Ye Feng thought and immediately said, "I hope to communicate with the captain of the other side!" Then he immediately looked out of the window at the endless starry sky.

But the starry sky says to Ye Feng, "exchange?" What is the tone of contempt and said, "when you want to trample an ant on the earth, you know that ants want to communicate with you, will you agree?"

Ye Feng didn't say a word when he heard the words. Although the metaphor of the starry sky was very appropriate, after listening to it more, Ye Feng was numb. At this time, he said to the starry sky, "although human beings are very small in the universe, it doesn't mean that they can't make their own voice. This is our right! "

Ye Feng's words are for the stars, but they are also for the aliens on the warship.

The star sky hears Ye Feng say so, immediately a burst of silence, then say, "just received the signal, the other side said that when two warships meet, can give you the opportunity of communication!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly, surprised looking at the starry sky way, "you don't need to crack?"

The star sky says to Ye Feng, "after two exchanges, the other party has cracked the earth's language, so the signal sent is the earth's English, no need to crack it!"

At this point, the sky continued, "I'm very curious, the other side is already a cosmic civilization, actually willing to communicate with you?"

Ye Feng is also very surprised. When he had this idea, he just thought about it. He didn't have much hope at all, but he didn't expect that the other party actually agreed. This is not only the curiosity of the starry sky, he is more curious than the starry sky.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, the starry sky said, "maybe the other party has never met a life of low civilization like you, and dare to ask for communication with the other party?"

"It's very possible that most of the alien civilizations they encounter are capitulationists like you," he said coldly

The starry sky didn't show anger and other expressions, but after a long silence, he asked Ye Feng, "what do you want to say to each other?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "in fact, I didn't think clearly. I just wanted to have a try. I didn't expect that the other party would agree!"

The starry sky said to Ye Feng, "then you should think about it now. The rest of the time is less than 20 hours!"

Ye Feng nodded, but the sky suddenly disappeared, Zhuo wanqiu immediately called a few stars, the sky did not appear again.

Dixie murmured, "the other side is willing to communicate with you, it seems that the stars are very lost!"

Scarlett said, "that's for sure. He always thinks that the civilization of their stele system is much higher than that of our earth civilization, but the other side is not willing to communicate with him, but is willing to communicate with Satan, which makes him lose face?"

Zhuo wanqiu said with a smile, "what's the face of an intelligent system?"

Scarlett said to Zhuo wanqiu, "have you forgotten what the stars said? He said that although he is an intelligent system, he is also a life, which is more advanced than ours! "

Hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu said with a disdainful smile, "cut, what advanced life is, it's just a system!"

Ye Feng then slowly went to the window, looking at everything outside, thinking about what he would say if he saw the life on the warship?

A few women see Ye Feng standing in the window and don't speak, are a silent look at Ye Feng's back.

Zhuo wanqiu asked Scarlett, "what do you think he will ask later?"

Scarlett shrugged. "I'm not the worm in his stomach. How do I know?" Then he looked at Dixie immediately. "You know him best. What do you say?"

"No one in the world can really understand Satan," he said, shaking his head! Perhaps he may not know himself

At this time, Monica came to the front of the three, just a few steps, but it was very difficult for her. Fortunately, she didn't wrestle again.

After looking at Ye Feng's back for a long time, Monica said, "maybe he will ask some questions about the universe and life."

The three women can't help looking at Monica when they hear the words. Zhuo wanqiu asks directly, "how do you know?"

Monica shrugged, "I'm not very clear, I just guess, except for these questions, I feel it's meaningless to ask any questions!"

Zhuo wanqiu said, "he can't ask, we four, who does he like best?"

Scarlett can't help but frown and say, "of course, four people like it. Which man is not greedy?"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, she sighed, "let's have a rest. There are less than 20 hours left. Maybe there will be a hard fight to fight!" With that, she went to one side, sat down against the wall, and began to shut her eyes.

Scarlett walked over and sat on the side of her. Like her, she closed her eyes and began to rest.

Zhuo wanqiu and Monica look at Ye Feng and walk over.At this time, Ye Feng stood at the window, a blank in his mind. Before, he always felt that his destiny was in his own hands.

But in the boundless starry universe, for the first time, he felt so helpless that his life and death might be the matter between others, and he had no choice at all.

At this time, Ye Feng's ear sounded the voice of the starry sky and said, "since you can't think of asking anything, it's better to be practical and ask some of the things you want to know most in your life!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but side head looked at a body side, but don't know when, starry sky has appeared in his side.

Ye Feng can't help frowning, "what do you want to know most?"

The sky said, "yes, what do you want to know most in your life?"

After pondering for a moment, Ye Feng said to the sky, "when I'm on earth, what I want to know most is who my parents are! After leaving the earth, it has become unimportant! "

But the starry sky says to Ye Feng, "you can ask them who your parents are!"

Ye Feng smell speech but brow a wrinkly ground looking at star sky way, "how can they know my parents is who?"

The starry sky said, "I told you before that the ability of cosmic civilization is beyond your imagination. In the eyes of people on earth, they are the existence of gods, even in the eyes of our star civilization!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan stares at the starry sky for a long time and then says, "it seems that you want to know who my parents are?"

But the starry sky looked at Ye Feng in silence and said, "why do you say that?"

Ye Feng said, "you give us a bad feeling!"

The starry sky said, "for example?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "such as the planet of love!"

The starry sky suddenly is a burst of silence, but the leaf maple at this time immediately a smile way, "I know what to ask!"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, the starry sky suddenly a stunned way, "do you plan to ask them, the matter of the planet of love?"

Ye Feng said, "since you don't want to say it, I'm so curious. Of course I want to ask!"

After a long silence in the starry sky, he said, "maybe if you ask, the other party will tell you!"

Ye Feng said to the sky, "in your opinion, maybe you don't believe that the other party will give me the opportunity to communicate with them! How do you know they won't tell me? "

After pondering for a long time, the starry sky said, "well, I admit I didn't expect that the other party would be willing to give you the opportunity to communicate." Then he immediately said, "but you should cherish this opportunity of communication, don't waste this opportunity and ask such unimportant questions!"

Ye Feng frowned at the stars and said, "in your opinion, it's more important to ask my parents who they are than to ask about the planet of essf? I guess I'm right. You're more interested in who my parents are! "

Xinghe immediately said, "I'm not interested in who your parents are. I just think it's very important to you!"

But Ye Feng said with a cold smile, "if I have a chance to ask a question, I will ask this question, but I will definitely ask the other party to just communicate with him alone, and I will never tell you the answer!"

After looking at Ye Feng for a moment, Xinghe said, "if we have a chance to leave after you ask questions, you may still have forever!"

After hearing what Xinghe said, Ye Feng suddenly looked at Xinghe in silence and said, "it seems that you don't think we have a good chance of survival this time?"

Xinghe said, "I don't know. Everything I know is a program. It's an accurate result obtained by calculation, but it's only limited to the same level or below of our stele civilization. To be honest, I don't say much about the advanced civilization when I meet it for the first time."

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