Ye Feng then looked at the Star River with questioning eyes and said, "in your words, you belong to higher life, but everything you do is a program, all through calculation, and you leave this spaceship all your life. You just know more than us. Do you still think you are higher than us?"

Xinghe then said to Ye Feng, "the angle of understanding is different. Your body is composed of a pair of organic and inorganic substances. How many times can you leave your body in your life? My body is the ship in your eyes. This is my body. Why should I leave my body? "

At this point, Xinghe continued to say to Ye Feng, "and I know more than you. This is the advanced performance. The reason why you human beings on earth don't know more than those animals on earth is that you divide yourself into higher animals? What's the difference in essence? "

Ye Feng didn't speak yet. Xinghe continued, "you human beings on earth do it at every stage. The difference is that you can't understand anything when you are young. When you are young, you envy young people. When you are middle-aged, you begin to miss young people, even childhood. When you are old, you see things differently! If we divide it according to this, we are young now, and your earth civilization is young. In your eyes, everything is novel and difficult to understand, so you see us like this, I can understand! "

Before Ye Feng said spark, Xinghe immediately said, "you don't need to understand what we are doing, just keep curiosity. Curiosity is a necessary condition for the development of civilization. When your earth civilization grows up to our stage, you will really understand us. However, a young man is at a loss to explain to children, right?"

Ye Feng wanted to refute Xinghe several times, but at this time, after listening to Xinghe's words, he felt speechless. Just like the analogy of Xinghe, he seemed so ignorant and curious in front of these advanced civilized lives. But many times, Xinghe's explanation is specious, and what he heard is also specious, so Xinghe said That's right. It's no use asking many questions by yourself. Only when you get there, will you understand naturally.

When he thought of this, Ye Feng suddenly realized that he wanted to pursue the mystery of the universe. He asked the questions of higher civilization, and then he finally asked them in vain. He might as well ask who his parents were. Maybe he would have a chance to return to the earth in his lifetime, and maybe he would have a chance to find them.

Ye Feng this time, suddenly looked at a star river, "I seem to understand!"

Xinghe asked, "just as if?"

Ye Feng shrugged to Xinghe and said, "when you are with adults, sometimes you don't need to understand adults. Otherwise, you either appear mature or childish. It's best to be ignorant. You're good to yourself and you're good to adults!"

Xinghe couldn't help laughing and said, "you are a very interesting person on earth. You have your own ideas, which are much more interesting than other lower civilization people I have seen before, and also much more interesting than the same people on earth!"

Ye Feng is toward the Star River, "this may be why you chose me?"

But the Milky way is full of surprise, "choose you?"

Ye Feng said, "isn't it? Before your higher civilization, there should be no coincidence. Everything, in your eyes, is just a pile of data. It should be actuarial, including when I go to Suoxi Island, and naturally when I press that button! "

Star River listen to Ye Feng say so, immediately fell into a long time of meditation.

Ye Feng looked at the Star River and continued to say, "if I really said it, then you should also know my previous experience!"

Xinghe asked Ye Feng, "what experience?"

Ye Feng said, "don't you know? I don't believe it

Xinghe said, "I know a lot about your experience, but I don't know what you mean!"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng said to Xinghe, "I died once before and entered a virtual world..."

Xinghe didn't speak. After a long time, he said, "I know, and then what?"

Ye Feng asked Xinghe, "my experience is your arrangement?"

Xinghe was silent for a long time. After a long time, he said, "you are much smarter than I thought!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "why?"

After pondering for a moment, Xinghe said, "it's hard to explain to you, but you guessed some of them correctly. It's still that sentence and some things. Only at the right time and right point can you understand them naturally. Now even if I tell you, you won't understand them!"

At this point, I don't know if ye Feng is afraid of asking any more. Xinghe immediately said, "so, you already know what to ask them?"

After staring at the star river for a long time, Ye Feng shrugged and said, "didn't you say that? Let me ask my parents? That's all I ask you, as you wish! "Then Ye Feng immediately added, "having experienced a virtual world will make a person feel that any world can be virtual, don't you think?"

After a long time, Xinghe said, "I remember I told you that everything is just a pile of data. Maybe there is nothing real or virtual at all. The virtual world you experienced before is just a pile of formulas. It's just a little more intelligent, so that you have some independent consciousness there, If you don't finally find that it's virtual, what's the difference between the world there and your present world? You've loved, loved, lived and died as well And now the world, in fact, is just a world of formula operation, but the way of operation may be more complex! "

Ye Feng looked at Xinghe thoughtfully, but heard Xinghe continue to say, "I told you before that there are seven civilizations. What is the last one? Do you remember? "

Listening to Xinghe's question, Ye Feng immediately said, "the ultimate civilization? The creator of the universe? "

Xinghe immediately said, "the virtual world you experienced before was made by a computer engineer. What if our multiverse world was made by another engineer who is more talented? Who knows? "

Ye Feng then asked Xinghe, "so, my guess is correct? Is this still a virtual world? "

But Xinghe sighed, "I just thought you were very smart, now you make me think you are stupid! As I said just now, both the virtual world and the real world are just a bunch of calculation formulas in my eyes. Why do you tangle in these? What's more, when I introduced the seven civilizations, I told you that the ultimate civilization only exists in legend. Maybe it's the cosmic civilization you want to see later, and they may not have seen it! "

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard the words, and immediately headed for the Star River, "so you've been looking for this kind of civilization? Want to confirm his existence? "

Xinghe didn't say anything, but Ye Feng went on to say, "maybe ESF is not a planet, but the ultimate civilization you are looking for?"

After a moment of silence, the Star River said, "you have seen the development of the planet aesf. How can his civilization reach the ultimate civilization?"

But Ye Feng said immediately, "but you also said that there is a time error in the universe. The situation of the planet aesf that I saw before may be before aesf or a long time later, but the concept of before and after is too general. If it is before, how long is it before, a year is before, a hundred years is before, 110000 years It's also before, even 100 million years is also before... "

In the end, Ye Feng said to Xinghe, "and you also revealed one of the most important information, the unit of time calculation, which is just the calculation method on our earth. There is no concept of time in the whole universe. If you infer that, then maybe the distance from the planet aesf to me is the time in my mouth, and this time is you The calculated distance, even the existence beyond distance, may not be in the universe at all, but outside the universe... "

Listen to Ye Feng say here, Xinghe did not speak for a long time, after a long time, Xinghe actually directly disappeared from Ye Feng's side.

Ye Feng stares at the original position of Xinghe. Although he doesn't know why Xinghe disappeared without saying anything, at least he knows that the conclusion he reached after thinking for such a long time, even if it's not completely correct, is not far from the real situation.

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