Ye Feng knows that Dante Emma wants to find a way to deal with herself from Dixie, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu. Now for Dante Emma, the three women are her biggest weakness. In fact, it is true that Dante Emma can easily hurt Dixie and Scarlett when she is killed by herself.

Ye Feng thinks of this and knows that he can't give Dante Emma any more opportunities. At this time, he roars again and pours all his strength into his injury. He tries his best to break Dante Emma's head. With him snorting and only listening to a click, Dante Emma's brain is really broken off by Ye Feng.

The head, neck and arm were broken off by Ye Feng, which was the same. There were some wires and other things between them, and they were splashed with fire, making a crackling sound.

And not only that, Dante Emma's whole body seemed to be leaking electricity. She began to move more and more slowly, making the sound that would only be made when there was a mechanical failure. Finally, after scratching a few times, she lay still on the ground.

Ye Feng immediately let go of Dante Emma. Instead of immediately checking the injuries of Dixie and Scarlett, he first went to the cylinder steps and operated on the platform. However, he saw that the two coffins immediately burst apart and broke into powder.

After thoroughly solving this hidden danger, Ye Feng jumps over to Dixie and helps Dixie lie on the ground. Originally, Dixie is nothing, but after being helped up by Ye Feng, he vomites blood.

Ye Feng immediately stroked his back and asked if there was anything wrong with him. After a while, he regained his mind and shook his head at Ye Feng, saying that he was OK.

Ye Feng carefully looked at Dixi Si, estimated that she also suffered a little internal injury, should not be a problem for the time being, he immediately flashed to Scarlett.

Scarlett's side at this time Zhuo wanqiu is supporting her. Her injury seems to be more serious than that of Dixie's. There is blood on her chest clothes, but I don't know whether it was caused by foreign businessmen or sprayed on her when she vomited blood before.

Yefeng past, but see Scarlett has fainted, Zhuo wanqiu holding her, a face anxious appearance, see Yefeng came, also sad face toward Yefeng way, "sister Scarlett is dead?"

Ye Feng immediately called Scarlett's pulse, found that there was still breath, immediately told Zhuo wanqiu that it was ok, let her take good care of Scarlett, then returned to Dixie's side, picked her up, went to Scarlett's front and put it down, then looked for a dagger to cut open his arm, and immediately put it on Scarlett's mouth, let her suck her own blood.

Zhuo wanqiu see Ye Feng so, can't help but wonder at Ye Feng way, "what are you doing?"

Ye Feng took a look at Zhuo wanqiu. At this time, the wound on his wrist healed automatically. He immediately drew a knife and continued to put it on Scarlett's mouth. Then he said to Zhuo wanqiu, "I have self-healing ability. Try to see if they have self-healing ability after drinking my blood!"

Zhuo wanqiu listen to Ye Feng say so, heart can't help a burst of surprise, Zheng Zheng ground looking at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng rowed on his wrist three or four times in a row, and immediately began to cut his wrist and feed Dixie to drink blood. After Dixie had drunk for a long time, Ye Feng was relieved. After sitting on the ground and looking at the wound that healed automatically, he looked at Dixie and Scarlett.

Scarlett is still dizzy, and Dixie hums a few times. Ye Feng immediately asks Dixie, "do you feel better?"

Dixi Si Wu own chest, brewed for a long time, this just toward leaf maple point head way, "much better!"

Ye Feng's heart suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, which shows that his guess is right. His healing ability can indeed treat other people's internal and external injuries through blood, but it is possible that his ability will not be inherited.

After a while, Scarlett reluctantly opened her eyes and looked at Ye Feng in amazement. Then she coughed a few times.

Ye Feng saw Scarlett wake up, immediately asked Scarlett, "are you better?"

Scarlett immediately nodded and said to Yefeng, "better!"

Ye Feng nodded and said that's good. Then he stood up and looked back at the robot body of Dante Emma on the ground. At this time, he was still lying there.

Ye Feng then walked over. He was not sure if Dante Emma would come back to life in the same place. After all, Ye Feng only damaged the body of the machine, but Dante Emma's consciousness should still be there.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately went over, picked up Dante Emma's mechanical legs, wasted a lot of energy, and then took off Dante Emma's two legs, and then Ye Feng twisted Dante Emma's waist, which was completely relieved, and sat on the ground looking at the scrap iron.

After sitting there for a short rest, Dixie and Scarlett felt that they were all right. They both stood up and moved.

Then Dixie walked up to Ye Feng and took a look at Dante Emma on the ground. At this time, she asked Ye Feng, "is it completely solved?"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "it's solved on the surface, but I don't know where Dante Emma's consciousness is now and whether it has disappeared!"Hearing this, she took a deep breath. Then she stepped on Emma Dante's chest, grabbed Emma Dante's head with one hand, pulled off the skull of his machine, and threw it on one side of the ground.

Zhuo wanqiu saw Dante Emma's head rolling on the ground, just rolled in front of her, immediately went up and kicked.

Although Dante Emma's brain was kicked away, Zhuo wanqiu immediately sat on the ground and covered her feet, humming.

Seeing this, Scarlett immediately went to help Zhuo wanqiu and said, "you're stupid. What's more powerful than a machine scrap?"

Ye Feng then stood up, went to pick up the head of Dante Emma on the ground, held it in his hand and put it in front of his eyes. After a look, he said, "I don't know if Dante Emma's consciousness is sealed here!"

Dixie Si walked to Ye Feng's side and said, "I don't know, but even here, what can he do? As long as there is no body for him to operate, what's the difference between his consciousness and death?"

Ye Feng looks at Dante Emma's head for a while, thinking that she always feels a little frustrated with this. After all, after so much experience, Ye Feng knows that consciousness is immortal. As long as there is a chance, once she has the right body, maybe Ding Emma will come back to life, so we must put an end to this possibility, while this kind of thing has not happened Before that, it completely destroyed the possibility of Dante Emma.

And at this time, Ye Feng seems to hear a click of sound, suddenly heart under a Lin.

At this time, Zhuo wanqiu was talking to Scarlett. Ye Feng immediately turned back and made a silent gesture towards them. After hissing, he listened carefully. There was indeed a tick tock sound.

However, the voice is very subtle, Ye Feng to prevent their own listening to the wrong, immediately asked Dixie way, "did you hear the voice?"

Dixie went to the side of Ye Feng and listened for a moment. Then he said, "there's a ticking noise!"

Ye Feng immediately attached his ear to Dante Emma's brain shell. Then he found that the ticking sound came from Dante Emma's brain shell.

Ye Feng's face suddenly moved, and then toward Dixie and Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu, you immediately leave here, this head may have some self explosion device.

On hearing this, the faces of Dixie, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu all moved, but Ye Feng immediately thought that it would be better to leave by herself when they left. After all, it's impossible to know when this thing will explode. Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately left the cabin of the spaceship with a flash, and then left the spaceship in an instant, and then left the base after several consecutive flashes When he got to a remote place, he immediately threw out Dante Emma's head with all his strength.

When Dante Emma's robot head was spinning in midair, there was a sudden "bang" sound, and a sea of fire appeared in midair, which immediately filled Ye Feng's eyes, as if the whole world were in the sea of fire.

Ye Feng didn't even think about it. He immediately fell down on the ground, holding his head and burying it in the sand. Then he felt a burst of heat behind him. After a long time, Ye Feng raised his head, but he saw that there was still a sea of fire in front of him, and he was still in the sea of fire. Looking at his whole body, he was burned naked, and his skin was burning It's wrinkled by the fire in the disaster.

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