The virtual robot immediately replied, "yes, you can understand that. I can help her make a dress. Although the dress is only the same as before, it must be very similar. The gene must be different, but the consciousness is still her own!"

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard this. That is to say, the virtual robot can create a clone of Monika in the shape of Rubik's cube, and it can carry the consciousness of Monika. But the gene of the body is completely different from that of the previous Monika, and even the blood type is different. In the final analysis, there is no perfect blood type for the reconstructed Monika It's too late.

But Ye Feng said to the virtual robot immediately, "no problem, you can make it now!"

The virtual robot then said to Ye Feng that later, it would start to stop talking, presumably to clone Monica's body.

Monica said to Ye Feng, "thank you! Save me again

Ye Feng then took a deep breath and said to Monica, "don't thank me first. After you come back to life, you will know that we are still facing many problems. Life and death are uncertain. Your resurrection may not be a good thing. Maybe it's just to come out and die again!"

Don't want to Monica this time but toward Ye Feng said, "die, die with you, how also worth it!"

However, after saying this, it seemed that it was not right to look at them. When they saw that they were looking at themselves, they avoided their eyes and said, "I mean, it's better to die with you than to be alone in the endless darkness!"

Ye Feng didn't pay much attention to these, but looked to the virtual robot, waiting for the result of the virtual robot.

And at this time, but see in the virtual robot and virtual Monica, began to appear a dozen small robot arm, began to work.

In a moment, I saw a pair of feet appear in front of me, but the top of the ankle is still a variety of green and blue intersecting laser, and it's still constantly intertwined, the ankle is still slowly growing up, and it won't take a while to reach the calf.

Although Ye Feng has not seen the formal cloning process, he also knows that it should be different from the earth's cloning technology. It's more like the earth's 3D printing technology, which is completely printing a body of Monica.

Dixie Si and Scarlett have been Zhuo wanqiu three people see is also a trance, completely did not expect that the virtual robot will be so made of Monica's body.

And virtual Monica at this time to see the scene in front of her, is also a face of surprise, staring at his body in the future, see a daze.

Soon, it has been made above the thigh. However, because it is a clone made, this mode is no different from the earth, that is, there is nothing on the body.

Seeing this, Monica can't help blushing. Then she makes it up. She's really seen everything by Ye Feng. Although her body is not her own at present, she always feels uncomfortable.

Ye Feng also seems to see Monica's embarrassment at this time, and immediately turns around and says to the virtual robot, "by the way, get her a suit of clothes!"

The virtual robot didn't speak. It seemed that when it was working, it was full of devotion, as if it didn't hear what Ye Feng was saying.

as like as two peas, Monica's upper body was already made. The two of them were staring at it. After a while, Monica's body showed up. The face was exactly the same as Monica. If he did not say, no one would know that the body had nothing to do with Monica.

At this time, the virtual robot suddenly began to speak, "it's done, now put consciousness into the body?"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately looked back, but saw a body naked Monica is standing there motionless, Ye Feng immediately turned around, and toward the virtual robot said, "get her a suit of clothes!"

The virtual robot says to Ye Feng, "it's a waste of your earth civilization. What clothes do you need to wear? These are all things that can be used as other raw materials, but they are used to make clothes. Aren't you born with nothing to wear?"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately said to the virtual machine, "this is our shame! What do you know? "

The virtual robot said to Zhuo wanqiu faintly, "when your life is in danger at any time, and the whole planet and even the galaxy are destroyed by other galaxies, you will not consider what shame is!"

Virtual robot said also did not wait for Zhuo wanqiu retort what, immediately toward Ye Feng way, "since you need, I will do a set!"

Then the virtual robot immediately began to make clothes for Monica, but the process was very fast, and it was completed in less than two minutes.

After the virtual robot has agreed, Ye Feng turns around to see that Monica is already wearing a white T-shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans.

The virtual robot then asked Ye Feng, "now start to put into consciousness?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded again, then looked at the virtual Monica and said, "are you ready?"Virtual Monica immediately nods to Ye Feng. She is not only ready, but also looking forward to it.

Before, Monica was only conscious. She felt that there was nothing around her. She couldn't hear anything, see anything, or even feel anything. She was always in fear. Now she is overjoyed to see Ye Feng again. But the only regret is that she is virtual. She can't touch Ye Feng physically. If she can do it again Man, that would be great for Monica.

At this time, Ye Feng let the virtual robot start to operate. After the virtual robot answered, the virtual Monica disappeared. However, he could not see what the virtual robot was operating, nor could he see anything abnormal in Monica's reconstructed body.

After more than ten minutes, Zhuo wanqiu was the first to see Monica's hand, and immediately excitedly said to Ye Feng, "brother Satan, her hand is moving!"

Ye Feng actually saw Monica's hand moving. At this time, he nodded and answered, but his eyes continued to stare at her.

After about five minutes, I didn't see what happened to Monica. The virtual robot over there said, "OK!"

Ye Feng hears that Yan stares at Monica for a long time, but she still doesn't move. If Zhuo wanqiu doesn't see that Monica's hand is moving, she will doubt whether she is wrong.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he asked the virtual machine, "OK? How can I see that she is still so motionless

The virtual robot then said to Monica, "you can open your eyes..." Then he explained to Ye Feng, "it's not her body after all. It takes a little time and patience to fully achieve the 100% matching fusion of body and consciousness."

At this time, Monica slowly opened her eyes. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw that Ye Feng was standing in front of her. Suddenly, Monica showed a smile on her mouth. Then she wanted to run to Ye Feng and hold Ye Feng.

Don't want to Monica just took a step leg, immediately a instability, toward the front fell in the past, Ye Feng see immediately step forward a few steps, instantly hugged Monica, and then hold Monica way, "are you ok?"

Monica shakes her head. At this time, she feels that the feeling of Ye Feng embracing her shoulder is so real. The tears of excitement are coming down.

Virtual robot is toward Ye Feng and Monika Road, "just reached consciousness into the body, can't have not learned to walk, want to run! You have to take your time. It's too urgent! "

Ye Feng said to Monica, "you heard me too. Don't worry. Take your time!"

Monica looks at Ye Feng happily and nods her head.

Seeing Ye Feng holding Monica, Zhuo wanqiu feels a little uncomfortable. Then she comes over, holds her and says to Ye Feng, "I'm here. You're a big man. How can you do these little things? I'll teach her to walk!"

Ye Feng sees that Zhuo wanqiu helps Monica away, but Monica looks back at herself with a reluctant face. Obviously, she wants to let herself come.

But Ye Feng didn't speak yet. At this time, he suddenly stopped the virtual machine and said, "no, I found the warship in front of me!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help looking out of the window, but he couldn't see anything with his naked eye. There was nothing outside except the occasional passing Galaxy nebula.

Dixie Si and Scarlett originally also stare at Monika to see, at this time smell speech can't help but facial expression is to move a way, "battleship?"

The virtual robot said, "there is still a distance between us. According to the speed of our spaceship and the speed of that warship, it should be In your Earth's time, it can happen within 24 hours, unless it suddenly changes course! "

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