After many tests of these skills, Ye Feng has gradually begun to master these skills. After several rounds of tests, Ye Feng flies to Dixie, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu and slowly falls to the ground.

Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu were stunned, while Zhuo wanqiu was staring at Ye Feng. After a long time, she came back to herself, "iron man?"

Scarlett said to Ye Feng, "this machine has so many abnormal functions? Why don't you see Dante Emma use it? If he could use it, we would have been destroyed by his regiment! "

Dixie has never said anything. Although she is a little surprised, after all, she has been a professional agent for so many years. She has developed her professionalism, and she doesn't show anything in her heart.

At this time, Ye Feng said to the three women, "his mind is not in this aspect. A little function makes him happy. Where would he want to study other abilities?"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately asked Ye Feng, "so you can beat Dante Emma now?"

Ye Feng nodded to Zhuo wanqiu and said, "what you said is hanging?"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately said with a smile, "yes, it's a sling!"

But now there is a question. Dante Emma uses your body. If you hurt him, you are hurting your body

Ye Feng nodded and said, "I've thought of what you said, but don't forget that the body has self-healing ability. As long as I don't kill him, his body can still self heal successfully!"

When she heard the words, she nodded. Before that, she didn't think of this problem. Now when Ye Feng said that, she couldn't help saying, "if so, you have to find a way to completely eliminate his consciousness."

Ye Feng can't help but move when he hears that. He just thought about how to exchange consciousness with Dante Emma, but he didn't want to completely eliminate Dante Emma's consciousness.

But now listen to Dixie say, think carefully, and this Dante Emma delay time is really too long, want once and for all, we must completely eliminate Dante Emma's consciousness, but he never thought, to find a way to eliminate consciousness in the world of consciousness.

But then I thought, maybe I can think of another consciousness about stele in my body, so I don't want to think about it.

At this time, after taking a deep breath, Ye Feng stood in front of the three women, closed his eyes, entered the space of consciousness again, and began to search for ways to eliminate a person's consciousness.

After searching for a long time, Ye Feng had no choice but to give up. He also wanted to understand why he couldn't find it. After all, he still had the consciousness of stele people in his body. He would never teach him how to eliminate consciousness. If he used this method to deal with him, he would certainly have to defend himself. Now, it seems that there is only one way, that's all It's about getting Dante Emma to move her body.

As for the problem of transferring the body and destroying the transfer tools, the machine body will be stronger than itself. Ye Feng also thought that what he understood is still his own. After all, he did not directly inherit anything that Dante Emma understood by using the machine body after he entered the machine body, which shows that this is totally different.

That is to say, once Dante Emma returns to the machine body, he will be better than himself, unless Dante Emma, like herself, spends a lot of time and energy slowly searching and understanding in the world of consciousness, but Ye Feng's understanding of Dante Emma's character is definitely beyond his reach.

Otherwise, how long has Dante Emma been using this machine, and she will still have that thing. Sometimes she asks him to check something, but Dante Emma can't operate it, and even if she finds it, she will ask herself in the end.

The reason why Ye Feng hasn't started on Dante Emma is that Ye Feng is thinking about whether he will read all the memories and knowledge fragments of star stele in the world of consciousness first, and then go to find Dante Emma to change his body. At that time, even if he changed into a flesh and blood body, after all, the knowledge is still in his mind. He doesn't need to ask everything, but Ding AI Ma.

But Ye Feng is worried that the star's memory and knowledge are too many and too miscellaneous. It is impossible for her brain to record so many things. Even if she can record such a large amount of consciousness and knowledge, how much time she has to spend to remember it is also a problem.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't say a word, she couldn't help asking Ye Feng, "what are you thinking?"

At this time, Ye Feng said his idea to Dixie again and said, "if you want to eliminate Dante Emma's consciousness, don't say it. I can't find any way. Maybe it has been blocked! So I think I'm going to find Dante Emma now, or I'm learning! "

When she heard the speech, she couldn't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise. She was thinking in transposition, thinking that if she was Ye Feng, she would face this problem at this time. Which one of the two choices was she going to choose.

But at this time, Zhuo wanqiu said, "of course, I'm going to find Dante Emma to change my body now. You don't want to think about how much knowledge there is on earth, how much you have learned, are you omnipotent on earth? So it's the same with stele. How could it be anything? "Ye Feng can't help but move when she hears what Zhuo wanqiu says. She looks at Zhuo wanqiu's words sometimes. She doesn't expect that her brain at the critical moment is clearer than herself and Dixie. What she says is right. How can she remember so much knowledge.

However, Ye Feng was still a little greedy. He entered the field of consciousness again and began to search the common sense of stele. Since it is impossible to remember all the knowledge, let's take a look at the common sense. At least he can remember a little.

After Ye Feng looked at the common sense, he left the field of consciousness contentedly. Then he said to Dixie, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu, "I'll go to find Dante Emma now. You can find a place to hide. When I and Dante Emma are completely separated, you can come back!"

Dixi Si smell speech immediately toward Ye Feng nodded, immediately said, "you go to busy you, their safety has me to be responsible for!"

Scarlett, however, snorted coldly and said, "it's like I have no strength to bind a chicken. I can protect myself!"

Not to be outdone, Zhuo wanqiu patted Ye Feng on the chest and said, "I can also protect Myself When it comes to the end, I feel that I can't do anything at all compared with Dixie and Scarlett. At last, my tone began to soften and said, "even if I can't protect myself, there are two sisters to protect me. Don't worry!"

Ye Feng nodded to the three women, and then began to search for Dante Emma. After all, he just found this function. Suxi island is only a few kilometers around, and his search radius is ten kilometers, so as long as Dante Emma is still on Suxi Island, he will be able to find him.

What's more, Suzy island is in space now. Even if Dante Emma wants to leave, where can she go?

Ye Feng quickly found the location of Dante Emma. The product was in a laboratory with her hair tested. After so many studies, she also mastered some techniques. Looking at his operation, she wanted to make her body stronger.

However, Ye Feng remembers that park Yingxiong said the theory of "mutual compensation between the strong and the weak". If some aspects of the body become too strong, other parts will become weaker correspondingly. Therefore, Ye Feng's body transformed by park Yingxiong can be said to be balanced. In other words, it has reached, or is about to reach, the limit, and can no longer be changed.

If you want to continue to force the change, you can only use other functions to make up for it. For example, if you change yourself to fly, maybe the function of walking will become weaker and weaker. If you turn yourself into a smooth ear, maybe the function of eyes will become weaker. All these can't escape the theory of "the strong and the weak compensate each other". Ye Feng thinks that what Park Yingxiong said is very reasonable.

After Ye Feng locks down Dante Emma, he doesn't think much about it. Immediately he flies out of thin air and flies directly to Dante Emma's laboratory. In a moment, he reaches the door of the laboratory.

And Ye Feng's flight was silent, and Dante Emma probably didn't expect Ye Feng to come suddenly, so the door of his laboratory wasn't even closed.

Waiting for Ye Feng to fly over him, Dante Emma is still concentrating on looking at the tester in front of him. After all, his technology can't be compared with Park hero, but he wants to study it, so his whole spirit has been focused on the tester in his hand, and he doesn't notice a person flying above his head.

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