At this time, all four of them fell into a deep meditation. The actual situation in front of them is like this. Now it seems that they have no way at all. Even if they want to become robots to avoid the disaster, it seems that they have no chance.

Ye Feng then sat there for a while pondering, suddenly a word came out of his mind - seed warehouse, and then Ye Feng's mouth involuntarily also said, "seed warehouse?"

Dixis, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise. They all ask Ye Feng, "seed warehouse? What kind of seed warehouse? "

Ye Feng didn't say anything. He immediately closed his eyes and began to search for key words about seed warehouse in his mind. Unexpectedly, he found a piece of relevant information.

When stele goes out to conquer other planets, every spaceship will be equipped with a seed warehouse, which includes not only some precious seeds of stele, but also seeds from the planet colonized by stele civilization.

In other words, there should be a seed warehouse on the spaceship where they are now, which means that they can plant seeds here. As long as there are plants planted, they can create oxygen again. This may be the only way for them to survive.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng kept pressing the button on the platform, trying to open the seed warehouse of the spaceship. Maybe it was on one of the buttons.

However, Ye Feng pressed for a long time, and there was no movement on the spaceship, let alone found any seed warehouse. Ye Feng couldn't see it, so he had to keep his eyes closed and continue to look for the relevant information of the seed warehouse, but there was no other information about the seed warehouse except the one he saw before.

In the end, Ye Feng didn't find any other relevant information. Ye Feng couldn't help but feel a little worried. When he opened his eyes again, he saw that the three women were surrounded by the metal wall of the spaceship cabin, looking for something next to the wall, and even had to dig something out of every gap.

But in the end, Scarlett still stayed in front of the string of characters similar to Egypt. After staring at the characters for a long time, she said to Ye Feng, "what do you mean by this passage?"

Ye Feng immediately went to the other side. Scarlett had noticed this character before. At that time, she didn't understand it and didn't think much about it. Now that Scarlett saw this Egyptian character again, Ye Feng was surprised. The Egyptian character here is not plain and without any reason.

After looking at the Egyptian characters for a long time, Ye Feng said, "it must have some special meaning!"

But Zhuo wanqiu said, "if we want to do archaeology, we have to live to continue. Now we are looking for a seed warehouse, aren't we? Why are you talking about Egyptian characters again? "

Although Ye Feng and Scarlett heard Zhuo wanqiu's words, their eyes seemed to be possessed, staring at the Egyptian script.

After watching it for a long time, Scarlett sighed, "it's my fault that I didn't study it well at that time, otherwise I would know what this sentence means!"

At this time, Ye Feng squatted down, reached out and fumbled for a long time on the Egyptian characters. Finally, when he fumbled for a point on one of the hieroglyphs, he felt that it was not completely carved, it seemed that it was inlaid, and it was a little active.

Ye Feng immediately pressed hard at that point. If he didn't want to press it, he heard a roaring sound coming from behind. Ye Feng and other people couldn't help looking back.

However, the cylindrical steps in the center of the cabin of the spaceship began to move down slowly, and soon they were flat with the ground, and the chairs and platforms on them disappeared.

But it didn't mean to stop. The steps of the cylinder began to sink. The outermost circle moved and then stopped. The inner circle continued to sink. After each circle moved a little, it stopped. The inner circle continued to sink and soon formed a downward cylinder step.

The innermost circle, after the other fists had sunk, actually began to spin in place, making the sound of metal friction. After a while, the circular metal disappeared out of thin air, revealing a space below.

Ye Feng saw as like as two peas, and walked down the steps. He looked down at the circular space, and saw that there was a space just as big as the cabin.

After looking at it for a long time, Ye Feng jumped directly into the round cave. Before jumping, he also said to Dixie, "you wait up there. I'll go down and have a look!"

However, after Ye Feng jumped down, he did not directly fall into the space below. Instead, he stopped out of thin air. When Ye Feng looked down, he realized that the circle at the innermost end of the cylindrical step had not disappeared out of thin air, but became transparent and sank a lot. Ye Feng was standing on it.

And the circle is carrying Ye Feng down slowly, just like an elevator. When Ye Feng reaches the ground of the next floor, when he takes a step forward, the circle immediately starts to rise again and returns to the place not far away from the hole. Presumably, the circle is similar to an electric elevator.But at this time, Ye Feng is not interested in studying the alien elevator. What he is more interested in is the secret of the lower floor.

But when he looked around, he found that it was very dark. If his vision had not been improved after genetic modification, he could not see anything at all.

At this time, Dixie, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu are already standing at the entrance of the upper floor. Zhuo wanqiu shouts to Ye Feng, "brother Satan, are you ok?"

Ye Feng answered immediately, and then said to the three women above, "I'm ok. You just stay on top. It's too dark to see clearly. Don't come down. I'll talk about it after I have a look!"

With that, Ye Feng began to walk towards the front in the dark. Unexpectedly, just after a step, a light suddenly appeared on the top. After a while, the light gradually began to light up, just like there were countless circular apertures on the top of his head.

After the whole space was lit up, Ye Feng suddenly moved. Although the space below was almost the same as that above, the pattern was completely different.

The strangest thing is that there are some metal statues with human body and dog's head, or human body and eagle's head everywhere. They look black, but under the light, they emit dark black and silver light.

When Ye Feng saw this scene, he was stunned. After a closer look, these statues were almost the same as those in Egyptian mythology and even those in Egyptian murals. He could not help but wonder, is there any connection between the stele people and the Egyptians of the earth?

Scarlett at the entrance of the cave is also looking at the lower part of the cave. When the lower part becomes bright, she also sees the statues. Her heart is suddenly tight. Her idea is the same as that of Ye Feng. Instinctively, she connects the spaceship, even the civilization of the spaceship, with the Egyptian civilization of the earth.

Scarlett could not help muttering, "isn't this the God of the sun and anubis in Egyptian mythology?"

Hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu couldn't help looking at Scarlett, "Egyptian mythology?"

Dixi Si also can't help frowning, immediately toward Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu way, "you stay in the top!" Then he immediately jumped down.

Dixie immediately and Ye Feng just as, riding the circular transparent elevator, has been to the bottom.

Ye Feng is looking at these metal statues in front of him. He doesn't notice that Dixie also comes down. After Dixie comes to his side, he says, "what are you doing down here? Don't you stay up there? "

"My name is Dixie, the name of the sunset goddess in Greek mythology. Now this is Egyptian mythology," Dixie said to Ye Feng! Don't you think there seems to be some guidance in the dark? "

When Ye Feng heard this, he frowned and said, "guide? What do you mean

Dixie looked at the statues of La and anubis, and then murmured, "myth is now called superstition on earth, but in the vast universe, human beings are too small to explain many things. Maybe myth is science fiction, and the end of science fiction is myth!"

Ye Feng listened to what she said, and could not help looking at her face and saying, "do you mean these mythical characters really exist?"

At this time, Dixie couldn't help but say to Ye Feng, "otherwise, how do you explain that there will be statues of mythical figures of earth civilization in a spaceship of alien civilization?"

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