And Ye Feng also saw a strange scene, his skin side was burned by the sea of fire wrinkled blisters, and then automatically recovered, completely fell into the wrinkled and burned again, re recovery of the wireless cycle, but Ye Feng also saw that his body now can be said to be inviolable.

However, when Ye Feng turned around, he was shocked to see that the sea of fire almost covered the whole Suxi island. The forest on the top of the mountain and the buildings on the base were buried in the sea of fire.

Ye Feng didn't expect that there was a moment bomb hidden in the machine brain shell of the Steller. He couldn't help it. Moreover, the power of the bomb was so great that the whole island of Suxi seemed to be covered by the bomb.

Ye Feng immediately thought that Dixie and Scarlett had been Zhuo wanqiu. Since the bomb was so powerful, maybe they were also affected. Thinking of this, Ye Feng quickly went in the direction of the spaceship and immediately arrived at the patio.

However, when Ye Feng jumps down from the patio, he finds that the opening under the patio has been sealed. Ye Feng thinks that there should be some automatic device in the spaceship, which will seal all the entrances in case of danger.

In this case, Ye Feng was relieved, indicating that Dixie, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu were relatively safe in the cabin of the spaceship.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng looked up at the sky, but saw that the transparent covers shrouded in the sky of Suxi Island were becoming metal one by one.

Before long, the transparent cover of the whole sky turned into a black and silver metal shell, and the whole island of Suoxi was completely dark in an instant. There was only a sea of fire on the island, but in an instant, the whole island of fire disappeared.

Before, this sea of fire filled the whole island of Susi. At this time, the open fire in the air had disappeared, and only the buildings of the base and the woods on one side were still burning.

The air in Suxi island began to get dirty. The air was choking when breathing. Seeing this, Ye Feng thought to himself that if Suxi island was sealed now, the air in Suxi island would be limited. Sooner or later, it would be absorbed.

In the past, if some vegetation and trees on the island had been destroyed by animals, there might still be opportunities for air circulation. But now a big fire has destroyed the vegetation and trees on the island, and the animals on the island are estimated to have been killed and injured countless times. It is a miracle that they can survive. Therefore, the air has completely lost the function of circulation, and it is estimated that the whole island will soon be destroyed What West Island needs most is oxygen.

Ye Feng quickly turned around Suxi Island, and saw that there were charred animal carcasses lying on the ground outside the base. Some of them could even smell the smell of burnt paste. What's more, there was the smell of barbecue, so he almost sprinkled cumin.

After a turn, Ye Feng found that there was no one alive at all, which means that there are only four living people left on the island, including herself, Dixie, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng went back to the patio of the spaceship. At this time, he jumped down again and found that the block in the patio had opened automatically.

After Ye Feng quickly walked into the cabin of the spaceship, he found that the temperature of the cabin didn't change at all, and even the smell of Jiaohu outside the patio didn't come here.

As soon as Ye Feng went in, he saw that Dixie, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu were all looking at each other in surprise. Zhuo wanqiu, in particular, stared at himself with a red face. After a long time, he immediately covered his eyes and screamed, "brother Satan, what are you doing?"

Scarlett and Dixie just recovered and turned around one after another. Ye Feng noticed that her clothes had already been burned to ashes in the fire just now. At this time, she was naked.

Ye Feng coughed and immediately covered his body. Then he asked Dixie, "didn't you hear the explosion just now?"

Dixie is still back to Ye Feng, but his mouth says, "did you say that loud noise just now? Is Dante Emma's head exploding? "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "that's right, and the bomb is very powerful. My clothes were blown up by the bomb. I can't help it. Now the whole island is in a sea of fire, and the forest and base are destroyed in a sea of fire!"

Although Scarlett turned her back to Ye Feng, she couldn't help looking back at Ye Feng and said, "can't we go back to the ground now?"

At this time, Ye Feng looked around and wondered where to find a piece of clothes to cover his body. It was estimated that those clothes in the base had already burned to ashes.

At this time, Dixie took off his coat and threw it at Ye Feng, saying, "you can use my clothes to block it first!"

Ye Feng picked up the clothes on the ground, wrapped them around his waist, tied the two sleeves on his waist, and forced a pull. Then he let out a breath. Although it was still awkward, it was better than wearing nothing.

Scarlett looked at Ye Feng and saw that Ye Feng tied Dixie's clothes around her waist, just blocking the key parts, but her upper body was still exposed. Her tendons were well-defined, and she didn't know whether it was roasted by the fire just now.At this time, Dixie also turned around and looked at Ye Feng. Then she sighed with relief and said to Ye Feng, "so there are only four of us left on the island now?"

At this time, Zhuo wanqiu secretly reveals a finger crack. From the crack, she sees that Ye Feng has put on his clothes. Then she releases her hand and takes a look at Ye Feng's present appearance. She can't help laughing. Obviously, she hasn't thought about the seriousness of the problem.

But Scarlett seemed to react and said to Ye Feng, "if all the animals and plants on the island die, can we live for a long time?"

Zhuo wanqiu was shocked when she heard what Scarlett said. "Sister Scarlett, what do you mean?"

Scarlett said to Zhuo wanqiu, "you think, we are in a sealed environment. The air is limited. Which animals and plants can produce air. Although it may not be much, it can last for a period of time at least. Now that these animals and plants are dead, the air will only decrease, the carbon dioxide will only increase, and we will live for a long time It's getting shorter and shorter! "

Dixie added, "we are all normal people, not the robots of stele. We don't need to eat. We need to supplement our energy and nutrition. Originally, the animals and plants on Susi island are the source of our energy and nutrition. Now, once these are destroyed, we may have to greatly reduce what we have left!"

Hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu looked at her in surprise and said, "so, we are going to die?"

When they heard this, they could not help but look at Zhuo wanqiu, but no one said anything. They did not know whether they would die or when. They just knew that they would not live long.

After pondering for a moment, Ye Feng said to Dixie, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu, "don't be so pessimistic for the time being. There must be a way to get to the front of the mountain. We will always find a way!"

Zhuo wanqiu said at this time, "what else can we do? Now we are floating in the space, and we can't do without Suoxi island. Moreover, it's not the most terrible. The most terrible thing is that in case we meet the interstellar pirates, we will plunder us again, and we will die faster!"

Scarlett said to Zhuo wanqiu, "you've seen too many movies and novels, where are the star pirates? Besides, even if there are, what else can we have to be plundered? We plunder them more or less! "

After listening to Scarlett's words, Ye Feng immediately stares at her for a long time. Then he nods and says, "if there are really star pirates, we may be as good as Scarlett said, and we will be a member of the star pirate army of marauders!"

Zhuo wanqiu looked at Ye Feng in amazement and said, "brother Satan? You mean Are we going to be pirates? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "there's no way to do it. Survival is human instinct. We can't wait to die. If we have a chance, we have to do it. If we are tired of living!"

But we can't kill and steal like the real star pirates. As long as we can ensure our survival, we won't do anything too much

But Scarlett sighed, "well, it's up to us to meet other spaceships or planets with vital signs. So far, apart from us, who else in this space has seen other extraterrestrial life?"

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