The virtual robot then continued to add, "the universe is pluralistic, and there are infinite possibilities. You think stele is powerful because you are not strong enough. Stele also has amazing civilization. Why do stele people colonize everywhere? That is to prevent being colonized by other civilizations! This is a common panic of many civilizations higher than the earth that you have never seen! It is also the necessity of the development of the universe. The integration of innumerable families into a family must be the leader of a powerful family. The integration of innumerable families into a country must also be the leader of a powerful group. The integration of innumerable planets into a larger unit is also the necessity of the natural law of the universe. There is nothing to say! So at the end of the day, there is nothing right or wrong about what you see. It's just the law of nature. In the words of an ancient man of your earth civilization, it's survival of the fittest and natural selection! "

Ye Feng can actually understand these. This is indeed the law of nature. Human beings claim to be higher life on the earth and have the power to live and kill everything on the earth. How ever did they think about the feelings of animals and plants? In other words, if human beings had not evolved like this, they would have been part of the food chain of other animals. There is nothing to say about this.

But now, although human beings are at the top of the earth's food chain, when they live and kill those animals and plants, they will say survival of the fittest and natural selection, but when they encounter more powerful opponents, they feel that those powerful things are too cruel. In the final analysis, when there are advanced civilizations to kill human beings, in fact, they are essentially nothing like human beings killing pigs and sheep What's the difference? When you kill pigs and sheep, why do you ever have a trace of pity? Then why should advanced civilization show mercy when they kill you?

So eventually, if the earth is destroyed by high-level civilization, it may be sooner or later. When it comes to that day, you don't have to blame high-level civilization, just blame your own development for not being as good as others.

The virtual robot then asked Ye Feng, "is there anything else you need to ask? But in fact, you don't have to ask me too much, because the civilization I live in may also be low-end in the food chain of the universe, so I don't know much about it! "

Ye Feng can not help nodding, "the so-called true meaning of the universe, perhaps poor life will not really understand!"

The virtual robot said to Ye Feng, "I don't know how you understand it, but I can tell you something about it. In a word, there are many impossible problems in the universe that you may not even think about. There are all possible problems in the universe! The rest is up to you to understand! "

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded again. In fact, he still had many questions to ask, but now he felt that it was meaningless. Some things actually didn't need to be understood too thoroughly. If he asked too clearly, he would naturally understand many things at that time. Moreover, even if he understood now, what could he do?

At this time, Scarlett said, "is Egyptian civilization an alien civilization?"

After listening to Scarlett's question, the virtual robot pondered for a moment and then said to Scarlett, "I can tell you that your earth civilization has been eliminated for several generations. You belong to the civilization of the clone and copy of the planet, but you have nothing to do with the planet. Can you understand that?"

Scarlett shook her head and said, "I don't understand!"

Ye Feng has understood what's going on, but he hasn't explained yet. Dixie says to Scarlett, "what he means is that we are not the aborigines of the earth!"

As soon as the virtual robot heard this, it immediately said, "this lady knows better!"

When Scarlett heard this, she couldn't help but say, "we're not earthlings?"

The virtual robot said, "isn't the earth man meaningless?"

But Zhuo wanqiu said, "nonsense, how can we not be earth people? We are evolved from ape man. These are all based on science. Aren't we human beings on earth? We evolved from the monkeys that were raised on earth by aliens before? "

The virtual robot asked Zhuo wanqiu, "the so-called theory of evolution is not completely correct. Isn't Darwin's theory of evolution always insisted in your earth civilization? One of the most important reasons is that so far, you can't find any evidence that human beings evolved from ape man. The main reason is that you can't find any fossils of species between ape man and human beings, and none of them can be found. If you really evolved from ape man to human beings, how could it happen overnight? Today is still ape man, tomorrow will collectively become human? This can only show one thing. Human beings are not evolved by ape man at all, but many years after the extinction of the last generation of civilization, your ancestors landed on the earth from another civilization and stayed! "

Hearing what the virtual robot said, Zhuo wanqiu was shocked and tried to refute it several times, but he always felt that he could not find the theoretical support at all.

In fact, it's not the first time that Zhuo wanqiu has heard what the virtual robot said. Among the human beings on earth alone, someone has put forward such a hypothesis. It's just like human evolution. So far, no substantial evidence has been found.

Scarlett then said blankly, "if it is true, then human beings are really too sad. Maybe they will never find the origin of human beings even if they are poor in human civilization all their lives, because you have said that the universe is infinitely replicated. This replicator, that replicator and that replicator really need to find the origin. I'm afraid they have to find the origin of the universe to find it!"The virtual robot said, "there's nothing wrong, so the origin is a false proposition, let alone can't be found. Even if it is found, what can it do? It's the same as you know that human beings on the earth came out of the womb. When you know that human beings came out of the womb, you have to investigate why they came out of the womb. After finding the sperm and egg, they will tangle with the formation of the sperm and egg. Finally, they trace back to the origin of human beings, and the origin of human beings is the same. Even if you understand, you will ask where the origin is When you know the origin of the universe, you will find out the end of the origin and where all things in the universe come from. When you know all things in the universe, you will also think about before the universe, before the universe Endless, in my opinion, this is a very meaningless thing, but you people on earth are happy about it

Scarlett immediately said, "human beings are full of curiosity about all unknowns, which is also the reason for the progress of human civilization! What's wrong? Does your civilization not ask these questions? "

Virtual robots say, "the progress of human civilization? That's the result of your vision. In the whole universe, human civilization may be the same as the earthworm in your field, or maybe the same as the mosquito, which makes other civilizations hate and despise. Looking at the whole universe, it's pathetic! But do you have a saying that our civilization is also full of curiosity, but our civilization is only curious about the future, only curious about the future, will make greater progress of civilization. Of course, from my civilization's point of view, it may be laughable to see your way of thinking, but if it is another more advanced civilization, it may also feel our way of thinking Ridiculous, so ultimately who is right and who is wrong, there will not be an ultimate answer

Speaking of this, the virtual robot then said, "the mystery of the universe makes people curious. Here, everything is unknown and everything is possible. That's why it's so fascinating! Do you think so? "

Scarlett didn't say anything, but Ye Feng nodded and said, "so I don't want to know where I come from. I just want to know where we are going and what will happen?"

When the virtual robot heard this, it said, "the direction of the fairway is the planet aesf. Maybe only the universe knows what will happen!"

All of a sudden, the whole ship was silent again, and everyone was lost in thought.

After a long time, the virtual robot said, "is there anything else I can do for you? If not, I'll leave first? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "give us a few cups of coffee first!"

The virtual robot immediately said, "coffee doesn't exist, but it can make substitutes!"

Ye Feng said it was OK. The virtual robot immediately began to make "coffee", and soon four cups of "coffee" appeared in front of the public.

After Ye Feng got up and drank a cup, he felt that the taste was almost the same as coffee. Then he said to the virtual machine, "as long as the goal has not changed, how does it run in the middle of the way? Is there any regulation?"

Virtual robot listen to Ye Feng so a say, immediately a burst of ponder, then said, "that didn't!"

Ye Feng asked the virtual machine, "what about time? Are there any restrictions? "

The virtual robot immediately said, "I remember I said before that time is just the product of your earth civilization. For us, there is no concept of time!"

Ye Feng immediately said with a smile, "that's easy to do!"

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