Dixie, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu are all puzzled about Ye Feng's problem. Even the virtual robot doesn't understand what Ye Feng means. How can it be easy to do?

The virtual robot then asked Ye Feng, "what do you want to do?"

Ye Feng shrugged at the virtual robot and said, "are you omnipotent in this spaceship?"

The virtual robot said to Ye Feng, "it depends on how you look at this problem. If you take your earth civilization as an example, I can say that I am omnipotent. But if you compare it with a higher civilization, maybe in their eyes, it's just like the stinky insects you see on your planet. It's not worth mentioning at all!"

Ye Feng immediately asked, "I'll ask you a few questions!" Then he immediately said, "first of all, can you sense other people's consciousness?"

The virtual robot said, "the consciousness in your mouth is actually a series of numbers. It can also be said that everything in the universe is just a game of numbers in the final analysis. All kinds of permutations and combinations produce different results."

Ye Feng said that the virtual robot said, "you don't have to explain so much to me, I may not be able to understand, you just need to tell me, can you know the existence of consciousness?"

The virtual robot immediately said, "yes!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "so can you feel Dante Emma's consciousness?"

After pondering for a while, the virtual robot said, "Dante Emma, there is a lot of consciousness in this spaceship, but it may take a little time to find the person you said. I need to read their consciousness before I can determine who Dante Emma is!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded to the virtual robot and said, "give you time to read!"

The virtual robot immediately stopped talking, as if it was really looking for Dante Emma's consciousness.

At this time, Dixie asked Ye Feng, "what are you going to do?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "there are too many ways to exist in the universe, and there are also many possibilities. There are too many unknowns in the things we are facing. We have wasted too much time on Dante Emma. If it wasn't for him, maybe we would have left Susi long ago, and we would not be in the present situation, so I have to eradicate Dante Emma completely, no longer Leave yourself any future trouble

Dixi si a listen to this words, immediately a burst of sigh, but don't know how Ye Feng want to root out a dead person to them.

At this moment, the virtual robot immediately said, "we have found Dante Emma's consciousness!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "can consciousness be eliminated?"

The virtual robot immediately said, "as I explained to you just now, consciousness is a series of numbers, and the combination of each consciousness is different numbers. That is to say, the formation of consciousness is an addition, and the way to eliminate it is subtraction. This low-end operation is too easy for me!"

And the virtual robot immediately said, "what? Do you need me to help you get rid of this consciousness called Dante Emma? "

It was Ye Feng who pondered for a moment and didn't speak. Dixie, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu all looked at Ye Feng, as if they were waiting for Ye Feng's answer.

At this time, Ye Feng asked the virtual machine, "do you have any way to materialize your consciousness?"

The virtual robot was surprised and said, "do you mean that I want to communicate with this consciousness and want to see him?"

Ye Feng is toward the virtual machine humanity, "the product of higher civilization is really good, understanding ability is really much higher than our earth human!"

The virtual robot says, "I can do it!" Then he saw another virtual character on the side of the virtual robot.

Ye Feng and several of them saw that the man was actually what Dante Emma looked like when she was a human. Ye Feng guessed that it was the virtual robot that read the original appearance of Dante Emma from Dante Emma's consciousness, so he visualized him according to Dante Emma's consciousness, and then he became what he is now.

However, Ye Feng, Dixie, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu look at the virtual Dante Emma in front of them, only to find that he is a little dazed and doesn't seem to feel their existence.

Ye Feng immediately asked the virtual machine, "can't he see us?"

Virtual machine humanity, "do you want him to have a sense of you?"

Ye Feng said, "not only to have induction, but also to be able to communicate!"

The virtual robot immediately said, "absolutely!"

After that, Ye Feng can't see any change in the virtual Dante Emma. Suddenly, he looks at Ye Feng and Dixie in surprise and says, "how did you suddenly appear?"

Ye Feng said with a smile to Dante Emma, "it's not that we suddenly appear, but that you suddenly appear. You may not realize that you are dead, right?"

Dante Emma was stunned and looked at Ye Feng. Then she looked around and found that she was still in the spaceship. She took a surprise look at the virtual robot not far away from her. Finally she looked at Ye Feng and said, "am I dead? Where am I? "Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "don't waste your time asking these questions, because I can't explain them to you, and I don't want to waste my time explaining anything to you. The main reason for calling you out is that we grew up together after all. We've known each other for such a long time. We say goodbye to you before you die completely!"

When Dante Emma heard this, she looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "didn't you say I was dead? What is total death? "

Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "now you only have consciousness. I'm going to completely eliminate your consciousness and make you disappear from now on."

Dante Emma smell speech face suddenly move, immediately toward Ye Feng said, "wait a minute, Satan, I'm dead, I'm just a virtual way of existence now, have had any adverse threat to you, why do you want to kill?"

Ye Feng said with a smile to Dante Emma, "I know you very well. As long as I give you a chance, you may not be able to make waves in the future. I don't have the time to fight with you again and again. Goodbye!"

As soon as Dante Emma heard this, she immediately said to Dixie, "Dixie, help me to persuade Satan. Anyway, we grew up together and climbed out of the dead together. I know I'm very bad. I've done a lot of sorry things to you, but from the beginning to the end, I didn't hurt you, and you were already dead. I raised you, Even if you don't care about other friendships, you can see that I saved you. You let Satan let me go! "

As soon as she heard this, she looked at Dante Emma with hesitation.

Scarlett immediately said to Dixie, "don't listen to him. Although he saved you, it's also for his own sake. He just wants to use you to deal with Satan!"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately said to Dixie, "sister Dixie, you can't be soft hearted at this time. Don't forget how many bad things this guy has done?"

Ye Feng looked at Dixie and said, "it's up to you whether Dante Emma lives or dies!"

Dixie stared at the crowd, but did not speak.

And Dante Emma immediately said to Dixie, "I can promise that as long as you don't do so much, I will change my mind from now on, and I won't be your enemy any more. Besides, I know that you must still be trying to come back to the earth, leave me, one more person, and maybe help you. What's more, I only have consciousness now, There is no threat to you any more. If you don't want to see me, banish my consciousness into the universe. From then on, we won't be involved any more, will we? As long as you don't completely eliminate my consciousness, you can do whatever you want with me! "

After hearing what Dante Emma said, Dixie immediately looks at Ye Feng, but Ye Feng doesn't say a word at this time. It's obvious that he really gives the power of Dante Emma's life and death to Dixie.

After pondering for a long time, he said to Ye Feng, "why don't you banish him to the universe?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at Dixie and said, "your heart is still too soft! That's your biggest weakness

Dante Emma immediately said to Ye Feng, "Satan, you have said that you will leave me to Dixie to deal with. Now she has said that she will exile me. You can't say anything, can't you?"

"The universe is so big and complicated. After banishing him, we may never see him again. It's no different from killing him. Let him live and die in the universe."

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