Ye Feng picked up several plant seed containers, and a video would appear in each container to introduce all the related aspects of this seed, including planting land, climate needs, etc.

After watching a few, Ye Feng picked up some animal organs. After watching the video, he found that many animals they had never seen before. Some of them were like elephants, with long trunks and big ears, but they had wood like skin like crocodiles, and when they opened their mouths, they were full of tusks. They were a pair of teeth Fierce predators.

In addition to these large and ferocious animals, there are also some docile small animals. There is an animal like a rabbit with long ears, but the mouth is like a pig, and the tail is like a wolf, dragging a long tail

In addition, there are a lot of different species that can be found in the earth animals. It's like a bunch of species.

It's a pity to see Ye Feng and Dixie. The universe is too big. They can't recognize all the species on earth, let alone the species of the whole universe.

Ye Feng picked out a few seeds at this time, and then went up to the next level. Together with Scarlett, Zhuo wanqiu and Dixie, Ye Feng said that now they are going out to plant these seeds.

But at this time, Ye Feng suddenly felt that the spaceship was shaking again, and the frequency was very high. When Ye Feng went to the door near the patio, he found that it was completely closed.

Ye Feng then went to the cylindrical steps in the center of the upper spaceship cabin and found a button on the platform, which he knew in the consciousness of the stelians before. This button can make the metal walls around the spaceship transparent.

After the button was pressed, the black and silver metal castings on the surrounding walls began to disperse, and soon all around became transparent.

At this time, Ye Feng noticed that there were stones falling down all around. Dixie, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu went to the side and looked at the situation outside.

At this time, Dixie turned back and said to Ye Feng, "it seems that this spaceship is going to leave Suxi island!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately walked past, stood on the side to have a look, found that really as Dixie said, there are rocks falling around, and the vibration of the spacecraft is more and more intense.

Ye Feng didn't speak yet. At this time, he felt that the spaceship suddenly made a loud bang, and then suddenly began to sink. All four of them stood unsteadily and almost fell down.

And at this time, the vibration of the spacecraft suddenly disappeared, restored the previous feeling, and at this time Zhuo wanqiu looked at a loud voice, "you look!"

Ye Feng, Dixie and Scarlett, looking in the direction of Zhuo wanqiu, saw a huge rock passing slowly by the spaceship. It looked as if the spaceship was about to hit the flying rock.

But after a while, he saw that the rock was far away from the spaceship. Ye Feng looked at it carefully and hissed, "that's Suxi island!"

As soon as they heard this, their faces moved and they looked over there. They found that the huge rock floating away, just like what Ye Feng said, was the whole island of Suxi.

Ye Feng realized that the huge shaking motion of the spaceship just now was that the spaceship was trying to get rid of the vibration from sushi island.

But at this time, Ye Feng's heart is Yilin. Once Susi island is separated from the Starman's spaceship, then the protection of the star for Susi island will be completely lost, which means that all the life on Susi Island, even if just escaped from the explosion, will be dead at this time.

But at this time, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "where's Monica's body?"

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard this. Yes, Monica's body was taken away by Dante Emma at that time. If she was hiding in the base, she would be drifting in space with nasosi island.

Scarlett said at this time, "instead of worrying about Monica, what should we do? Originally, we thought that if we found the seed warehouse, we could plant some new plants on Suxi island to produce oxygen. Now the whole Suxi island has flown away, and our oxygen is less and less. Moreover, there is no food here at all. Even if the oxygen problem is solved, eating is a problem. How can we survive? "

Zhuo wanqiu looked at Scarlett and said, "are we going to be starved here?"

Ye Feng and Dixie didn't speak, but they couldn't help looking at each other. Scarlett's words were indeed a problem. Although there is still some oxygen in the spaceship, sooner or later the oxygen will run out, and Scarlett was right, they still have to face the problem of food shortage.

This spaceship is all made of metal. Although they have a lot of plant seeds of the planet, they don't have the soil to cultivate these seeds. What Scarlett doesn't have is another more serious problem than the food problem, which is the problem of water. Food doesn't last for a few days, but without water supplement, they will die in three days.

In other words, from now on, they have entered the countdown to death, and the God of death has begun to wave to them.At this time, Zhuo wanqiu suddenly said, "you see, the outside of the spaceship seems to be changing!"

Ye Feng, Dixie and Scarlett can't help looking out, but they see that the outside of the spaceship is changing as Zhuo wanqiu said.

It was originally an oval shape, but now it has become a straight line shape, and the upper half has also become a straight line, and the edge section is like two oblique intersecting lines, forming a triangle.

Ye Feng immediately went to the platform and opened one of the buttons. At this time, Ye Feng was familiar with most of the functions of the buttons on the platform.

At this time, a virtual 3D model suddenly appeared in the open space in front of Ye Feng. It was the spaceship of stele star. Standing in the window, you could only see one sidedly. From this 3D model, you can completely see the structure and appearance of the spaceship.

At this time, Ye Feng looked at the change of the spaceship, and couldn't help taking a breath. Scarlett and Dixie looked back at the model, and they couldn't help but wonder, "this is the pyramid?"

Although Ye Feng had already formed this word in his mind, he could not help but feel awe struck when he heard what Dixie and Scarlett said.

Dixie and Scarlett didn't see that the pyramid in front of them was changed by the hull of their spaceship. They thought that what they were looking at was just a 3D model of the pyramid. In fact, the shape of the pyramid was the shape of their spaceship.

Zhuo wanqiu also saw the pyramid and said to Ye Feng, "the corner of the pyramid is the same as what we saw in the window..."

Before Zhuo wanqiu finished, Scarlett and Dixie could not help but be shocked. Then they looked at Ye Feng. Of course, they knew what was going on, but they were not sure.

At this time, Dixie looked at Ye Feng and said, "is the appearance of the Starship a pyramid?"

Scarlett took a breath and said to Ye Feng, "if you say that, are the pyramids on the earth..."

Ye Feng took a deep breath and said, "we can't get any conclusion for the moment. There are many problems we are facing, such as the connection between stele and Egyptian civilization, whether the pyramid on earth is the spaceship of stele But these are not the most important. The most important problem we need to solve now is our survival, food and water, and oxygen! "

Scarlett then stares at Ye Feng sitting in front of the platform for a long time, and then says, "I think you are very skilled in operating this spaceship. Can't you operate it back to earth?"

But Ye Feng said to Scarlett, "there's no way, because the ship's order about the course seems to have been locked. I can't change anything!"

On hearing this, Scarlett sighed, "then we'll have to wait here to die!"

But then, said Dickens, "what is the purpose of these seeds in the spaceship? Is it collected and brought back? "

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "that's not true, and on the contrary, they want to take it to the earth!"

As soon as she heard this, she couldn't help looking and said, "to the earth? What do you mean

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know, but if you think about it carefully, if the pyramids of Egyptian civilization are also spaceships, it means that the stelians have been to the earth long ago, so why hasn't the earth been colonized? And what is the purpose of their going this time? "

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