In other words, if the planet is the future of the earth, then stele is the future of the planet.

In other words, if there is a mirror image relationship between the planet and the earth, there may be a mirror image relationship between the star and the planet.

In other words, in fact, the planet ELSF and the earth do not exist in the same universe, and the star stele and the planet ELSF do not exist in the same universe, so the star stele and the earth can not exist in the same universe.

In the final analysis, Ye Feng seems to have grasped the essence of the universe in an instant. This universe is a Pluralistic Universe, that is to say, there are many universes in a total universe, just like there are many galaxies in a universe.

If we think of the universe as boundless and infinite, then the world outside the universe is the total universe, and the total universe will appear countless scenes. Besides the total universe, there is a bigger universe, there is a bigger universe outside the bigger universe, and there is still a bigger universe outside the bigger universe. If this cycle goes on, there will be boundless and infinite Endless, never ending.

If we say that, it would be a dream like feeling to see that human beings on the earth are bent on exploring the mystery of the universe, because it is impossible for poor people at the end of civilization to understand the mystery of the real universe.

After thinking about these things, Ye Feng suddenly felt a sense of sudden enlightenment, as if he had not found the mystery of the universe, but the true meaning of his own life.

Because he finally found that the pursuit of human beings are some illusory things, things that are impossible to achieve. Instead of wasting the only time in his life for these impractical, never touching things, it is better to spend time on things and people that are worth cherishing, making his short life truly more meaningful For example, it is to find a place with the three women around, live the life you want, and grow old together. No matter how the outside world quarrels, it's just a skeleton to fight for, and it's just futile to pursue the mysteries of the universe.

After thinking of these, Ye Feng immediately opened his eyes. All the illusory images in front of him disappeared. Everything in front of him was very real. All the things in the universe were far away. Only everything in front of him was within his reach.

Scarlett was the first to see Ye Feng open her eyes. She immediately went to Ye Feng's side and asked him, "what's up? Have you found a way? "

Ye Feng hasn't spoken yet. Zhuo wanqiu and Dixie immediately walk over and look at Ye Feng and say, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng shook his head, but suddenly began to laugh, and then extended his hand to the three women.

Dixi Si, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu don't seem to understand what Ye Feng means. They stare at Ye Feng and don't know what he wants to do.

Ye Feng is toward the steps down, to the three women's side, directly put his hand around the three women.

Dixis, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise. They don't understand what happened to Ye Feng?

At this time, Ye Feng asked the three women, "if I say, we don't care about anything, find a place suitable for us, and live there from now on. We don't have to deal with human disputes and pursue worldly things any more, will you?"

Zhuo wanqiu was the first to say to Ye Feng, "of course, I'd like to. As long as you have brother Satan, even if it's human purgatory, it's a paradise in my eyes!"

Dixie asked Ye Feng, "can you let go of the one before you?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "in fact, if you think about it carefully, what did you and I have before? What did you ever have? What have you lost? Now looking back, it's just an episode in life. Isn't the ultimate pursuit of life happiness? I'm happy and my beloved is happy. Isn't that the ultimate need? "

When she heard what Ye Feng said, she began to wonder if ye Feng realized what they were doing when she thought about the knowledge of stele civilization? The so-called true meaning of understanding.

And Zhuo wanqiu immediately said to Ye Feng, "well, the true meaning of brother Satan is my pursuit. Brother Satan, your happiness is my happiness. I don't want anything else. As long as I stay with brother Satan forever, this is my biggest pursuit in my life!"

Scarlett didn't say a word, but she said to Ye Feng, "you don't want to use this body to grow old with us, do you? Your body will never change. We are all flesh and blood. After a hundred years, we will be old. How can we grow old together? "

Scarlett's words are obscure, but who is Ye Feng? Let's not say that his mind is full of the advanced scientific and technological knowledge of star stell. Even when she was a normal person, she was also a veteran in love. Although there are countless women who passed by, there are dozens of them without hundreds. It can be said that he knows more about women than women themselves sometimes I know all about myself.

So as soon as Scarlett's voice fell, Ye Feng knew what Scarlett meant and immediately said with a smile, "you goblin, are you full of such things in your mind?"Scarlett was exposed by Ye Feng in public, and her face turned red. She avoided Ye Feng's eyes and said, "I'm also for you. Think about it. You'll go back to seclusion with three beauties, but you can only look at it. Are you not bothered?"

Ye Feng laughed and said, "the body is not a problem. There are many devices that can be cloned on Suxi island. At that time, I will clone a body. And if you are worried that you will grow old, I can help you change your appearance and never grow old until you are tired of each other and the world! ”

Zhuo wanqiu said to Ye Feng, "how can you be tired of being with brother Satan?"

Dixi Si at this time solemnly toward Ye Feng said, "do you want to understand what?"

Ye Feng also put away his smile and said to Dixie, "it's meaningless to want to understand something, just to understand some truth!"

Dixie asked Ye Feng, "what about Dante Emma?"

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "he's not a problem. Our problem now is how to change the direction of the spaceship and not go to the planet of essf!"

Dixi Si smell speech immediately nodded a way, "that find a way?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "not yet, but I can only read less than one billionth of the stele knowledge in my mind. After I get to the bottom of it, I will find this way sooner or later!"

Zhuo wanqiu then said to Ye Feng, "we can wait for this, but Dante Emma is still here. We feel a little uncomfortable. What's more, he can't bear to see you swaggering around here

Scarlett's face also recovered at this time. She said to Ye Feng, "late autumn is right, but even if Dante Emma doesn't use your body, this person has a bad heart. Staying here is always a disaster. With him, we can't live the life we want!"

They're right. Dante Emma can't stay. She must be eradicated

After pondering for a moment, Ye Feng said to Dixie, "this is not a problem, but I found that some of Dante Emma's little secrets need to be studied thoroughly before I can find a way to deal with him!"

"What's the secret?" she said

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "in fact, when Monica and I left the United States, Dante Emma was able to monitor our every move, but he gave me the feeling that he could only control Suoxi Island, which means that he was lying!"

Dixi Si smell speech eyebrow can't help wrinkling more tight, looking at Ye Feng to ask a way, "what is the purpose that he says this lie?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know yet. Maybe it's to hide his own strength. Another possibility is that this memory doesn't belong to him at all. It belongs to the body I have now. In other words, it's not Dante Emma who has this ability, but this Steller!"

Dixi Si doesn't seem to understand Ye Feng's meaning very much, surprised way, "what's the difference between the two?"

Ye Feng looked at Dixie and said solemnly, "the difference lies in that one is that Dante Emma is the leader of consciousness, and now I am the leader of consciousness. The other is that in fact, the consciousness of stele people doesn't enter the dormant state, but uses Dante Emma's consciousness imperceptibly to achieve his own purpose."

When she heard the speech, she couldn't help staring at Ye Feng. For a long time, she didn't speak. Obviously, she still didn't understand what Ye Feng was saying.

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