At this time, Ye Feng said to Dixie, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu, "I need a little time to think about it. Don't disturb me!"

Three women listen to Ye Feng say so, all nodded, each went to one side, looking at Ye Feng now appearance, is a pair of words and stop appearance.

After all, Ye Feng has now become a robot, which makes them feel more or less indescribable. They always feel that Ye Feng standing in front of them is still Dante Emma.

At this time, Ye Feng sat on the cylindrical chair, and then began to close his eyes and meditate, and began to search for the knowledge and memory left by the stele people. Fortunately, although his body was replaced by Dante Emma, the memory of the stele people was left in the machine body.

This also shows that this memory does not belong to Dante Emma, or to the original owner of this robot body, so no matter how many times Dante Emma changed her body, this memory will only remain in this steel body.

But the only advantage is that those who are aware of this steel shell can read this memory and all the knowledge about stele at any time.

Ye Feng is sitting on the chair at this time, and his mind is constantly running. He suddenly finds that the memory of star stele can not be transferred.

Because ye Feng couldn't find the existence of this knowledge and memory about stele in his consciousness, but he knew in his subconscious that this thing existed somewhere deep in his memory, but he couldn't find it.

Ye Feng believes that Dante Emma must have been looking for her for a long time. It's like there is a gap between her consciousness and the memory of the stele people. Only after breaking the gap can she communicate and blend directly, smoothly and unhindered.

Looking at Ye Feng sitting there motionless, Scarlett whispered to Dixie and Zhuo wanqiu, "what should I do? He has become like this... "

Zhuo wanqiu's eyes had been staring at Ye Feng, but he said, "I don't care what he looks like. He will always be my brother Satan in my heart. That's enough!"

As soon as she heard what Zhuo wanqiu said, she couldn't help looking at Zhuo wanqiu. Then she took a deep breath and thought to herself, "no matter what he looks like, isn't he the Satan he knows?"?

Zhuo wanqiu then said, "besides, brother Satan hasn't changed his appearance before. Isn't everyone used to it before? What's the point? "

Scarlett listened to Zhuo wanqiu's words and looked worried. She snorted to Zhuo wanqiu, "you're still young, you don't understand!"

Zhuo wanqiu was surprised and said, "what don't you understand? Who is still young? Where am I small? "

Scarlett looked at Zhuo wanqiu and sighed a little. Some words are hard to say with Zhuo wanqiu, a newly mature girl.

Don't want to this time, Zhuo wanqiu said, "you said is not between men and women, the so-called sexual relationship? What don't you understand? "

Hearing what Zhuo wanqiu said, not only Scarlett, but also Dixie can't help looking at Zhuo wanqiu in surprise. Unexpectedly, this girl is young and knows a lot.

Scarlett couldn't help laughing and said, "it seems that you have grown up?" Then he sighed, "but you don't care now, it doesn't mean you don't care in the future. You don't know that the increasing love between men and women sometimes depends on these things. No matter how ugly we are, we are still young. Even if we don't think about it in our hearts, sometimes we will not be controlled physically. Sooner or later, it will be a matter of time!"

Zhuo wanqiu looked at Scarlett and said, "in the final analysis, you can't stand loneliness. What do you do when you say it so well?"

Scarlett couldn't help but be shocked when she heard the speech. She took a look at Zhuo wanqiu, and then said to Dixie, "I don't understand. Come and talk to her!"

But Dixie shrugged, "what do you want me to say to her? Now what's the time to think about that? I'm not in the mood to think about it now! "

Zhuo wanqiu immediately said to Scarlett with a smile, "you see, sister Dixie and I didn't think of this problem, only you thought of it. Hehe, it seems that you care about this very much!"

Scarlett suddenly blushed and spat, "I don't want to tell you. What I'm telling you is the truth. Now you two are on the same front as if I'm a woman who wants to be dissatisfied. OK, OK, you don't care. What do I care about?"

At this time, Dixie glanced at Scarlett. Although she didn't say it, she knew that what Scarlett was worried about was not unreasonable.

She knows that Dante Emma is interested in herself, but since she has been with him, Dante Emma has always respected herself. Why? It's because Dante Emma's body is made of steel, which can't be further developed between men and women.

Dixie even thought that he and Ye Feng had just revealed a little bit of their own thoughts, and they didn't have the chance to further develop. Ye Feng is like this now, and I don't know what will happen next.

Thinking of this, Dixie instinctively sighed, but Zhuo wanqiu said, "sister Dixie, what are you sighing about? In fact, I'm not worried at all! You think, brother Satan had died before, but he changed Cao Yihai's body and continued to live. Then he went back to his own body from Cao Yihai's body. In my opinion, the present situation is only temporary! "At this point, Zhuo wanqiu also took a look at Scarlett, and then continued, "besides, since we came to Suoxi Island, nothing strange has happened. When we have a chance later, brother Satan will think of a way to go back to his body?"

After hearing the words, both Dickens and Scarlett can't help but look at Zhuo wanqiu. They both secretly say yes. Zhuo wanqiu is right. Although Ye Feng's body is made of steel and metal, they can't rule out that Ye Feng can find a way to recapture his own body. Besides, Ye Feng's body is a clone. It can be said that the body is just a piece of clothing and consciousness And the soul is Ye Feng himself, Ye Feng is now just a change of clothes.

Scarlett could not help nodding and said to Zhuo wanqiu, "yes, why didn't I think of it?" He said with a smile on his face.

Zhuo wanqiu couldn't help but look at Scarlett and said, "now you can rest assured that you won't be alone in an empty room?"

Scarlett smiles awkwardly, but soon she also realizes a problem, that is, the three women present seem to have taken Ye Feng as their own man, which is not the most important. The most important thing is that the three women seem to have subconsciously acquiesced to the existence of the other two women.

When Scarlett thought of this, she couldn't help but look at Zhuo wanqiu and Dixie. Then she sighed a little. Maybe Dixie and Zhuo wanqiu didn't realize it. They just didn't want to mention it, and they didn't seem willing to mention it.

At this time, Ye Feng was still searching for the knowledge of the stele people in the sea of his own consciousness. He felt that he was about to give up. At this time, he suddenly felt that his brain was moving. In a moment, it was like the water of a levee, and a lot of others were pouring into Ye Feng's brain.

Each of these scattered things is like a polyhedral crystal. Each one is a fragment. The capacity of each one is huge. All these crystals are overwhelming, just like the separation in the storage. As long as you want to find them, you can connect them immediately.

At this time, Ye Feng immediately opened a crystal memory. He just wanted to see it in his mind, and scenes immediately appeared in front of his eyes. Moreover, Ye Feng was still randomly fast forward and backward, tentative and replay.

However, what is playing is not entirely the memory of the stele people, but also Dante Emma's, because there is still his own existence in this clip. In this memory, he still looks like Cao Yihai, which shows that this memory is still his memory when he just landed on Suoxi island.

After watching for a while, Ye Feng found out that Dante Emma had already begun to pay attention to herself when she didn't land on the island. She even had clips of herself on the plane, including when she was on mengchai Island, which could be found in this memory.

Ye Feng can't help but feel a move. It seems that Dante Emma's ability before is much bigger than what he imagined. This boy's hiding is very deep. If he didn't change into this machine body, he might not know this.

In other words, it is totally wrong to think that Dante Emma's control ability is limited to Suzy.

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