The virtual robot continued to explain, "that is to say, in the universe, there is time refraction. The planet you see may be the situation before or in the future, but it is definitely not the present situation. These situations are completely presented at different time points after time refraction."

When Ye Feng heard the virtual robot say that, he pondered and asked him, "can we understand that? In fact, in the universe, time is not a unified time unit. Maybe it's the 21st century here, and I'll go to another galaxy. Maybe it's the 7th and 8th centuries there, or it's already the 7th and 8th centuries?"

The virtual robot said with a smile to Ye Feng, "you're right. Time doesn't exist at all. It's a conceptual unit of measurement unified by you people on earth for the sake of convenient calculation. In fact, it also includes light years. In fact, in the real universe, these are only the units of measurement in the center of the civilization Committee. Once you leave the civilization or the world This kind of unit of account will not work after the stars are destroyed

Ye Feng then asked the virtual machine humanity, "so all the time and space traversal, is not actually traversed, because of the refraction of time, I went from one place to another place, but the time there does not coincide with our time here, so there is an illusion of time!"

The virtual robot immediately explained, "it's easy to understand, but the real reason is very complicated, such as the universe is a multiverse..." After pondering for a moment, Chao Yefeng said, "with an example of your planet, maybe you can understand it more clearly. When we compare the planet to a cell, there was only one cell in the original universe, and then the planet completed self replication, from one cell to two, and then infinite replication, but in the process of replication and evolution Each cell began to evolve in different directions, and eventually formed a Pluralistic Universe. However, if a universe is described as a cell, the universe will replicate, and then produce different surprises, and finally form a universe different from the former. If it continues like this, infinite repetition means infinite expansion of the universe! "

At this time, the virtual robot continued, "the reproduction process of the previous planets has slowed down, and now what is being carried out is the reproduction of the universe. After the reproduction of the universe slows down, maybe it will be another larger universe formed by the multi universe. Continue to repeat this pattern, and continue to cycle infinitely! In terms of your civilization, the reproduction process of the planet is ancient times, and the reproduction of the universe can be said to be ancient times, followed by modern times, modern times and the future And so on! "

After listening to the virtual robot, Ye Feng suddenly understood that the reason for the creation of a multi-dimensional universe is that the universe is producing the function of replication. The reason why the planet aesf is so similar to the earth is that the universe where the planet aesf is located should be the universe where the replicated earth is located. Only in the primitive stage of replication, the universe should be the universe where it is located Zeus is the same, but after hundreds of millions of years of self evolution, the universe in which aesf is located has evolved a completely different way from the universe in which the earth is located.

It's like twins born to a couple. At the beginning, they may be able to find many similarities, but after growing up, twins will have two different paths, no matter in appearance, character or the whole life track.

Dixi Si and Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu, three women listen to is confused, completely do not understand what the virtual robot is saying.

Zhuo wanqiu then asked the virtual machine, "can you send us back to earth?"

The virtual robot immediately said to Zhuo wanqiu, "in principle, it's OK, but there is a command in my program, which is contrary to your requirements. My ability has not been able to identify which of the two commands is right or wrong!"

On hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu could not help humming, "don't you think you are intelligent? I don't think you are intelligent at all. You can't do this little thing!"

Scarlett didn't wait for the virtual robot to speak, and immediately asked, "what can you do?"

At this time, the virtual robot immediately said, "I can provide you with food and water. I can also produce the oxygen that your civilization needs. At the same time, I can automatically upgrade the defense and attack performance of the spaceship, so as to ensure your safety before you arrive on the planet aesf!"

"Why did you send us to the planet of essf?" asked Dickens immediately

The virtual robot then said, "you may have found that the so-called Egyptian civilization on your planet has a lot to do with aesf. In fact, your understanding is one-sided. Not only your Egyptian civilization, but also the so-called civilization on your planet is a copy of aesf."

Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved when he heard the speech. He always thought that it should be the earth copied by the planet aesf, and then he developed into this. At this time, he could not help asking the virtual machine humanity, "is our earth civilization a copied planet aesf?"

The virtual robot said to Ye Feng, "it's not wrong!"Ye Feng could not help feeling a sense of loss when he heard this, but it was absolutely no problem when he thought about it carefully. Maybe it was because he was a man on earth, so he instinctively took the earth as the center of all things in the universe. Just like the previous geocentric theory, he always felt that he was the center of the universe and the master of all things. This kind of first-class feeling.

Ye Feng immediately thought of a question, immediately asked the virtual machine humanity, "it is clearly the earth's copy of the ESF planet, why our civilization is so much behind the ESF civilization?"

But the virtual robot said, "the process of replication is long. When your universe replicated their universe, it was a time node a long time ago. Well, how can you make it easier for you to understand?"

After thinking for a moment, he said, "are you a clone? In this way, when you clone your original ontology, all the skills of your body are calculated according to the time when you are copied. Then your ontology has any relationship with you. It is likely that it will get better and better, or it may be that you will get sick and die soon after you are copied, but it has nothing to do with you. Your development is totally different It will be affected by your original noumenon. The replication of the universe, well, it can also be said to be cloning. That is far more complicated than copying a person. After all, the process of the replication of the universe is much longer than copying a person. But the truth is interlinked. Do you understand what I say? "

After listening to what the virtual robot said, Ye Feng immediately understood, and immediately turned to the virtual machine, "I understand that when we copied the universe where the planet aesf is located, their civilization did not develop, and then in the process of cloning, the planet aesf developed, but their development has nothing to do with our development, so Our development is not as fast as that of eisf due to many reasons of our own. Is that the truth? "

The virtual robot immediately nodded and said, "it can be said that your universe is copied, and so is the planet of aesf. Now it is estimated that no civilization can find its existence. Another problem is that if the universe has not been cloned, it will not appear again In the case of cloning, it is likely that a universe has only been cloned once so far, but there is another universe that has been cloned countless times. These are random, there is no accurate law, it is just a matter of probability, just like the development of every cosmic civilization! "

At this point, the virtual robot immediately said, "your earth civilization is backward. Do you think our civilization is advanced? But have you ever thought that there are many universes in the multiverse that are even more advanced than our universe Let's say that the progress of your earth civilization is calculated by one person, then a race, and finally a country. But how do you know that in our universe, a galaxy is the unit of measurement! That is to say, the universe we live in, stele, is actually the slter galaxy. People on all planets in one galaxy are one family, and there are people in other galaxies However, in the more advanced civilization, there may have developed into a civilization with the universe as the unit of measurement, but we have not found it yet, but it must exist! "

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