Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, Dante Emma immediately said to Ye Feng, "Satan, you just said, let Dixie be the master. Since Dixie has already said, are you still like this? It's clear that you don't mean what you say... "

Before Dante Emma finished, Ye Feng immediately asked the virtual machine, "if you banish a person's consciousness in the universe, can you do it?"

The virtual robot immediately said, "it's not difficult. Consciousness itself is just a character signal. It's very easy to put it into the universe!"

Ye Feng nodded, and then said to Dixie, "as I said just now, it's up to you to decide what to do with it! Everything is up to you

Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu could not help looking at Dixie when they heard that. Zhuo wanqiu said, "sister Dixie, you have to think clearly!"

Scarlett also comforted Dixie and said, "yes, once you let him go, he will wander in the universe, but it doesn't rule out that he won't make trouble in the future. Although the probability is very small, we should never suffer from it again, which is the safest way!"

After pondering for a while, he said to several people, "I can understand what you are worried about, but after so many things, don't you find that in fact, in the vast universe, human beings are so small, even men who are as resolute as Satan on the earth are placed in the universe, which is no different from a worm, and The universe is so big, it's fate to get to know each other. Dante Emma is damned. But after all, he is also a human and used to be our companion. Now in the universe, even if he can't go with each other any more, he doesn't have to die. Maybe you're right. He won't change. What will he do if he meets us again? I don't deny the possibility, but we all know the probability of placing it in the whole universe. I only represent my opinion. If you really disagree, I respect your opinion! "

Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu are silent, and then the three women all look at Ye Feng. In fact, they all know that although Ye Feng has given the power of Dante Emma's life and death to Dixie, Ye Feng is the only one who really controls the whole scene.

Dante Emma at this time also understand this truth, at this time he did not say a word, just staring at Ye Feng, looking forward to Ye Feng's answer.

However, Ye Feng did not make a statement. After a long time, he took a deep breath and said to Dixie, "I'd better respect your decision and exile Dante Emma!"

When Zhuo wanqiu wanted to say something more, Scarlett said, "since there are so many of you, I have no opinion!"

Listen to Scarlett also say so, Zhuo wanqiu also had to echo a way, "you all have no opinion, I also have no opinion!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded, and then toward the virtual machine humanity, "then banish his consciousness into the universe!"

The virtual robot immediately said, "no problem, this operation is very simple, as long as you are sure, it can be completed immediately!"

Ye Feng took a look at Dante Emma and said, "your life is saved by Dixie. I hope you can be a good man if you have another chance to be a human again. Don't let Dixie Down!"

Dante Emma immediately said to Ye Feng, "I know, I understand..." Then he immediately said to Dixie, "Dixie, thank you!"

Dixie just nodded at Dante Emma, but said nothing.

And Ye Feng at this time toward the virtual machine, "operate it!"

As soon as Ye Feng's voice fell, the virtual Dante Emma disappeared immediately, and the virtual robot immediately said, "the operation has been completed!"

Everyone could not help but take a deep breath. At this time, Zhuo wanqiu said to Ye Feng, "Oh, did you forget to ask Dante Emma about Monica's whereabouts?"

Ye Feng Wen Yan Chao Zhuo wanqiu way, "Monica has died!" Then he immediately said to the virtual robot, "help me find the consciousness of a woman named Monica. Let her come to see me!"

The virtual robot immediately said, "later!"

as like as two peas of a virtual robot, a virtual human form appeared. No one else was Monica. The virtual Monica was exactly the same as herself.

Ye Feng immediately said to the virtual machine, "I want to communicate with her!"

The virtual robot immediately said, "can communicate!"

Without waiting for the virtual robot to finish, the virtual Monica immediately said to Ye Feng, "why am I here? Where is this?"

Ye Feng immediately said to Monica, "this is in space!"

At this time, Monica noticed that there were three women standing beside Ye Feng. She couldn't help but be stunned. Then she said to Ye Feng, "this is the female friend you are trying to save. Don't you mean two? How did you become three?"

Zhuo wanqiu waved to Monica and said, "Hello, I'm Zhuo wanqiu!"

Seeing Zhuo wanqiu's innocent face, Monica thought that she was still a little repellent to her. She didn't expect that Zhuo wanqiu didn't have such an idea at all. Instead, she seemed a little stingy and immediately gave Zhuo wanqiu an embarrassed smile.Scarlett also introduced herself to Monica at this time. "You said that Satan tried every means to save only me and Zhuo wanqiu!"

Monica nodded to Scarlett, then looked at the silent Dickens, "so you are..."

Ye Feng said to Monica, "she grew up with me, Dixie!"

Monica smell speech immediately toward Dixie stretched out a hand, "Hello, Dixie, I'm Monica!"

Dixie saw that Monica stretched out her hand to herself, and instinctively stretched out her hand to Monica, but the two hands crossed at the moment of intersection.

When dishiston came back, he realized that Monica was not a human being, but a virtual being.

But Monica looks at Dixie in surprise, and then looks at Ye Feng and says, "why? What's wrong with me? "

When Ye Feng thought about how to explain to Monica, she heard her continue to say, "am I dead? I'm a soul now, that's why I'm like this? "

Zhuo wanqiu said to Monica, "to be exact, you are dead, but you are not a soul now. You should be just a consciousness. It is this virtual robot that finds your consciousness and presents you in front of us with 3D imaging technology, so that we can see each other!"

"What she said is true?" she said

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng said to Monica, "yes, it's about like this!"

As soon as Monica heard this, she was stunned. She didn't recover for a long time, but she kept saying, "then I'm still dead?"

Ye Feng then said to Monica, "but you don't have to worry. As long as your consciousness doesn't go out, we will certainly have a way to revive you!"

Listening to Ye Feng's words, Monica couldn't help staring at Ye Feng for a long time. Then she nodded and said, "I believe you. As long as you say it, I believe you can do it!"

Ye Feng nodded to Monica solemnly, "yes, I will have a way, so you don't have to worry. Besides, we're not all here now. We can talk with you. You won't be alone!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Monica immediately feels relieved. Although she feels that her body is virtual now, except for touch, it seems that there is almost no difference between herself and living.

Ye Feng at this time but toward the virtual machine humanity, "do you have cloning technology?"

The virtual robot said, "cloning technology is all pediatrics. What you just drank and ate is all done through cloning technology!"

Ye Feng is toward the virtual machine humanity, "those are to eat and drink, I said this thing clone human!"

But the virtual robot said to Ye Feng, "there is no essential difference between people and what they eat and drink. As long as they are all cellular creatures with DNA genes, they can complete cloning and replication!"

Ye Feng listened to the virtual robot, and was shocked. She was afraid that she could not find her body. She must have been burned clean by the previous fire.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng asked the virtual machine, "if there is no DNA gene, can it be cloned?"

The virtual robot said, "without her DNA code, it can't be cloned. It's like creating a new body!"

Ye Feng had been disappointed when he heard the first half of the sentence from the virtual robot, but he didn't expect to hear the second half. He immediately asked, "so what do you mean is that you can make a body?"

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