At this time, before Ye Feng's eyes became dark and bright, he felt that his body was fused together again from the decomposition state. In an instant, he found that he was standing in a gray space, and it was dark all around. He could not even see how high and how wide it was. But the light source he had just brought with him had disappeared.

Just when Ye Feng was surprised, a light source suddenly lit up in front of his eyes, just like the light source that Ye Feng had appeared in the cabin of the spaceship before. Without waiting for Ye Feng to react, he saw that the light source was like a firefly. One by one, it lit up around Ye Feng, even in the sky, everywhere, at least hundreds .

Leaf maple heart under a burst of sob, at this time but see their own side, the light source with their own slowly lit up, standing on the side of leaf maple.

At this time, Ye Feng just noticed that there was a light blue halo in the head of the human light source around him, flashing in his head.

But the whole scene was silent, and Ye Feng saw a light blue halo flashing on the top of other halos.

Ye Feng suddenly realized something. These halos should be the intelligent life of the civilization. Their communication is entirely based on consciousness, or brain waves.

At this time, a halo floating in the mid air suddenly became bigger and bigger, and gradually flew to the sky in front of Ye Feng before stopping.

Finally, a voice suddenly rang out in Ye Feng's mind and said, "are you going to communicate with us?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "yes, it's me!"

The voice asked Ye Feng, "I have seen many intelligent lives of other civilizations. They are either afraid, or frightened, or curious, or surprised. Only you seem to have no feeling for us?"

Ye Feng said to the voice, "should I cooperate with you and show a little surprise and fear?"

The voice said, "there's no need. Come on, what do you want to communicate with us?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "what is your civilization? What will you do to us? "

After pondering for a while, the voice said to Ye Feng, "our civilization is what you see This is all of our civilization

Ye Feng smell speech surprised way, "all?"

The voice immediately said, "there is no mistake. Many civilizations have to depend on the stars and galaxies, but our civilization is no longer needed. We are the civilizations wandering in the universe!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "what are your means of survival and what is your purpose?"

the voice said, "does survival need means? Must there be a purpose? "

Ye Feng can't help but wonder, "so you are wandering aimlessly in the universe?"

After a long time, the voice said, "from the birth of our civilization until now, we have been living in this way! We don't need resources, we don't need to worry about birth, aging, illness, or even eat and drink. We are all energy bodies. We don't need means or goals at all. What's wrong with being so carefree? "

Listening to the voice, Ye Feng felt curious. He couldn't speak for a long time. He didn't know the explanation of this civilized behavior in Xinghe.

And then the voice went on, "what's the point of looking for you? To tell you the truth, I'm not very clear! "

Ye Feng can't help but wonder, "you don't know what to do with us? Why are you looking for us? "

The voice continued to ponder for a long time, and then said, "maybe it's just curiosity. Our journey is very long. We don't know when it will end. In the long journey, we need to find something random to do. For example, we need to communicate with you here to see the difference between you and the civilization we met before!"

At this time, Ye Feng's heart moved. He seemed to feel that there was no malice in this civilization, just a group of wandering cosmic random civilizations.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he immediately asked the voice, "do you know the civilization of eisf?"

When the other party heard this, he immediately murmured, "is it civilization? I have to think about You know, there are tens of thousands of civilizations we have met, and some of them haven't even given their names. Just like you, you haven't said your civilization's name since you communicated with me. "

Ye Feng immediately said, "Oh, our civilization is called Stele civilization

At this time, the humanoid light source standing beside Ye Feng immediately said, "stele civilization? I still have an impression of this civilization... "

After a long pause, he said, "but the last time we saw the stele civilization, their life form was not like you!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at the light source of the figure and said, "Oh? What do they look like? "

At this time, the human light source immediately changed his body. The neck under his head gradually disappeared, and his limbs began to shrink back. But soon there were countless tentacles under his light source body, which looked like an octopus.Then he said, "if I remember correctly, they should be like this, right?"

Ye Feng smell speech heart can't help a Lin, surprised way, "they are like this?"

Without waiting for the light source to speak, the other light source immediately said, "you remember wrong, this is nothing but the Tesco civilization!"

As soon as the octopus like light source heard this, it suddenly said, "Oh, yes, yes, it's nothing but Tesco. I remember wrong!"

After that, he explained, "the main reason is that we have seen too many civilized life forms. It's bad!"

Immediately his body began to change again, and soon a human shape appeared again, but it looked more slender. His head also looked oval, larger than the human head.

At this time, he said, "it should be like this, but they are the same female, no gender!"

When Ye Feng heard this, his heart suddenly moved, but after listening to a light source, he said, "I remember the civilization of eisf!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately ask a way, "can you introduce with me?"

But the light source said, "no introduction! I just said I remember, but I haven't touched it! "

Ye Feng can't help but wonder, "you've come into contact with so many civilizations, haven't you ever come into contact with eisf? No, how do you know? "

The light source then said to Ye Feng, "because we often meet people like you and ask us about eisf civilization. Over time, I have a little impression of this name. In addition, the language of your civilization is too simple, so the translation of eisf civilization is too short. As a result, I haven't changed it all the time!"

Ye Feng can't help but feel awe inspiring when he hears the speech. It turns out that he is not the only one who inquires about eisf civilization?

That light source then toward leaf maple way, "be said so by you, I seem to have found a target for our next journey!"

The humanoid light source immediately said excitedly, "what? Are we going to the eisf civilization? "

And the light sources all around and in the air are flashing, as if they are talking about this plan.

The light source immediately said aloud, "shut up, everyone. How long have we been aimless? Now there's an extra planet, which is worth going to see why so many civilized intelligent lives are interested in this civilization!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng said to the light source, "what is the mission of the birth of your civilization? What is the origin? "

That light source said to Ye Feng, "since we were born, there have been so many people, and no new members have ever joined or lost. Our mission It should be to mend some loopholes in the universe that other civilizations can't make up for! "

Ye Feng immediately blurted out, "are you the guardians of the universe?"

But the light source murmured, "guardian of the universe? Well, the name... "

The humanoid light source immediately said, "cosmic guard? It's a novel name. Yes, yes, we are the guardians of the universe! "

And the light sources around and in the air are constantly flashing light blue halo, it seems that Ye Feng said the title of the guardian of the universe in general.

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