Ye Feng's question immediately made everyone fall into meditation. After all, since she came to Suxi, she knew that everything that happened surprised them little by little. Every new discovery was enough to shock everyone's palpitations.

From the beginning of human cloning, to the later robot body of Dante Emma, to the later discovery of stele spaceship, then Susi left the earth and flew into space, flying to the planet of essf, then found that the planet of essf and the earth may be a mirror planet, and now found that the star of stele and the Egyptian civilization of the earth are inextricably linked.

All this, all completely beyond everyone's expectation, no one thought that it would come to this step.

Although everyone was at a loss, they soon regained their composure. After all, the immediate task is how to make oxygen and find food and water. Even if you want to be an interstellar pirate, you have to encounter spaceships from other planets or hungry and plundering planets. What's more, there is one most important problem that can't be solved, that is, the navigation of this spaceship from the star people Tao has been programmed. Even if they encounter other spaceships or predatory planets, they will not be able to stop the spaceship. This is the most fatal.

When Ye Feng thought of it, he sighed a little, but then he thought of it. He wanted to find the answer. He must be in the cabin on the second floor. Thinking of it, Ye Feng immediately opened the cabin on the second floor. After waiting, he found that the chess board had become a new wreck.

Ye Feng immediately called Scarlett over and asked her to continue to finish the game. After the seed warehouse appeared again, Ye Feng arrived at the next floor.

Before, he just had a cursory look and did not observe carefully. He thought that the seed warehouse should be more than a seed warehouse.

After looking around the round cabinet, Ye Feng suddenly saw that one of the places where a seed container should have been placed was empty, and there was a string of characters raised in Egyptian. After Ye Feng pressed on it, he suddenly saw a flash of light on his side, and soon a virtual robot appeared, standing on Ye Feng's side , make a few hum, then look at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng frowned and looked at the robot. When he reached out to touch it, it was as if his hand touched the LCD screen. The image of the robot immediately began to take shape. Then the virtual robot stepped back and made a few buzzing sounds. However, after looking at Ye Feng for a few eyes, it immediately made a buzzing sound, but this time it was not There was an obvious electric current sound, and soon the buzzing sound turned into all kinds of noises, just like the crosstalk of the radio station.

After a while, the virtual robot spoke standard English and said to Ye Feng, "what do you need?"

Listening to the robot's fluent English, Ye Feng looked at it in surprise and said, "do you still move the language of the earth?"

I don't want that virtual robot to say to Ye Feng, "I am proficient in more than 6000 languages. In fact, there is only one command for me to speak. I speak stell language, but what I hear in your ears is the translated language and voice!"

Ye Feng then understood what was going on. Just now, the virtual robot kept buzzing, asking what it needed, while the electric current sound was that the virtual robot was adjusting its translation to make itself understand the language.

When they heard Ye Feng talking below, and there was a virtual robot beside them, they couldn't help following curiously.

Ye Feng at this time toward the virtual machine humanity, "do you have any function?"

The virtual robot said, "I have many functions. I am the central system of this spaceship. I can satisfy whatever you need!"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately said to the virtual machine, "brag, I want to eat a hamburger now, can you satisfy me?"

I don't want the virtual robot to say, "hamburger? It should be the food on earth. I can satisfy it, but because of the variety of flavors, what flavor do you need? "

A few people listen to this, can't help looking at the virtual robot, did not expect hamburger can also meet?

Ye Feng immediately asked the virtual machine, "how many flavors do you have?"

The virtual robot immediately said, "as far as I know, the hamburgers of the earth almost use muscle or beef, but we don't have such ingredients, but I found other meat with similar taste instead..."

Just then, on the cabinet of the seed warehouse, several animal specimens floated automatically in front of Ye Feng and others, and said, "here's the Langke meat. This kind of meat is similar to the beef of your earth. There's also the mince Verne meat, which is similar to the muscle of your Earth, but the taste should be better than your muscle..."

Ye Feng suddenly seemed to understand something. The seeds in the so-called seed warehouse were not for them to plant, but for the recipes of stele people?

When I thought of this, I saw a row of metal cabinets suddenly moving out of a wall on one side, all the way to the front of four people. Something similar to a camera automatically protruded from the cabinet and illuminated the containers of several animal organs. Then several pieces of meat appeared on the plane of the cabinet.Seeing this, Dixie asked the virtual machine, "are you artificial meat?"

The virtual robot said, "of course, both ronin and sylvestris Verne have been extinct for thousands of years. We have their specimens and know their DNA, so we can make their meat. Artificial meat has many advantages, such as it won't grow excess fat. Don't you people on earth attach great importance to weight loss?"

Zhuo wanqiu had been staring at the cupboard, but saw that flour appeared on the cupboard again soon. After a while, the flour was automatically put in by a container. When it came out again, it had become bread, and the two pieces of meat of unknown varieties were now cooked automatically. Then a robotic arm automatically stretched out from the cupboard, picked up a container of seeds, and cooked the table from time to time Several pieces of plant leaves appeared on the bread, and then the arm separated the bread by itself, sandwiched the artificial meat and plant leaves in the middle of the bread. Finally, a container appeared, and squeezed something similar to butter into the gap of the bread. Finally, four hamburgers were finished and put in front of four people.

The virtual robot then said to Ye Feng, "Hamburg is finished, please use it!"

Four people can't help looking at the hamburger in front of them. Then you look at me and I look at yours. However, Zhuo wanqiu may be really hungry. He immediately picked up a hamburger and took a bite.

Ye Feng, Dixie and Scarlett all stare at Zhuo wanqiu, but after Zhuo wanqiu takes a bite, they immediately show a face of satisfaction and say to Ye Feng, "it's really the taste of hamburger, brother Satan, you also try it quickly!"

Ye Feng just picked up the hamburger in front of him. After a moment's hesitation, he bit it down. Unexpectedly, he took a bite into his mouth. It's really the same as what Zhuo wanqiu said. There's no difference between this hamburger and the hamburger of the earth.

When they saw this, they both picked it up and ate it. While eating, Scarlett nodded and praised, "that's good!"

After a few bites of hamburger, Ye Feng looked at the virtual machine and said, "if we need any food, you can make it?"

Virtual machine humanity, "this operation is just a small problem, no difficulty!"

Dixie then asked the virtual machine humanity, "as far as I know, stelians are robots, and they don't eat. What do you do with food?"

Don't want to virtual robot, but said, "Stirling people, like you, are human beings who need food, but there is a little difference in appearance. The robot you said is actually Mrs. ace!"

Ye Feng can't help looking at this, "what do you mean? Is Mrs. ace a robot

The virtual robot said, "in fact, it's not, how to say?" After pondering for a long time, he looked at Ye Feng and said, "there's a kind of form on your earth called movie. It's just like what was let go in the movie. In fact, it's Mrs. ace who developed the intelligent system, but soon they were replaced by the immature system. That's why the star ball is soon informed by the intelligent system, and then there are a large number of robots..."

Ye Feng immediately said to the virtual machine, "I've seen the situation of the planet aesf. They are indeed very advanced, but they are not as advanced as you said?"

But the virtual robot said to Ye Feng, "when did you see it? Was it the virtual simulation scene you saw on this spaceship?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "that's right!"

The virtual robot said, "the simulation of this kind of virtual scene, in fact, has time error, which is not at the same time point as the situation of the real aesf planet!"

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