Ye Feng didn't think much about it. He used to sit and have a rest. After all, he hasn't had a rest since he left the earth. Although his body has been genetically modified, he doesn't feel tired, but he doesn't know what will happen next. So he'd better take a rest to meet what may happen next in his best mental state.

I don't know how much time I have had a rest. There is no concept of time in space. Everything can only depend on my feeling. After sitting on one side for a short rest, Ye Feng actually falls asleep unconsciously. In his dream, Ye Feng feels that he is surrounded by colorful fog. He keeps rolling towards both sides, looking at Ye Feng's eyes.

I don't know how long it took, but after the colorful fog began to disperse, Ye Feng found that his eyes suddenly brightened. In front of his eyes, he kept beating all kinds of green characters, some of which he could understand, similar to some computer codes, and most of which he could not understand. Some were like Egyptian symbols, and some were unknown symbols, one by one String by string, passing in front of my eyes.

All the characters fly from one direction to another, and eventually form a pyramid like super large entity in the distance.

When Ye Feng came to the bottom of the pyramid, he looked up at the top and felt that he couldn't see the top at all. When Ye Feng was amazed, he heard a loud bang, and the pyramid in front of him collapsed instantly.

Ye Feng did not have time to respond, suddenly opened his eyes, but saw in front of the spaceship cabin a violent shaking, and the light in the cabin became bright and dark.

At this time, Dixie and Scarlett, their women also woke up. They could not help holding the wall and stood up, looking around in panic.

See Ye Feng also stand up, a few women are surprised to see Ye Feng there, Ye Feng is waved to them not to move, and so on to see the situation.

After shaking for a long time, the shaking feeling of the whole spaceship gradually disappeared. Several people stood upright and looked to one side in surprise.

Zhuo wanqiu took the lead in going to the window and looked out. In an instant, she opened her mouth wide and said, "you Come and have a look! "

Several people went to the window when they heard the speech. When they looked out of the window, they could not help but open their eyes wide and could not speak in surprise.

Ye Feng went to several women's side and looked outside. He was surprised. It turned out that there was an endless behemoth on the top of the spaceship. It looked like it was made of metal, and some places could see light. It was obviously an artifact, not a meteorite or something like that.

And not only that, not far away, under the giant, there were dozens of flying vehicles of different sizes, closely following the giant.

When everyone felt shocked, the starry sky suddenly appeared behind the crowd and said, "are you all awake?"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately turned back and asked the star sky, "what's the situation outside?"

But the tone of the starry sky is very insipid and says to Zhuo wanqiu, "nothing, just a space warship!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately toward star sky way, "already arrived time?"

The star sky said, "yes, you sleep too much, obviously you are tired. Now our spaceship has been detained by their warship's absorbing device, and we are flying in parallel with them for the time being!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately said, "they and you go to contact?"

The starry sky said, "contact me before more than half disappeared, and inform me that we will merge our spaceship into orbit! Just now you were woken up by the merging process! "

Ye Feng then asked the sky, "what about the others? No connection? "

Starry sky said, "there is no contact at the moment, but it is estimated that it will not take long to get in touch with us!"

Ye Feng understood the meaning of the starry sky. At this time, the spaceship of star stele had already been hijacked by the starry sky. Moreover, the battle outside was so big, and compared with the size of the warship, the spaceship of star stele was not at a level at all. Therefore, at this time, they had no capital requirements at all. They had to wait for the warship The civilization in the world took the initiative to get in touch with them.

Starry sky see Ye Feng didn't speak, immediately toward Ye Feng said, "what do you finally want to say?"

Ye Feng eyebrows slightly a wrinkle to see to star sky way, "finally?"

The star sky says to Ye Feng, "of course, each other's civilization level is crushing level for us. Now we don't know each other's purpose at all. If each other's purpose is to destroy us, then we may be the last conversation!"

Listen to the starry sky say so, Ye Feng suddenly a burst of silence, for a long time also did not speak, if the starry sky said this kind of situation, he felt that he said nothing meaningful.

At this time, a light suddenly appeared in the center of the spaceship, as if from the top of the spaceship.

The bright people couldn't open their eyes and couldn't help reaching out to cover their eyes. At this time, the light began to dim again.At this time, Ye Feng put down his hand and looked towards the light source, but saw that there was only a light source about half a meter high. The light looked like a Blue Star River from a distance. The light source was not dazzling, but very soft. Looking at the light, it seemed that his mood was affected and became much more peaceful.

And when everyone was surprised what happened to the light source, they saw that the light source was slowly moving towards Ye Feng.

Scarlett and her women instinctively stepped back. After all, they had no idea what the light source was.

Ye Feng stood still, staring at the blue light source, only to see the halo of the body, then slowly stretched out two arms, and the lower part also quickly stretched out two legs, will gradually raise the light source to the same height as Ye Feng.

And the upper part of the light source also gradually began to change, the neck and head appeared, but it looked like a blue glow of human halo.

Ye Feng stared at the light source in front of him. A moment later, an idea appeared in his mind. It seemed that someone was talking to him. "It's you. Do you want to talk to our captain?"

Ye Feng left and right looked at them, from their expression can see, they did not hear this sentence, the other side is in and their consciousness communication.

Ye Feng then nodded to the other side, "yes, it's me!"

Dixi Si smell speech can't help but wonder to see to leaf Feng way, "what is you?"

The star river immediately said, "is it communicating with you?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "maybe it's through consciousness and brain waves."

The light source then said to Ye Feng, "well, come with me!"

Ye Feng smell speech, immediately ask a way, "go where?"

The light source didn't speak, didn't even turn around, and began to walk toward the place it just came to. After going there, he waved to Ye Feng, "come here!"

Ye Feng took a deep breath after hearing the sound, looked at the blue light source over there, and finally walked over there.

Dixie immediately reminded Ye Feng, "be careful!"

Ye Feng stops and looks back at Dixie. She finds that it's not only Dixie, but also Scarlett, Zhuo wanqiu and Monica.

Ye Feng is toward the four women after a faint smile, "nothing, you wait for me here, I will come back!"

The four women all looked at Ye Feng in a daze. They all wanted to talk and stop, but in the end, no one said anything.

Ye Feng turned around again at this time, and saw that the light source was patiently waiting there, because he was all in one color, and could not see his look.

And just as Ye Feng was about to move on, Xinghe said to Ye Feng, "you should be more careful!"

Ye Feng is toward the Star River, "of course, I still have to wait to completely solve the secret of the planet aesf!"

With that, Ye Feng walked towards the light source without looking back. When his body was close to the light source, a strong light came down all over his body immediately. In an instant, Ye Feng felt that his body had been dissolved and turned into a group of light sources. His eyes were just in a flash, and then all the light sources in front of him disappeared, as if this part of the spaceship had never appeared again This light source is average.

Zhuo wanqiu looked at the place where Ye Feng had disappeared, and muttered, "brother Satan, will Did you come back? "

Scarlett immediately nodded. "He said he would come back. I'm sure he's a man of his word!"

Monica and Dixie just looked over there, and neither of the two women spoke.

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