When Ye Feng heard this, his heart moved. It turned out that the button hidden in the so-called Egyptian symbol was the button to restart the spaceship.

Just thinking about it, the sky immediately said, "I just intercepted a signal source, which should be from that warship!"

When Ye Feng and others heard this, their faces could not help but move. The warship of the other side actually took the initiative to send signals to them?

The starry sky then said to Ye Feng and others, "I'll crack it first..." With that, the virtual picture in front of him disappeared.

Before the starry sky did anything, the most was that the picture was frozen, but the whole virtual picture was still there. This time, the whole picture disappeared. It seems that the gaffe is not the same.

At this time, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "the other party sends a signal, which means we have been found. What do you think the signal they send will say?"

Ye Feng shrugs his shoulders to say that he doesn't know, but he is also curious. Dixie is right. Since the other party can send a message, it means that there is no chance of missing it with the other party, and the danger becomes stronger.

After recovery, Monica has been sitting there for a rest, also did not speak, at this time stood up, reluctantly walked a few steps, than before to adapt to a lot.

Zhuo wanqiu followed Monica to prevent her from falling down, but she said to Ye Feng, "is it an ultimatum?"

Scarlett said, "if that's the case, we're dead! According to the starry sky, there is a great disparity in the level of civilization. It's not an opponent at all

Ye Feng said to several women, "it's no use guessing here. It's better to wait for the star sky to translate it!"

But I think there must be something hidden from us in this starry sky, such as the matter of the planet of essf. He knows so many things. Why is it that there are so few about essf, and he refuses to disclose what he wants to take us to do. This has to be prevented

Ye Feng nodded to Dixie and said, "it's not time to worry about this. The crisis has not yet been resolved. Let's wait until the crisis is resolved."

Dixie nodded and said, "I just want to remind you!"

At this time, the virtual robot in front of Ye Feng appeared again, but the starry sky immediately said to Ye Feng, "it's translated!"

Ye Feng can't wait to ask, "what do they say?"

The starry sky says to Ye Feng, "they say that they will log in our spaceship later, let's not resist! They have no malice

On hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu immediately said happily, "no malice? That's the best. It means we're not in danger! "

Scarlett breathed a sigh of relief, but Dixie immediately said, "since there is no malice, what do you say not to resist? And what's the purpose of their landing on our ship? "

Ye Feng can't help nodding and said to the sky, "yes, what's their purpose?"

The starry sky said, "there's no explanation!"

But Dixie said to the starry sky, "that's a sentence. Have you translated it for so long? Or are you hiding something from us? "

As soon as the sky heard this, it said to him, "is it as easy for you to translate interstellar signals as the language of your earthlings? The development route of each interstellar civilization is different, and the frequency band of each signal is also different. Although it's just a matter of one sentence, how many procedures do you have to go through? You know what? Now I'll give you a symbol of our star stele. How long can you translate it

Ye Feng smell speech then Dynasty star sky say, "she also has no other meaning, is to ask!"

At this time, Dixie also said to the sky, "you are an intelligent system, and you have a good temper? Can't you ask me one more question? "

But the starry sky said, "it's not impossible to ask, but don't make unnecessary guesses. It affects our feelings!"

On hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu immediately chuckled and said, "you're just a machine, and you still have feelings?"

The starry sky sighed, "it seems that you don't know enough about me. You think I'm just the AI in those science fiction movies you saw when you were on earth! Is that right? "

But Zhuo wanqiu shrugged, "otherwise? What are you, then? "

The starry sky said to Zhuo wanqiu, "I'm on Star stele, and I belong to life. Do you understand?"

Then the starry sky immediately added, "life in each galaxy exists in a different way. Not all life forms are the patterns of your earth! In our star system, intelligent consciousness is also life

Zhuo wanqiu just wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Ye Feng, and immediately said to the starry sky, "so what do you think of this sentence?"

After hearing the words, the starry sky pondered for a while and said, "there is no opinion. For higher civilization, just follow what they say. Even if there is danger, we can't help it!"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately said, "then you are making us wait to die?"

The starry sky said to Zhuo wanqiu, "when you want to kill an animal on earth, what's the survival probability of the animal?"Ye Feng said to the starry sky after a while of meditation, "what you said is theoretically correct, but before we kill an animal on the earth, that animal will do its best to resist. Although this resistance is of little significance, as long as it strives for its own survival!"

The starry sky didn't speak for a long time. After a long time, it said in a deep voice, "do you want to tell me that you are going to fight?"

Dixie immediately said, "of course, we should resist. If we don't resist at all, we will die. No one will be reconciled!"

Scarlett immediately agreed, "sitting and waiting for death is not our style on earth."

Zhuo wanqiu looks like she wants to say something. She wanted to say something, but she is not as capable as Dixie and Scarlett. She feels that she is a bit nondescript.

But Ye Feng said to the sky, "we earth people have a saying that we should do everything by our destiny. As long as we do what we should do, if we are still going to die at that time, we have nothing to say!"

After a long time, he said, "well, since you all think so, let's make some preparations!"

Just then, the starry sky paused for a moment, and then said, "the other party's signal source has been sent again. I'll crack it again..." Then he disappeared immediately.

Seeing this, Dixie immediately said to Ye Feng, "I feel something wrong with the starry sky!"

Ye Feng didn't say a word, but Zhuo wanqiu asked Dixie, "sister Dixie, what's wrong with it?"

Dixie immediately said, "I can't tell you the details. It's just a feeling. Anyway, I just feel that the starry sky is not as simple as we think!"

Scarlett then said, "I also have this feeling. He said that we saved him, but why do we have to take us away from the earth? This should not be the treatment of the Savior, not to mention what we did in the past!"

Ye Feng pondered for a while and didn't speak. After a while, the starry sky appeared again, but he didn't speak.

Ye Feng can't help but ask the sky, "what's the matter?"

The star sky then said to Ye Feng, "the other side said that our communication here can be received there, knowing that we want to resist, so we are reminded not to do such inaction, and repeatedly stressed that they have no malice. They just land on our spaceship, understand it, and then they will leave! He also said that if we are full of hostility, they can not land on our spaceship, but they can only destroy us! "

On hearing this, everyone was silent, and no one was talking. After all, they were so far apart that they could fully know what they were communicating with. This kind of technology is really frightening. That is to say, if they know what happened on their spaceship immediately, they can be regarded as what kind of defense they are doing, and they also know immediately. So what else are these defense work significance?

Starry sky asked Ye Feng at this time, "in this way, do you still need to prepare?"

After a while of pondering, Ye Feng said to the starry sky, "can you send a signal to each other?"

The star sky immediately said, "I can send a signal, but any communication on our side, the other side knows that you can directly communicate with the other side, what's the significance of sending a signal or not?"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, a think also right, oneself this side say what, do what, there all know, also want to send what signal, as long as oneself express here can.

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