Ye Feng thought of these, suddenly surprised out of a cold sweat, if it is so, he is now equal to, as long as you arrive at the planet of love, that is, the end of his life.

Ye Feng then began to search for the memory fragments of the Steller. Now he must find a way to completely solve the problem before reaching the essf player.

After rummaging through countless memories, Ye Feng finds that in fact, there are no fragments about these in the memory of the stele people. After all, it may also be related to the life-threatening memory of the stele people themselves, and the other party will not stay here.

Maybe it's a more terrible result. In fact, there are memory fragments about these in the stele people's memory, but the stele people's consciousness has begun to impress themselves, so he is hindering himself from finding these key memories, and still begins to influence himself.

But no matter what the reason is, Ye Feng knows that the hope of finding a solution in the memory of stele people is very slim, or even absolutely impossible, so the only way to solve this problem is to find a solution from reality.

Ye Feng thinks that if he wants to find a way out of reality, the only possibility is to transfer his consciousness back to another body as soon as possible, even if it is a normal clone of himself without genetic transformation. After all, there were not many clones of himself in that laboratory at that time?

But when I think about it, I feel hungry again. Now Dante Emma has occupied her genetically modified body. Once she enters the normal self cloning body, she will never be Dante Emma's opponent. At that time, she will not be completely inferior to Dante Emma. At that time, Dante Emma will not bully herself.

So this plan is not realistic, so if ye Feng wants to find a new body, he must still have his own cloned body of this gene. At present, there is only one such body, so he still needs to find Dante Emma and transfer his memory again.

However, Ye Feng also knows that Dante Emma has just become a human, and will not easily agree to come over and transfer her consciousness back with her. But if you fight hard, the robot body may not be the opponent of her cloned body. At most, it is no match. There is no need to test this. Dante Emma and herself had already made friends at that time How many times.

But if ye Feng finds a way to strengthen the body of the machine, he will bring Dante Emma and transfer his consciousness. Once the transfer of consciousness is successful, then Dante Emma will be better than himself. At that time, Dante Emma can still capture herself and transfer her consciousness again.

In this way, even if I am better than Dante Emma again, it is meaningless. Even if I catch Dante Emma again and forcibly transfer my consciousness, it is nothing more than that I and Dante Emma fall into the stage of endless competition for body.

Ye Feng certainly does not want to waste time endlessly on this, so we must find a way once and for all.

Ye Feng sat on the chair and meditated for a long time. Then his brain suddenly moved. Did he just have to find a way here? As long as his consciousness was transferred again, he would destroy the robot body of stele star immediately.

But obviously, this method is not feasible. After all, it is tantamount to asking the stele to commit suicide. How could Ye Feng find this setting?

After thinking about it, Ye Feng finally has a flash in his mind. It seems that people still have to rely on their own brain. He finally finds a device that can destroy the device that can transfer consciousness after he and Dante Emma transfer consciousness again.

Since you can't consume stele's robot itself, there should be no problem in destroying this device, right? Ye Feng can't help but praise his brain. He can think of it!

Ye Feng immediately continued to search for information that could make his body stronger. There was no limit to this. Moreover, Ye Feng also saw that the body of stele was not fully developed.

In those conscious memories, Ye Feng has long discovered that these guys are omnipotent, just like those superheroes in Marvel Universe. But when Dante Emma used this body, Ye Feng never saw him use these super powers.

However, it is also possible that the ontological consciousness of the stele people is restricting Dante Emma's use of these functions. That is to say, no matter what the result is, the body of stele is not the whole. We must find a way to release all the abilities of the body.

Fortunately, it seems that there are not too many restrictions on the function of the stele people's body. In other words, he would like you to release him completely. At that time, relying on the ability of the machine body, he would help the stele people to complete their goal as soon as possible. When he transferred Dante Emma's consciousness to his body, he did not expect that Not completely enter the command, they entered the dormancy period.

Ye Feng immediately began to find out all the so-called operations of the body. After a little familiar, Ye Feng immediately opened his eyes, and some illusory moments disappeared.Scarlett, Dixie and Zhuo wanqiu see Ye Feng sitting there and suddenly open their eyes. They can't help but look at Ye Feng in amazement.

In their eyes, at this time, Ye Feng seems to be completely metal shell, can't see his expression state, so they can't see what Ye Feng's face is now, so the three women didn't dare to say a word.

At this time, although Ye Feng opened his eyes, he was still meditating on the way he had just found in the space of consciousness. At this time, he controlled his body with his mind.

At this time, although Ye Feng's body still keeps the same sitting posture, but his body floats up out of thin air. Seeing Dixie, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu, they can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise.

But see Ye Feng keep the original sitting position, actually in the stern star spaceship cabin flew a circle, this just sat back on the original chair.

Scarlett said to Ye Feng immediately, "what is your ability?"

Ye Feng doesn't seem to hear Scarlett's voice. When Scarlett wants to say something more, Dixie stops her.

Dixie knew that Ye Feng must be testing his present body, so as to completely master the body of steel.

At this time, Ye Feng suddenly stretched out his hand toward the front, and the robot arm was infinitely extended. A punch directly hit the wall of the spaceship, making a dull sound.

Arm lengthening Ye Feng came in and saw Dante Emma use it. What he just tested was whether the strength of his robot arm became smaller because of the length change. As a result, there was no change. Moreover, Ye Feng could strengthen his strength according to Ye Feng's consciousness. The maximum strength could be more than five times that of a normal person, which was enough to pound a normal person directly into meat paste.

After Ye Feng tested his hands, he began to test his legs and feet. In fact, his legs are the same as his arms, which can be infinitely longer, but his strength of standing still remains unchanged. No matter how long Ye Feng's legs are, he is as firm as a rock on the ground.

After testing his hands and feet, Ye Feng began to study his own extraneous. In fact, this pair of eyes of the star sterner can have perspective function, but the only thing he was afraid of was the metal of the star sterner. That is to say, Ye Feng's eyes can see everything now, except that he can't see the situation outside the spaceship, and if it's the same metal body on the opposite side Robot, Ye Feng also can't see through each other.

And these eyes also have a locking function. As long as a target is locked, even if the target escapes within 10 kilometers of itself, it can immediately find him again and lock him in 5 seconds.

Not only his eyes, but also Ye Feng opened his mouth. In a moment, a cold air appeared in front of his eyes. Although the cold air dispersed after it came out, Ye Feng knew that the cold air was more than minus 50 degrees, and it could not only spray cold air, but also spray a flame of more than 1000 degrees Celsius. The killer of the flame and cold air was also the metal of star stell, and everything else was beautiful It can be frozen in an instant or burned to ashes in an instant.

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