Ye Feng saw that Dixie didn't understand what he meant, so there was no need to explain. Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu certainly didn't understand.

At this time, Ye Feng released his hand, and then said to the three women, "I still need a period of time to understand some real meaning!"

Scarlett can't help but frown and say, "are you going to meditate again? What can we do for you? "

Ye Feng couldn't help shaking his head and said, "you don't have to do anything. Wait for me to solve it later!" While speaking, Ye Feng has gone back to the seat on the cylinder steps and sat down.

Seeing that Ye Feng is like this, Dixie, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu don't say anything more. They stand on one side and watch Ye Feng settle down. Zhuo wanqiu excitedly asks Dixie and Scarlett, "does brother Satan mean to live in seclusion with us in the future?"

Scarlett said, "that's what I hear!"

Zhuo wanqiu said, "if it's this island, it's not bad. We used to live on the island. Although this island is not as big as Stewart Island, and it's not as developed as Stewart Island, on the whole, there's no difference!" Then Zhuo wanqiu looked at Dixie and said, "sister Dixie, don't you think so?"

Dixie took a look at Zhuo wanqiu and said, "if sushi island is still on the earth, it's OK. But don't forget, now sushi island is in space. Where to go and what dangers there will be on the way are unknown. There are too many uncertainties here, so we don't encounter any dangers on the way. When we get to the destination, where is it, what are you having? What will happen? You and I are not sure. With so much uncertainty, this is not a good place to live in seclusion! "

Zhuo wanqiu was shocked when she heard this, and then she nodded her head, feeling that what she said was not unreasonable.

But Scarlett sighed, "unfortunately, our ability is too small to help Satan, let alone change anything!"

After a moment of silence, she said to Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu, "we can't help or change anything, but we can at least change ourselves!"

Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu can't help but look at Dixie in surprise when they hear the speech. They don't seem to understand what Dixie means.

But listen to Dixie this time to continue to say, "Satan if not genetically modified words, presumably he is not Dante Emma's opponent!"

As soon as Scarlett heard this, she suddenly seemed to understand the meaning of Dixie. She looked at Dixie and said, "do you mean we're going to go to genetic transformation?"

Hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu's face moved. She looked at Dixie and Scarlett and said, "what kind of genetic transformation?"

Dixie said to Scarlett, "yes, only by making ourselves stronger can we better protect ourselves. If we can protect ourselves from being hurt, that's tantamount to helping him. Otherwise, every time we become Dante Emma's chips against Satan!"

Scarlett can't help nodding when she hears the words. She feels that what Dixie says is reasonable. She has heard Dante Emma use them as chips to blackmail Ye Feng several times before.

In fact, the reason why Ye Feng came to Suxi island is that she and Zhuo wanqiu were taken hostage to Suxi island to coerce Ye Feng?

But then Scarlett shook her head and said, "it's OK for us to make genetic transformation like him, but the problem is that we don't have the technology of genetic transformation at all."

After hearing this, he nodded and sighed, "it's a pity that park hero is dead, otherwise he can help us with genetic transformation!"

Scarlett can't help sighing, "since she can't do it, what else can she say?"

Dixie didn't speak, but looked at Ye Feng. Now she can only put her hope on Ye Feng. I hope Ye Feng can think of something that can replace Park hero's genetic transformation technology after she knows more about the advanced technology of SIL's characteristics, and help them strengthen it, so that they don't have to worry about becoming Ye Feng's burden.

At this time, Ye Feng has once again entered his own space of consciousness like an old monk. However, after entering the space of consciousness this time, the previous memories are like many polygonal crystals. At this time, they are like playing cards, spinning in front of Ye Feng's eyes.

Because after all, these memory knowledge fragments can't be like Baidu on the Internet, you can input keywords and search directly, so Ye Feng can only force himself to find them manually one by one.

I don't know how many memory fragments I've seen. These fragments are now quite the same in Ye Feng's view. They all show how each civilization was conquered or destroyed by stele.

However, although these memory fragments are similar, repetitive and boring, Ye Feng still continues to look down. When he understands each civilization, he can gain more or less knowledge. After all, although civilizations are similar, the key point is that they are different. A little difference between cultures may lead to extremely opposite civilizations.

Even if you can't grow some knowledge, you can at least give Ye Feng a lot of insight. After all, you can see so many different forms of civilization and ecology at one time. How many people can have this opportunity?However, Ye Feng's purpose is not to gain this insight to enter his own consciousness space again. He wants to understand whether his body's original consciousness is completely dormant, or secretly running, or even subtly changing his mind.

If it's the latter, it's too terrible. Don't live by yourself, you'll become not yourself. Ye Feng doesn't allow his consciousness as the main body and the consciousness of stele as the auxiliary body.

It has to be mentioned that Ye Feng entered the virtual world developed by Cao Yihai before. At that time, he thought that he was reborn in Ye Feng, who had the same name and surname as himself. In that virtual world, another useless Ye Feng's consciousness also existed in his body, which had a lot of influence on him. Ye Feng even suspected that he was still in danger now It seems that they are still being influenced by the losers. If they make a lot of decisions by themselves, they feel that the result will not be like that.

The loser is in his own body, and I still know it, so I'm on guard occasionally. However, the consciousness of this Steller seems to be hidden, so if his influence exists, it's not easy to be found, and he may even feel that the decision is made by himself.

Now it's completely out of the virtual world. If you let this kind of double consciousness appear in your body again, what you want to do next is likely to appear. In fact, your original intention is not so, but the consciousness of star stell is influencing you to make a judgment, and finally make a decision that is diametrically opposite to your original intention, but you don't know it at all.

Ye Feng rummaged through thousands of pieces of consciousness, all of which were memories of aggression, and had nothing to do with what happened after he came to the earth.

But Ye Feng patiently watched it one by one, and finally he found a memory fragment. Although it was not the memory after the earth, his experience was similar to that after this guy came to the earth.

In an aggressive action, their spaceship also had problems. After falling on an unknown planet, his companion was almost dead. Only he and one of his companions were left. At that time, they were about to enter the dormancy period, and at this time, they also found an intelligent life on that planet.

The only difference is that on earth, he found Dante Emma. Dante Emma was dying, so he soon transferred Dante Emma's consciousness to his body.

On this planet, due to the problem of time, they went out together to capture a life body with extremely vigorous life. From the appearance, it is not a human form at all, but a life body similar to the octopus, a marine creature on the earth. However, such a life body is actually the top of the food chain on this planet.

In order to let the consciousness of this living body into their body, they killed the intelligent living body directly, and copied the consciousness of that living body into the bodies of two stelians. Finally, with the help of the consciousness of the intelligent living body of the planet, they restarted the spaceship and flew back to one of the colonial stars.

In this memory, Ye Feng found that the consciousness of one of the stele people was actually intertwined with the consciousness of changing the planet's intelligent life body. In the end, the stele people returned to their colonial star and woke up, killing the octopus consciousness completely and making the octopus consciousness disappear completely.

That is to say, Ye Feng may come to this end!

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