Listening to the virtual robot, Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved. Yes, since there is consciousness, life and death have long been indifferent. Since consciousness is a string of data, life is just a pile of numbers.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, the virtual robot immediately said, "as long as your consciousness is preserved, your body is nothing more than the outside. What you people on earth often say is that the spirit is immortal, but that's what it is!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded toward the virtual robot, but said to the virtual robot, "but it's not my style to sit and wait to die!"

The virtual robot sneered, "personality is the biggest obstacle to the development of civilization. In our star stele, everyone is allowed to have personality, but it is absolutely not allowed to have personality!"

Ye Feng did not understand, puzzled to ask the virtual machine, "what is the difference between the two?"

The virtual robot said, "personality, let alone human beings, even our so-called intelligence will have it. This is an inevitable characteristic and the only way to distinguish the same kind. However, personality is different. Personality is based on one's own personality, and even means not to yield or obey. In a real advanced civilization, all intelligent life starts from birth The whole life is dedicated to one's own civilization. The larger the civilization is, the more serious the assimilation will be. Everything is planned step by step for a long time. If one doesn't want to do it one day because of one's personality problems, or other personal reasons, leading to the delay or even failure of the plan, these are not allowed! Civilization benefits above all! Any private interest, if it's just family, nation, country or even the whole planet, may be a little important, but if it's placed in the whole universe, any personal interest is nothing! Because there are infinite risks in the whole universe, no civilization can allow the interests of the whole civilization to be put aside because of the interests of one person or even a small group of people! "

Ye Feng can't help sighing after listening to the long speech of virtual robot. In fact, Ye Feng has a concept of what virtual robot said. In fact, the early development of human beings is what virtual robot said? But since modern times, civilization has paid more and more attention to the interests of individuals, and even issued numerous laws to protect the interests of individuals.

In Ye Feng's view, no, it should be all the people on earth. This is the performance of civilization progress. But in the virtual robot side, these are the important factors that prevent the further development of human civilization?

But Ye Feng carefully thought about what the virtual robot said. On the contrary, he learned something from it. Now almost all civilizations on the earth are talking about democracy, but is democracy really 100% good? Take a look at the democracy in western society. In order to reflect democracy, it may take a long time to make a resolution just to build a railway or a bridge, because it requires everyone's consent and numerous Democratic votes. In the end, it will make the railway or the bridge drag on again and again and it is difficult to put on the agenda.

There are also many Western democratic societies. In fact, many of them are the vassals of a small group of interest groups. The so-called democracy is nothing more than the means by which they manipulate the common people. What they think is right is right. If they think it will hinder their interests, they will incite democracy to make trouble and make this matter yellow. How can such a civilization progress?

At this time, Ye Feng felt that after contacting with the virtual robot, he had more ideas and was more different from himself before. It seemed that after entering space, not only his vision was broadened, but also his thoughts seemed to be released.

Think of here, ye Fengchao virtual machine humanity, "so, what you do now, are not the slightest personal feelings in?"

The virtual robot said, "I have my own feelings and my own likes and dislikes, but these factors of my death are not my personality, just my personal personality, which will never affect my own judgment. My standard of judgment is whether this thing is good or bad for our civilization, not what I can get from it? In the words of your earth civilization, it should be dedication, right? But it doesn't mean how great I am, it's just that our whole civilization is like this Well, most of them are! It's a brand that has existed since we were born! "

Zhuo wanqiu then asked the virtual machine, "you are like this Do you have your own name? I don't know your name yet? "

And the virtual robot said, "my name is jestirling Andrew Parker Jakes Well, the name is too long to translate. If it is translated freely, it means starry sky! "

Zhuo wanqiu then said with a smile, "such a long name, translated into the starry sky?"

The virtual robot said, "there are many adjectives with prefixes. If you want to know, I don't mind translating them to you..."

Without waiting for the virtual robot to finish, Zhuo wanqiu waved her hand and said, "no, I know your name is starry sky!"

Ye Feng then said to the virtual robot star sky, "star sky, there is a question, I don't know if I should ask!"

The starry sky immediately said, "I can answer all your questions except about the planet of essf! The premise is what my civilization can answer! "Ye Feng said to the starry sky, "my question is very simple. It has nothing to do with the level of civilization!"

The starry sky immediately said, "tell me about it!"

Ye Feng said to the sky, "for us, stele is an invader. For you, we are lower creatures of lower civilization! Is that right? "

After a little meditation, the star said, "although it can't be described accurately, it's also relatively accurate!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "several intelligent robots on Star stele have died. They are the owners of this spaceship. Shouldn't you only serve them? Why are you willing to help us outsiders? "

The starry sky hears speech to say immediately, "have a little, I want to correct you! First of all, I don't serve them. You have made a mistake about the order of the spaceship. To be exact, I am the owner of the spaceship. Or I can tell you more vividly that I am the spaceship. They just serve me and satisfy all my requirements! Can you understand that? "

Then, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, the starry sky immediately explained, "let's say, their shapes are all robot shapes. The tool that their consciousness carries is the machine body, and my bearing shape is this spaceship? The spaceship is my body, and what I'm talking to you is my consciousness. So, do you understand? "

Ye Feng immediately looked at the starry sky. No matter how stupid he was, he understood the meaning of the starry sky. The starry sky is not only the spaceship, but also the system of the whole spaceship, but also the superior of those star robots.

Starry sky then said, "of course, my ability is limited to this spaceship. Every spaceship has a theme consciousness. Our ability is similar. The difference is my personality. I can choose any shape of my spaceship. I can choose what voice to use when I communicate with you, and I can also choose to let you see my time Wait, what am I like

Ye Feng smell speech nodded a way, "understand, that is to say, you are actually the same as the robot, but your body is bigger, also more complex just!"

The starry sky immediately said, "yes, we are all the same, but they are lower, I am higher than them, and I have higher intelligence above me!"

"Why do you want to help us?" she said

Starsky took a look at Dixie, then said, "in fact, I am not helping you, but you are helping me!"

Ye Feng smell speech facial expression tiny move way, "we help you?"

Starry sky immediately said, "originally, after the crash, my program has been damaged, so I was paralyzed for a long time. Although my consciousness is still there, I can't show it. But because you often come into my body and inadvertently press the restart button, I am reactivated by you. Of course, you are helping me!"

Ye Feng and Dixie smell speech is a facial expression move, Scarlett seems to also listen to understand, immediately surprised way, "that Egyptian graphics button?"

The starry sky immediately said in a smiling voice, "that's right! That's it. Thank you for pressing it! Let me be proud of "rebirth". Without you, I don't know how long I will sleep! "

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