People can't help but take a look at Scarlett after hearing what she said. In fact, they all know that in the boundless sea of stars, it's like they were drifting on the sea before. The chance of meeting other people is too low. What's more, it's still a sea of stars. It's not comparable to the ocean on earth.

In other words, don't say that dickis said to be a star pirate and don't do anything too much. Now even if you want to do something too much, you won't be given this opportunity.

Finally, Zhuo wanqiu sighed, "are we going to die here?"

Ye Feng has been pondering and not talking. He has been thinking about things in his mind. Although Suxi island was drifting in the sea of stars, the ecology of the island is almost the same as that of the earth. Under self-sufficiency, he can barely live. Even Ye Feng has thought about whether to live in seclusion here.

But since the explosion of Dante Emmanuel's robot brain shell, the ecological balance of Susi island has been completely destroyed, let alone self-sufficiency here. Even the oxygen it breathes is estimated that it will soon run out. If it goes on like this, it won't take long, let alone living here. It's estimated that it can't support to go there, let alone find a way Back to earth.

The three women are all flustered now, but only Zhuo wanqiu looks at Ye Feng anxiously, expecting that Ye Feng can come up with something, because Zhuo wanqiu always believes that his brother Satan will be able to turn the tide and turn the situation around every time he is in the most dangerous and helpless situation. Zhuo wanqiu believes that Ye Feng can do the same this time.

At this time, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "this spaceship is a product of the stele civilization. It usually needs interstellar crossing and trekking from one galaxy to another. Should there be an oxygen supply system here?"

Scarlett said to Dixie, "don't you see that the so-called stele civilization, their people are all black robots? Have you ever seen that robot need to breathe? "

When she said this, Scarlett suddenly felt a move in her heart and looked at the other three people in a dazed way, "do you mean We all become robots? Can we avoid the disadvantages of insufficient oxygen? "

After hearing this, Dixie and Zhuo wanqiu can't help but move. Zhuo wanqiu repeatedly waves her hand. She has heard Scarlett say to herself before that she has become a robot once. She doesn't want to become that cold machine again.

At this time, she shook her head at Scarlett and said, "this method seems feasible, but in fact, it's not difficult to operate. When they look like in late autumn, you can see that they have no soul at all! What's the difference between that and death? "

As soon as Scarlett heard this, her heart suddenly moved. She saw what Zhuo wanqiu looked like when she became a robot. To tell the truth, she didn't want to be like that. It was just an expedient. But at this time, when she heard what Dixie said, she immediately gave up the idea.

At this time, Ye Feng, who had never spoken, suddenly said, "the reason why Zhuo wanqiu became like that is because Dante Emma manipulated her consciousness. In fact, it shouldn't be like this!"

Dixi Si smell speech eyebrow can't help wrinkling, Scarlett immediately looked at Ye Feng way, "so say, this method is feasible?"

But Ye Feng said to Scarlett, "the method is feasible, but it's the next one. We can't use this method unless we have to. We need to think about other possibilities!"

Scarlett said to Ye Feng, "now, what else can we do? This is the only way for us to survive. Although I don't want to become a cold and dark robot, it's better than waiting to die of lack of oxygen here. Besides, as long as we live, it's possible for us to change back to the original way. Isn't it possible for us to change back from a robot to the present way in late autumn? "

Dixis and Zhuo wanqiu didn't speak, but they all looked at Ye Feng. To tell the truth, in this situation, they can't think of any better way. If they can't, they have no choice but to do so.

But Ye Feng walked up the steps of the cylinder and said to the three women, Dixie, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu, "don't worry. Let me think about it carefully again!"

Then Ye Feng sat on the chair, closed his eyes, raised his head and began to meditate. Before he and Dante Emma transferred their consciousness again, he had mended the common sense and knowledge of the stele civilization. He didn't believe that there was no way to survive in these knowledge and knowledge.

Ye Feng filtered the information he had seen before again and again in his mind, trying to find out what way to do it. After all, if the stele people want to send them from the distant earth to the more distant planet, they should know that the earth people need oxygen to survive, so there must be some way to make oxygen.

But then it occurred to me that at that time, instead of directly taking them away from the earth by spaceship, the stelians moved the whole island of Susi away from the earth, and formed a protective net over and around Susi island. Was the purpose to maintain the ecological balance here and to produce oxygen for them?If that's the case, it means that the Stirling people's way of making oxygen is just like this. That's bad. The Stirling people certainly didn't expect that their own heads would explode, destroying all the ecological balance, causing them to start to lack oxygen now.

Thinking of lack of oxygen, Ye Feng doesn't know if it's a psychological effect. He feels that his breathing is not as smooth as before.

Ye Feng thinks about it. He always feels that with such an advanced stele civilization, there can not be only one solution to a problem. There must be something he has not found.

After thinking about it for a long time, it's a pity that it turned out to be just the opposite of what he thought. He really didn't find that there were other ways in his mind, maybe there were ways. But at that time, he just watched some of the macro, and he couldn't read every memory information. Maybe these ways were in the ocean of information that he didn't see In other words, heaven is going to kill them.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng pondered for a long time, then thought for a moment, still no results, then slowly opened his eyes, a face helplessly looked at the three women.

When they see Ye Feng's expression, they guess that Ye Feng has not found any other way. So, there is only one way. They have no choice but to become robots.

Thinking of this, Scarlett sighed, "it seems that we have only one choice!"

Zhuo wanqiu's face was a little frightened when she heard this. After all, she knew that she had become a robot before. It was like having a nightmare. All day long, she was sitting in the bitter corvee without sunshine. She didn't know when she would be the first. If she became a robot this time, she would rather die.

Dixie takes a deep breath, but does not speak. She still stares at Ye Feng. Like Zhuo wanqiu, she always believes that Ye Feng will lead them out of trouble.

But at this time, Ye Feng said to Scarlett, "it's not easy to become a robot. I used to consume other robots, making their bodies become powder, and then other people were infected and assimilated into robots. Now there are no other robots. How can we do that?"

Scarlett can't help but look back at the body of Dante Emma who has been damaged by Ye Feng and lost her skull. "Isn't there another one here?"

Hearing the speech, Ye Feng can't help but look at Dante Emma's headless robot body lying motionless on the ground, and then sighs, "their mechanism is in the back of the brain. Now the back of Dante Emma's brain has been blown to ashes, it's impossible!"

On hearing this, Scarlett was disappointed and said, "what should we do now? Neither this nor that. Shall we just stay here and die? "

"If we can only die, we can only choose to wait for death. There's no way to do that. There's nothing to be afraid of!"

But Scarlett said, "I'm not afraid. I'm just dying here. I'm not reconciled!"

Zhuo wanqiu could not help nodding and echoing, "yes, I'm not reconciled. I don't want to die in this desolate interstellar world, just like the evaporation of the human world. No one will find out if I die!"

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