Yefeng listen to Dixie said, suddenly a burst of silence, in fact, Dixie just said some of his mind, but did not say it.

At this time, when we hear what Dixie said, it shows that Dixie also found this problem. Now the question is, did stele get the statue from the earth, or were they going to transport it to the earth?

However, Ye Feng had seen this stele spaceship come to earth before, and stayed near Susi island all the time. This shows that these statues were not brought from the earth, so they should be transported to the earth by stele people.

There are already these statues and paintings on the earth. Even a civilization has written them into myths and branded them in its own civilization. Can we say that the stele people actually visited the earth thousands of years ago?

Many things feel very novel and novel when you think about it, but when you think about it carefully, you feel that everything is ready to come out, but many details can't be connected. In short, at present, this is still a mystery, waiting for Ye Feng and Dixie to solve.

Ye Feng didn't say much, but continued to walk forward. Besides the statues of La and anubis, there were also statues of several other gods in Egyptian mythology, all of which were made of black and silver metal.

After Ye Feng and Dixie had a turn inside, they finally found a problem. There are dozens of statues of different sizes, all of which seem to be divided into two groups, facing each other.

After taking a look at it, Ye Feng went to the cave entrance and jumped to the upper side. He immediately stood at the cave entrance and leaned down to look at the bottom of the cave. As Dixie was still standing below, the light on the next floor was still on. Ye Feng could see clearly.

After seeing these opposing statues, a thing suddenly appeared in Ye Feng's mind, that is, chess. When he thought of this, Ye Feng's heart suddenly stood in awe. The more he saw the meeting, the more he took a deep breath. It was a super large pair of national chess, and those statues were actually pieces on the chessboard. The reason why the two groups stood in opposition was that chess needed to play We need to fight each other.

Not only that, Ye Feng knows a little bit about chess, and he can see that this is an unfinished game. Seeing this, he can't help thinking, is this the chess played by the Steller people when they were bored on the spaceship? If that is the case, it would be a bit too luxurious to make a chessboard with a cabin.

Dixie looked up at Ye Feng on the next floor and said, "what do you see?"

Scarlett was standing on Ye Feng's side and suddenly said, "isn't this chess?"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but side head to see one eye, Scarlett way, "you will under?"

Scarlett said to Ye Feng, "I'll pass the time when I'm bored!"

Ye Feng immediately said to Scarlett, "well, you and I will finish this game!"

Scarlett sniffed the words and said, "how can I do this? Do you want me to go down and carry the pieces? "

Ye Feng can't help nodding when she hears what Scarlett said. What Scarlett said is right. Such a big piece can't really be carried by herself.

However, since stele is such an advanced technology, there must be some way to make these pieces move by themselves.

Ye Feng thought of brain read a move, and then saw a step of chess, thinking about how to move this step of chess, that chess piece actually automatically walked past.

Ye Feng is just holding a try attitude, did not expect that the chess pieces actually rely on consciousness to control.

Standing below, Dixie suddenly heard a sound of metal moving. He couldn't help looking at it in amazement. Then he looked up at Ye Feng and said, "what's the matter?"

Scarlett also can't help but wonder toward Ye Feng way, "this is you in control of chess? How did you do that? "

Ye Feng immediately said to Scarlett, "just use your brain! Operate with consciousness

Scarlett can't help staring at the chessboard. After watching the chessboard, she thought about how to go. She didn't expect that the chessboard was really moving. She immediately said with a smile, "I didn't expect that I could play chess like this

Ye Feng didn't think much. He just wanted to finish the game as soon as possible. He wanted to know what happened after the game.

Then Ye Feng made another move, urging Scarlett to go quickly, while Scarlett said to Ye Feng, "don't worry, you worry, you also lose. I've seen the end. If you take the first step, I know you must lose!"

Ye Feng said to Scarlett, "is that right? Then hurry up! It doesn't matter whether you win or lose! "

Scarlett immediately moved a move, Ye Feng in the eyes, and then began to take a step, after a while to see Scarlett move a move, said, "will!"

Ye Feng took a look at it. It was a dead move. It was an irreparable defeat. However, he didn't care much about winning or losing. He just wanted to know what would happen after losing the game.

Ye Feng stares at the chessboard for a long time, but he doesn't find any movement. He can't help but feel a sense of loss. Is what he thinks completely wrong? Nothing will happen at all. It's just a pair of national chess played by Stirling people when they are bored.But at this time, Scarlett said, "you still have a way to turn the situation around. Don't you see that?"

Ye Feng hears speech one is stunned, Zheng Zheng ground looks at Scarlett way, "this chess is not dead chess?"? Can we turn things around? "

But Scarlett said, "it's fun to play the final game. Every dead move can turn the situation around. If you play hard, you may be able to turn defeat into victory."

When Ye Feng hears the speech, she immediately asks Scarlett how to turn defeat into victory. Scarlett immediately uses her mind to help Ye Feng move a move. Ye Feng takes a look, and she really saves the day.

Scarlett then moved a move of chess, toward Ye Feng way, "but this will be the next chain will!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown. He stares at the chessboard for a long time and finds that it's another dead move. But he knows that there must be some tricks to turn the situation around. Although he can play national chess, he is not proficient in it.

Scarlett then used her year to help Ye Feng move a step, "this step is to turn defeat into victory, not only to avoid the danger of your king, but also to kill my king!"

Ye Feng stares at the chessboard and finds that it's true. He doesn't see it at all. At this time, the cabin on the next floor suddenly vibrates.

At this moment, all the pieces began to wriggle and return to their original state, becoming a new game.

However, after the pieces were reset, the bottom suddenly began to hollow out, and the pieces fell one by one. Soon all the pieces fell down, and the ground returned to its original appearance. However, without waiting for Ye Feng to recover, the ground in the middle suddenly swelled up, just like the layer where Ye Feng and Scarlett were It's a cylinder, but it doesn't form a step. Instead, it's a transparent cylindrical cabinet, which is divided into countless layers. Each layer has many small containers. In the containers, there are some things that look like plant seeds, but in some places, there are some animal organs in the containers.

Ye Feng immediately jumped down and went to the cylinder. After looking at it for a long time, he found that there was a character in front of each small container in the cylinder cabinet, which must be the name of the recorded seed or animal organ, but Ye Feng couldn't understand the number.

"This is the seed warehouse?" he said

Ye Feng nodded and saw that there were not ten thousand kinds of seeds, and there were thousands of them. Moreover, some animal organs looked very strange. He couldn't help saying to Dixie, "this may be all the seeds and animal organs they collected from colonial planets."

But Dixie was surprised, "they want to collect seeds, I can understand, what do they collect animal organs for?"

Ye Feng said, "maybe it's to save DNA for cloning and resurrection."

He reached out and picked up a container. Unexpectedly, as soon as the container was taken away by him, a transparent display suddenly appeared on one side, forming a film about the seeds in the container.

Looking at the picture, the plants planted on the line look a bit like ears of wheat, but they are different from ears of wheat. Ears of wheat are a string on one root, and there are as many as seven or eight strings on this plant. Combined with the surrounding environment, the ears of wheat grow even higher than trees.

"What's this? Can you eat it? If we plant this on the earth, how much food and clothing will we have to solve! "

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