Ye Feng has been floating in the air, watching Dante Emma in front of the operation of the experiment, and at this time, suddenly saw Dante Emma toward the top of a hand, instantly caught Ye Feng.

It turned out that Dante Emma had already found Ye Feng. Although he didn't see Ye Feng flying over him, he was a professional agent after all. There was a person on his head. Even if he didn't feel that he was a person, he could feel something.

Ye Feng saw that Dante Emma suddenly shot, and knew that he underestimated Dante Emma again. He immediately flew to one side and shot at Dante Emma at the same time.

Although Ye Feng's body is far away from Dante Emma, his arm can be infinitely extended at this time, and he will arrive at Dante Emma in an instant.

Dante Emma also disappeared from Ye Feng's eyes in an instant, but Ye Feng had already locked Dante Emma. As soon as he appeared, Ye Feng's arm followed him, and he caught Dante Emma all at once.

Dante Emma said with a sneer, "you look more worried than I am now?"

Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "don't worry!" Then he opened his mouth immediately, and suddenly a chill shot at Dante Emma.

Dante Emma's face suddenly moved. Before he could react, her body was completely frozen by the cold. Even if ye Feng released his robot arm, Dante Emma's body could not move.

Ye Feng immediately flew over Dante Emma, directly stretched out his arms, wound up Dante Emma's whole body, and then flew to the Stirling spaceship. He didn't have much time to fly back.

Dixie and Scarlett, Zhuo wanqiu three women did not feel how much time passed, just see Ye Feng will Dante Emma to capture back, can't help a burst of sigh, did not expect Ye Feng's machine body has been so powerful?

Although they didn't see the confrontation between Ye Feng and Dante Emma, they also knew how abnormal Ye Feng's genetically modified body was. The machine body Dante Emma used before and Ye Feng's genetically modified body were inseparable. They also saw it.

So now Ye Feng just took a very short time to bring Dante Emma, let the three women have to admire Ye Feng's ability.

Scarlett even thought, if this ability is combined with Ye Feng's genetically modified body, wouldn't it be a perfect combination? Even Scarlett had some dirty scenes in her mind. She had a relationship with Ye Feng before, and it was Cao Yihai's body that Ye Feng used. At this time, Ye Feng didn't seem to have intimate contact with her. When she thought of this, she blushed.

At this time, Ye Feng had put Dante Emma in front of the cylinder in the center of the cabin, and then went up to the steps. He immediately pressed the button on the platform, and two metal coffins appeared on the open space.

Ye Feng then came down and put Dante Emma in one of the coffins, while he went to another coffin and laid the money in.

When she wanted to say something, she saw that the two coffin lids were all closed. Suddenly, blue current came out from the two coffins, making a crackling sound. It was the same as when Dante Emma transferred their consciousness before.

The three women stood in front of the coffin and looked at the two coffins. They all held their breath. No one spoke. Zhuo wanqiu nervously held Scarlett's hand. Scarlett felt that Zhuo wanqiu's palm was sweating.

I don't know how long later, the electric current on the two coffins gradually decreased, and the sound gradually became light. After the electric current completely disappeared, the two coffins where Ye Feng and Dante Emma lived slowly opened the lid.

Dixie, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu were staring at the two coffins at this time. At this time, they first saw that the machine body had already sat up. Soon afterwards, the body body had also sat up.

Now the three women can only distinguish two people in this way, because they are not sure whether the transfer of consciousness has been successful. They are not sure whether the robot body is Ye Feng or Dante Emma, and whether the body is Dante Emma or Ye Feng.

At this time, the steel body immediately jumped from the coffin, and then rushed to another coffin.

The body on the other side immediately jumped out of it, and they were fighting together again in an instant. However, at this time, the steel body no longer has the previous super power, and the only ability is that the robot arm can stretch freely.

But after a while, the body was already entangled by the movable property of the machine body, and the two people were just like a huge black spider entangled with a prey, frozen there, motionless.

At this time, the machine body suddenly opened its mouth and spoke. It was Dante Emma's voice that showed that the experiment was successful and their consciousness had been transferred back.

But listen to Dante Emma said, "you learn fast, but have you ever thought that these new skills you learn, I can also learn, when you are still not my opponent, I can still let you and I exchange body!"

But Ye Feng sneered, and suddenly made a force on his foot. Facing Dante Emma's abdomen, he kicked Dante Emma away.However, as soon as Dante Emma's body was kicked away, the robot arm immediately flew towards Ye Feng again. It only needed to wrap Ye Feng's body, then there was a loud bang, and even directly hit the wall.

At this time, although Ye Feng's body was entangled by Dante Emma's robot arm, his body was still moving towards the cylinder. He had to destroy the two coffins as soon as possible.

At this time, after Dante Emma hit the iron wall, she immediately pushed her legs on the wall, and then her whole body immediately flew towards Ye Feng.

Ye Feng took advantage of Dante Emma to fly towards him, the pair of robot arms did not pull too much, immediately ran towards the cylinder steps.

However, just as Ye Feng arrived on the cylinder platform, Dante Emma had already flew over and jumped directly on Ye Feng. In an instant, she took Ye Feng off. After they fell heavily on the ground, Dante Emma immediately jumped up, rode on Ye Feng's body, retracted one arm, and turned Ye Feng upside down like a machine gun Maple's head.

Ye Feng's head is almost stunned by Dante Emma, and the flesh and blood on his forehead has been blurred, but Ye Feng's skull has nothing to do with it, and Ye Feng knows that this skin injury will heal itself, so he doesn't care.

While Dante Emma is focusing all her attention on her head, Ye Feng grabs another Dante Emma's arm wrapped around her body near her armpit and uses all her strength to pull it. Ye Feng takes off Dante Emma's arm directly.

After the robot arm was pulled out, it was still connected with several things similar to wires, splashing with fire.

Seeing this, Dante Emma immediately stops attacking Ye Feng. She reaches out her hand and grabs the arm that Ye Feng pulled off. Ye Feng takes advantage of Dante Emma's other arm and immediately pulls Dante Emma's other arm. After pulling hard, Ye Feng immediately unloads both of Dante Emma's arms.

Ye Feng also knows that Dante Emma's steel body is not completely impeccable. As long as he has enough strength, let alone unloading his arms, even his head can be twisted off.

Ye Feng thinks of it and immediately does it. Taking advantage of Dante Emma's surprise and confidante, Ye Feng jumps directly behind Dante Emma. One hand tightly strangles Dante Emma's neck, and the other hand breaks Dante Emma's skull. He starts to break back with all his strength. Even Ye Feng's neck is thick, and the green tendons on the recovered skin and flesh of his forehead begin to show, and his mouth is full Barry yelled.

Dante Emma's two broken arms pulled by Ye Feng are like swimming snakes. They keep moving on the ground, and the broken place actually starts to pull the two broken arms back.

Seeing this, she said to Scarlett, "I can't let his arm recover!" Then he ran to one of the arms and pulled up the whole arm.

Seeing this, Scarlett immediately took the other arm and pulled it in the same direction as tug of war. She tried her best not to let Dante Emma's arm recover automatically.

At this time, when Dante Emma saw this, her head was still broken by Ye Feng, and she couldn't move. At this time, he immediately stretched and lengthened his feet, and immediately went to Dixie and Scarlett, and kicked the two women away in an instant.

Dixi Si and Scarlett were directly kicked into the metal wall, heavily fell to the ground, Scarlett even mouth bleeding.

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