Ye Feng listened to the virtual robot, his heart can not help a Lin, surprised to see the virtual machine, "within 24 hours, you can know?"

The virtual robot said to Ye Feng, "this spaceship has a detection system, which is the same as my system. I can master every move on the spaceship, not to mention 24 hours. I can survey everything in 24 years, but it's too far away and uncertain. There's no need to inform in advance."

When Ye Feng heard this, he couldn't help but move. Then he asked the virtual machine, "is that warship an enemy or a friend? Can this be investigated? "

The virtual robot said to Ye Feng, "where is the advanced technology? Even if there is one, it must be a higher civilization. We are still in the stage of galactic civilization. We don't have that ability yet

Ye Feng can't help but frown at the virtual robot, "Galaxy civilization? Do we belong to galactic civilization? Is this hierarchy? "

The virtual robot sneered and said, "I said that we are galactic civilization. What I said about stele galaxy is not that the earth, your earth, belongs to the lowest planetary civilization! Don't tell us that you don't know on earth that civilization is divided into seven stages in the universe! "

Ye Feng frowned and said, "maybe, but I'm not engaged in Galaxy research. How can I know so much?"

The virtual robot said to Ye Feng, "let me tell you, there are seven levels of civilization in the universe so far. The first level of civilization is the planetary civilization represented by your earth, which can also be called planetary civilization. This civilization can break through the gravitational shackles of its own planet and enter space. It can preliminarily explore and colonize planets in the stellar system. Medical technology can cure people Like a known disease, basically master the laws of cosmic physics and the chemical elements in the galaxy, develop energy and initially realize the ability of nuclear polymerization. It seems that your earth is still at the bottom of planetary civilization, isn't it

When Ye Feng heard this, his heart suddenly moved. For a long time, he didn't say anything. The progress of human beings is only a few years after landing on the moon, the moon's moon. Now he has just landed on Mars. His understanding of Taixing is only the skin of the skin. If so, what virtual robots say is right. The earth's civilization is really at the lowest level Already.

At this time, the virtual robot continued to say, "the second stage is the stellar civilization, which can use the stellar energy as the energy source for space exploration. What we are talking about here is not the low-end solar energy of your earth, but to fully use the energy of your sun to transform it into a warp engine, which can eventually carry out the exploration outside the stellar system and reach other stellar systems, and to achieve the goal of space exploration The human body is implanted with smart chips to strengthen the body, and began to contact with other alien civilizations of the same civilization level and try to explore the four-dimensional space. From this step, your earth still has a long way to go, but there are too many unpredictable things in the universe, I hope your earth can survive to that day

Ye Feng can't help whispering that he can reach the crossing between stars. These estimates can only be seen in science fiction movies in Europe and America.

The virtual robot then said, "the third level is galactic civilization, which is the civilization level of our star stele! At this level, science and technology have reached the peak of dimension. They can start space-time shuttle for interstellar travel, understand black holes and grasp multi-dimensional space, have the opportunity to contact with higher civilizations of other galaxies, and have the ability to colonize civilizations lower than this level. They can develop and modify DNA information to strengthen ontology. At the same time, the demand for scarce element resources has increased significantly, but it will also lead to the decline Conflict with other hostile civilizations. "

Listening to what the virtual robot said, Ye Feng suddenly thought that the memories read from the robot's brain were all images of stele people colonizing other planets.

At this time, the virtual robot looked at Ye Feng, who didn't speak. "Do you still need me to introduce you? I feel that it may take thousands of years, or even longer, for your earth to reach the civilization of our star stele. Even if I tell you now, you are far behind! "

Zhuo wanqiu then supported Monica to one side and said to the virtual machine with great interest, "it's OK for you to talk, unless you don't know!"

The virtual robot said faintly, "it doesn't help me to use provocation. I'm an existence without temperament But since you want to know, I can tell you! "

At this point, the virtual robot went on to introduce, "the fourth level civilization is called the superstar civilization. When it comes to this kind of civilization, it has gone beyond the scope of ordinary intelligent civilization, and our star stele has been marching towards this level of civilization. However, it is estimated that it will take a long time, and it doesn't even need your earth to upgrade to a horizontal civilization. How short is it Multi dimensional space shuttle is no longer subject to the limitations of life itself, but the demand for resources for interstellar war will cause the destruction of other civilizations, and begin to grasp that dimension reduction strike can threaten hostile civilizations of the same level. "

Ye Feng can't help but wonder, "no longer restricted by life? Isn't stell already there? "

The virtual robot said to Ye Feng, "what you know is only a part. Let me tell you, the artificial intelligence of stele is very developed. All the so-called robots you see are just the slaves and soldiers of stele people. The real stele people don't need to do these inferior things, but our artificial intelligence and the fourth level superstars There are still some differences between different cultures! It may take a long time to explain to you. Anyway, you can't reach this point, so I don't have to explain anything to you! "Zhuo wanqiu then asked, "the fourth level is like this. Aren't all the immortals below?"

The virtual robot said, "it's still early. The following is the fifth level civilization. This level civilization can survive in multi-dimensional space and make use of different dimensional space to produce the resources it needs. Therefore, instead of carrying out interstellar war, it will become the defenders of space. They are generally called multi-dimensional space civilization, which is usually the high-dimensional civilization admired by ordinary intelligent civilization. They will help us Help the lower civilization to progress and not be destroyed by external danger. Maybe the God you human beings admire is this kind of higher civilization. But this kind of civilization is just some lower gods! There is still a big gap with the real God

After a pause, the virtual robot continued to say, "the next step is the sixth level civilization. This civilization can realize the travel between the universe and other universes, which is called cosmic civilization. They are no longer restricted by the rules of the universe. They are separated from the physical form, become the maintainers of the order and rules of the universe, and can adapt to the multi universe environment."

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words, "don't we just go to another mirror universe? You also use the power of cosmic civilization? "

The virtual robot said to Ye Feng, "this kind of travel, to put it bluntly, is still Galaxy travel. If it is called the universe, it is at best a small universe. The universe I am talking about here is a universe composed of innumerable small universes, a super large universe! This kind of crossing with us is not a concept at all. You don't understand too much! "

Zhuo wanqiu anxiously asked the virtual machine, "what about the last level of civilization?"

The virtual robot then said, "the last level of civilization is the final level of civilization. This kind of God level civilization can no longer be called civilization. This kind of civilization should be just a legend. Whether it exists or not is a question mark. According to my current judgment, no civilization can develop to this stage, because this kind of civilization does not exist in the universe It's inside the universe, but outside the universe. It's the creator of the universe, the creator of the rules of the universe, the God in charge of the sixth level civilization, and the God in the true sense. Even if all civilizations are destroyed, there is no chance to see this kind of civilization, unless we can transcend the universe! "

Ye Feng heard here, a sigh, but after listening to so much, in addition to shock, has been unable to describe the mood at this time.

At this time, the virtual robot said to Ye Feng, "well, the seven civilizations have been introduced. Do you feel that your earth is here and is nothing at all?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "before I compared the earth to the universe, I always compared the earth to insects. Now it seems that even insects are inferior to each other!"

The virtual robot said, "although there are many higher civilizations, it doesn't mean that your earth has no chance at all. It just depends on your chance. It's not the development of civilization, it must be upgrading, and it may be waiting for destruction!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "a lot of technology burst out, isn't it just a coincidence, so don't force it!"

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