante Emma, she was shocked. She looked at Dante Emma in surprise and said, "your voice..."

Ye Feng then said with a smile to Dante Emma, "don't you want the memory of stele? Don't I give it to you now? "

As soon as she heard Ye Feng's voice, she immediately understood what was going on. Then she stepped back and looked at Ye Feng and said, "are you Dante Emma?"

Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu are stunned when they hear this. They look at Ye Feng and Dante Emma. Their appearance has not changed. But why does Ye Feng speak in Dante Emma's voice while Dante Emma speaks in Ye Feng's voice? Can't you say that they just moved their souls?Dante Emma's hand is still holding Ye Feng's collar tightly at this time, and then beat Ye Feng's head in a circle.

Ye Feng grabs Dante Emma's robot arm and holds it hard, but says with a cold smile, "the body can have such power, so why do I have to have this robot body?"

Dixie stares at Ye Feng and Dante Emma, but she never thinks that Dante Emma actually takes this opportunity to exchange his body with Ye Feng's.

Finally, "Dante Emma" hands, or loosen the "Ye Feng" collar, then a sigh, "I blame myself too careless!"

Zhuo wanqiu then looked at the "Dante Emma" of the machine body and said, "are you brother Satan?" Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "you are Dante Emma?"

Scarlett touched her head. "I'm going to faint. What's going on?"

In fact, Ye Feng and Dante Emma have already changed their bodies, or transferred their consciousness. Ye Feng has now become a machine steel body, while Dante Emma is in Ye Feng's cloned body.

Dante Emma then laughed, stretched out her hands and looked at it carefully. From time to time, she reached out and pinched her arm. She couldn't help saying excitedly, "I haven't felt this for a long time! It's a good feeling to be a man. Ha ha... "

Ye Feng also looked at his robot arm, then looked at Dante Emma, looked at his familiar face, and said, "since you have this technology, why don't you clone your own body, what do you want my body to do?"

Dante Emma said to Ye Feng, "if I could clone it, I would have cloned it. These stelians would have destroyed my body and left no hair. The purpose is to trap me in that machine body. Fortunately, I have found a way and someone willing to give up my body The previous cloned body is too expensive. It's not as good as this machine body. Only after the transformation, you are worthy of me! "

"Disheartened!" she said angrily to Dante Emma Said also toward Ye Feng said, "I have said that the guy is not reliable!"

Ye Feng then shrugged his shoulders at Dixie, and then moved his new body and said, "I don't think there's anything wrong with this machine body!"

Dante Emma said with a smile, "that's the best. You get your satisfied body, and I get my satisfied body too..."

Dante Emma said, touching her face like Ye Feng, and said, "the only pity is this face, but it doesn't matter. Then I can have a face lift."

With that, Dante Emma looks at Dixie. Before, because her body has always been a machine, she has some ideas about Dixie, but she can't be satisfied at all.

Now he has become a human body. At this time, if he is with Dixie, he can enjoy everything that human beings enjoy.

Seeing that Dante Emma was looking at herself in the wrong way, she immediately gave Dante Emma a white look, then walked to Ye Feng's side and said, "what should I do now?"

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "it doesn't matter. There's nothing wrong with the body of this machine, and I've discovered the greater beauty of the body of this machine!"

Dante Emma said with a smile, "Oh? What's more? Then you can enjoy it slowly, and I'll enjoy my new body as well! " After that, he immediately turned around and walked towards the wall of the spaceship cabin. Soon a door was removed, and Dante Emma immediately got out of the spaceship cabin.

After the door closes, Dixie, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu all stare at Ye Feng. The three women haven't spoken for a long time, and they are not used to it. Ye Feng becomes a robot at this time.

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