When Ye Feng said this, he suddenly thought of a question, and immediately asked the virtual machine humanity, "our earth civilization belongs to planetary civilization, your star belongs to galactic civilization, so what civilization does our destination eisf belong to?"

The virtual robot said, "it should be a star civilization!"

Ye Feng immediately asked the virtual robot, "so what is the purpose of our going? What's the connection between your star stele and Elsie

The virtual robot pondered for a moment, then said to Ye Feng, "this problem, when you get to the planet of essf, you will naturally know. You may not understand me when I explain it to you!"

Ye Feng also looked at the virtual robot for a long time without saying. He always felt that the virtual robot was just evading this problem. Is it more complicated to explain the reason for going to eisf than to explain the civilization level? It's just because the virtual robot doesn't want to say it, but the more reluctant the other person is to say it, the more curious Ye Feng is.

However, Ye Feng also knows that as long as the virtual robot is not willing to talk about this problem, it will not have any effect to force him to ask. Anyway, the virtual robot is still very friendly to them, and can meet all their needs. He can even answer this question except for some things about the planet of love, so he is not forcing the virtual robot When it's time.

What's more, Ye Feng immediately thought of something even more important than that of the planet aesf. He immediately asked the virtual machine, "if you don't like to talk about aesf, then tell us what kind of civilization this warship we may encounter in the next 24 hours belongs to, what kind of civilization is it, and what's our risk factor?"

When the virtual robot didn't speak this time, a huge three-dimensional galaxy map immediately appeared on one side of it, in which a green bright spot and a red bright spot were almost pasted together.

At this time, virtual machine talent and Ye Feng said, "the green highlight is the spaceship we are in, and the red highlight is the warship!"

Ye Feng walked over, familiar with the operation of the three-dimensional galaxy map, his two open, try to enlarge the galaxy map, zoom in the extreme, only to see the two bright spots of green and red, there is some distance between them, but although the distance can be seen by the naked eye, it is still very close.

However, if we put this distance into the real universe, it may be the distance of the ends of the earth. This distance can coincide within 24 hours, which is very fast.

The virtual robot said to Ye Feng on one side, "from the perspective of data analysis, this warship should be a cosmopolitan warship. If we encounter it, our survival probability is very low!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the facial expression immediately move, Zheng Zheng ground saw a virtual robot, "cosmic class battleship?"

The virtual robot immediately explained to Ye Feng, "yes, the civilization in the universe is divided into seven levels, and the warships are also divided into different levels. For example, you Earthlings, there are no star warships at present. Once you have them, they are planetary at most, that is, the distance of navigation. Finally, they travel between the planets in the solar system, so they are called planetary warships. As for Our warship belongs to the Galactic warship. It can shuttle between galaxies and between galaxies. Obviously, that warship can travel in the multiverse, so it is called the cosmic warship! "

When Ye Feng heard this, he was silent for a long time. He was staring at the three-dimensional galaxy map.

But Dixie didn't speak all the time. At this time, he asked the virtual machine, "if they are warships of this level, we have found them, and they must have found us, right?"

The virtual robot said, "that's for sure. I can observe things about 24 years at most. Maybe they can observe things hundreds or even thousands of years away. So we have been observed by them since we left the earth!"

Scarlett asked virtual machine humanity, "what is your concept of 24 years? Is it light years? "

The virtual robot said, "light year is the measurement unit for calculating the interstellar distance of your earth, but we usually don't use it because it belongs to the measurement unit used by lower civilizations, because your earth has not reached the speed of light, which is supersonic at most, but our civilization has already broken through the speed of light!"

At this point, the virtual robot immediately said, "you should understand that there are many complex substances in the universe. As far as our civilization knows, there is a dark matter whose moving speed is tens of thousands of times faster than the speed of light, and our flying speed is close to this speed, so we call it dark speed. I mean, dark speed Yes

Ye Feng immediately asked, "is your dark speed the fastest in the universe?"

The virtual robot immediately said, "that's not true. It's just that within the limits of our scientific and technological civilization, the fastest speed we can find, a higher civilization, may have found or even invented faster speed! But we don't know yet! "

Ye Feng nodded and said to the virtual machine, "that is to say, there must be faster speed in the universe, but you don't know, and the warship you mentioned belongs to the space class warship. In other words, the civilization that this warship belongs to is at least about the space class, so their warship speed should be much faster than your spaceship And your calculation method is based on dark speed. Is there any error in this? Maybe it's not 24 hours at all... "As soon as the virtual robot heard this, it immediately said, "their speed is faster than I expected. The 24 hours I calculated are calculated by his speed and our speed together!"

Ye Feng smell speech this just relaxed a breath, but think of each other's warship is the universe class, in the heart unavoidably still some have no bottom.

Virtual robot seems to see Ye Feng's worry in general, then said, "I just said, our survival probability is not big, but does not mean no!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the facial expression immediately a ground to look at the virtual machine humanity, "still have the survival opportunity?"? Isn't your ship planetary? "

Virtual robot reminds Ye Feng, "when I introduced the seven civilization levels to you, didn't I say that? After reaching the cosmic civilization, their aggressiveness is very small, and they are more likely to help other civilizations. Of course, this is also a matter of probability. It's not a matter of cosmic civilization, it's a matter of goodwill. Of course, there will also be some malicious civilizations. The probability I'm talking about is here. We just want to see whether the other side is malicious or not Well meaning

When Ye Feng heard the virtual robot say this, he immediately felt a sigh. That is to say, their fate in the next 24 hours is a gamble. They can't control their fate in their own hands.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately asked the virtual machine, "can't we take precautions in advance?"

The virtual robot asked Ye Feng, "when humans are hostile to ants, do you think ants' prevention is meaningful?"

Listening to the virtual robot, Ye Feng felt speechless. Yes, that's the surprise of civilization. In the face of a powerful opponent, any prevention has become meaningless, and it may also cause misunderstanding.

If the other side had no malice, but saw that your spaceship had been equipped with guns, it might turn from kindness to malice.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng sighed that the survival law of the universe is the same as that of the earth. Natural selection is the survival of the fittest.

Therefore, it is common sense for the weak to be eliminated by the strong and put into the whole universe, and there is no moral burden, which is the case with natural selection.

Virtual robot at this time but toward Ye Feng said, "but you don't have to worry too much, a lot of things encountered, can't hide, as calm face!"

Ye Feng then looked at the virtual machine and said, "is life and death meaningless to your intelligence?"

The virtual robot said to Ye Feng, "for me, there is no concept of life and death, but for you, you know the existence of consciousness, it should be life and death are indifferent!"

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