At this time, Ye Feng felt that he had entered a brand new world. It was just like when he was in Cao Yihai's virtual world, and when he learned those immortal skills, he seemed to have formed a world in his own consciousness. The only difference was that before, the virtual world was full of immortal fantasy, but now the world is full of science fiction, Nothing else.

Ye Feng looked at it one by one, feeling that in the world of consciousness, there was no concept of time at all. He could swim endlessly in the ocean of knowledge.

In addition to the memory related to Dante Emma, every memory can become a story alone, and many of them are about stele's colonization in the universe. If Ye Feng is a science fiction writer, every memory can be extracted separately and written into a science fiction with a single grand background.

It's just the same process. First, we find the existence of a planet, then we start to investigate, and finally we start to launch interstellar transportation. After arriving at the planet, we use high-end technology to carry out a devastating attack on the planet. After colonizing the planet, sometimes we will leave some residents of the original planet as stele Some of the slaves of the stars directly carried out genocide, directly exterminating all the life of a planet.

After seeing too much, Ye Feng also saw first that this kind of extinction or the preservation of some indigenous people completely depends on the civilization level of the planet. If the civilization level is relatively high, some slaves may be left. If the civilization level is relatively low, it will be directly extinct. Moreover, many of the stars are preserved because they only have life and do not have civilization.

Ye Feng grew tired of these memories after seeing too much. The so-called colonization is nothing more than killing. It's just that stele has a high technological content. Sometimes, he can't see the fighting of red fruits, swords and blood of cold weapons. It's just that before he came to the planet, an aurora on the spaceship passed, and most of the planet had been killed and injured.

Ye Feng immediately began to search for the information related to the planet aesf. After looking for thousands of memory fragments, he did not find the information related to aesf. Ye Feng was tired of looking for it.

However, after Ye Feng had a rest for a while, he began to search frequently again. Their current destination is eisf planet. Ye Feng wants to find the information of the planet anyway.

After frequently searching for thousands of materials, Ye Feng finally saw a fragment about the planet of love in a memory clip.

From the image of memory, the planet is a replica of the earth, but in the so-called data of memory, it is very different from the earth.

The distribution of oceans and plates on the earth is somewhat different from that of eisf's plates. Even the Antarctic and the Arctic are opposite. No wonder, after all, they are mirror images of the earth. Of course, everything is opposite.

After drawing closer and seeing the civilization of human beings on the planet, Ye Feng found that the development of the planet is much more advanced than that of the earth.

Moreover, robots can be seen everywhere in the streets, but there is still a gap between these robots and the robots of stele star. Just like some robots in science fiction movies, they still stay on the level of machines, and there is still a long way to go from the so-called human beings. The robots here still help to do some complex and monotonous work with human beings For example, cleaners, roadside traffic police, and vehicles have been completely AI, are some unmanned operation.

Ye Feng continued to watch the relevant images and found that there is no concept of a country on this planet, but a global alliance. However, the top leader is not a human, but a computer called "sky blue". In the words of people on this planet, machines can't make mistakes, and every law is the result of precise calculation, and it's gone With money, everyone has his own fixed job, and the jobs are assigned by sky blue, and there is only one choice to accept. If you refuse sky blue's job assignment, you will face a sentence of more than ten years, and even if you are in prison, you have to finish the work assigned by sky blue, because there are machine policemen everywhere in the world.

The crime rate in this world is very low. The sky eye is everywhere. It's not like the sky eye on the earth. It's just a few cameras. The sky eye in eisf has the power to enforce the law. If a homicide case is found, the sky eye can lock the criminal for the first time, and there is no suspect. Once it is found, the sky eye can enforce the law by itself.

That is to say, if you commit a crime in eisf, at the moment when your criminal process is just over, your accusation has come down. If it's not serious, Tianyan will send the nearest robot police from the crime scene to catch you at the first time. If it's a serious crime, Tianyan can directly execute the death penalty, so on eisf, if it's not special No one is willing to commit a crime.

Ye Feng took a deep breath at this time. It seems that ESF is a utopian ideal planet. Isn't this the ultimate world pursued by human beings?

However, Ye Feng soon discovered this utopian planet, and there are also unsatisfactory places. For example, the people on the street are cold, everyone's face is numb, and the neighbors and relatives have almost no contact with each other. After work, all people go back to their homes, hardly contact with the outside world. Every day's life is 3:1, go to work and go home It's repetitive, extremely monotonous and boring.Because work has occupied most of everyone's time, there is no spare time to communicate with others. According to the understanding of people on the planet of essf, the ultimate goal of communication is to achieve one's own goal by means of communication. On the planet of essf, you can get everything through work, and you don't need any self purpose at all If you can get everything, why do you want to achieve your goal through communication?

After Ye Feng saw all this, he felt that the planet is not as beautiful as what he saw on the surface. In the final analysis, it is a cold and impersonal planet. Everything is for work, and no one has any intersection other than work. Even during the working hours, if there are no emotional robots and some driverless traffic on the streets Apart from tools, human beings are rarely seen at all. Even if there are, it is probably related to the nature of his work.

Even Ye Feng found that there are no shops on this planet. Besides factories, buildings everywhere are high-rise residential buildings, because you don't need to buy anything. As long as you work, you can automatically supply what you lack. Even if you don't know what you lack, AI intelligent system will help you judge it and automatically ask for it .

Seeing this cold scene behind the scenes, Ye Feng turned off the image of the planet, stunned for a while. If the future of the earth is like that of the planet, he would rather not have so many advanced technologies.

But Ye Feng also realized that the current development route of the earth civilization is just towards the eisf civilization. Although the science and technology of the earth civilization is not as good as eisf and stele, the intersection between people is actually decreasing year by year. Some people would rather go home to face the TV, computer, mobile phone than their relatives Flow.

If the earth really develops into the intelligence of ESF planet, who can guarantee that the earth will not be the second ESF planet?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng sighed. He knew that the earth civilization was moving towards the eisf civilization, but he couldn't stop it, let alone Ye Feng. No one and no power could stop it. Unless there was an interstellar war, which completely ended the development process of the earth civilization, no one would change anything.

At this time, Ye Feng also remembered the thousands of memories of other planetary civilizations he had seen before, and suddenly found that these planets have more or less the shadow of the earth, some of them are the past of the earth, some of them are the future of the earth.

After thinking about this, Ye Feng thought for a long time, even thought that his head was empty, but he didn't come up with a reason. Finally, Ye Feng gave up to understand everything about the planet. At this time, for Ye Feng, the so-called planet is the earth of the future.

If the deduction goes on like this, the so-called star stele is almost the future of the planet essf. If you think about it, Ye Feng suddenly seems to understand something.

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