The head of the light source at this time said out loud, "all quiet! If you have any opinions, you can say them one by one! "

Suddenly all the halos, the light blue halo on the head stopped flashing, and the head light source immediately said to the human light source, "tell me first!"

The humanoid light source immediately said, "the proposal of the cosmic guard is good. We've been drifting in the universe for so long, and we don't know what we're doing or what our mission is. We've all done as we please, and we haven't found our own position in the universe. Now he gives us an accurate position, which I think is very good!"

The first light source immediately said, "what about you? Do you think so? "

Those other light sources immediately kept flashing light blue halo, the first halo immediately said, "you can use his language to express your opinions, our learning ability is so poor now? Can't you learn such a simple language? "

As soon as the voice of the first light source fell, a voice immediately said, "I'm right. Our family has been doing things as they please. We don't care or interfere with anything that happens in any civilization. This is the foundation for our family to stand in the universe. If we break this Convention, it will inevitably cause other civilizations to be dissatisfied with us and give our race a lot of support Bring irreversible disaster

Immediately another voice echoed, "yes, our race has been like this for billions of years. We can't change that!"

Another voice immediately said, "this humble man of alien civilization, no matter what civilization he comes from, his advice is evil. What's his purpose? I think we have to find out when our race will begin to listen to the advice of an alien? "

Even a voice suggested, "I think this guy should be executed immediately, so that he won't bewitch people here again..."

Immediately, many people began to agree, "kill him, kill him..." Countless voices echoed in Ye Feng's mind.

At this time, the light source of the end immediately said in a loud voice, "do you have any other opinions?"

Then a very delicate voice said, "I don't think it's a problem with his opinions. Our race has been wandering for so long, just like the popularity without any quotation. I don't know when any civilization will be built on the planet. For so many years, how many people are there in the beginning, and how many are there now What did our warships look like in the beginning? What are they like now? As far as I know, many civilizations were just the lowest civilizations in the beginning, but what have they developed into now? Some of them are even approaching us and surpassing us, but we have not developed at all over the years, which is not conducive to the long-term development of our ethnic group! "

The humanoid light source immediately said, "I agree that we need to develop, to grow, to participate in the integration of the whole universe, rather than always floating on the edge of the universe!"

Then another voice said, "have you forgotten our policy of racial indifference? If we break this rule, what will it bring to our race? What are we going to face in the future? Have you ever thought about it? "

The humanoid light source sneered, "the future? For us, there is no concept of life and death, no emotion, no contact with any civilization, no reproductive function, no injection of fresh life, where can we get our future? "

The voice immediately said, "as a guardian of the universe, will there be a future?"

The humanoid light source immediately said, "at least we can take the initiative to contact with other civilizations, understand the advantages and disadvantages of each civilization, improve the disadvantages that we can't cultivate the next generation, and give our civilization a future This is the long-term plan for development. Otherwise, even if we are immortal, we will not make any contribution to the whole universe. After living for so long, what is the difference between our existence and those dead planets? "

At this time, the delicate voice immediately said, "no mistake, any civilization can not be immutable, only us. I'm tired of this immutability. I even know that many of us have this idea. This kind of insensitive and meaningless life, living a little more is just adding to one day's pain, and we must make changes, First of all, we should change our own thoughts, and then we should change the strategic policy of our ethnic group. The universe is a collective, and it is impossible to allow a civilization to exist on the edge forever! "

Immediately a voice retorted, "have we been threatened for such a long time? Up to now, our civilization can be regarded as the existence of the first echelon in the universe. There is no civilization that can threaten us at all! "

The humanoid light source immediately sneered, "doesn't exist? We've been away for so long, dare you say you already know the whole universe? We've just swam through the tip of the iceberg in the whole universe. There are more than 90% areas that we haven't touched at all. Are you so sure that there is no more advanced civilization than us? "

The delicate voice added, "even if there is no civilization that is more advanced than ours, it just means that there is no threat to us at present. But don't forget that our civilization is more advanced than other civilizations at the beginning, but for so long, our civilization has always been the same, unchanged, and other civilizations are developing, sooner or later there will be a change There will be civilizations that are stronger than us. At that time, let alone we don't take the initiative to contact other civilizations, it will not be up to us to decide whether to contact or not! "The humanoid light source echoed, "yes, just like we are now forced to communicate with this spaceship, that's because our civilization is too advanced and high-end compared with them, and they have no other choice. But imagine that one day, if we encounter one like this, we don't need to discuss with us at all, and force our warships to follow their warships, You don't even have to ask for our consent. What would that be like? "

The delicate voice immediately said, "do you still need to think? Now we pursue the principle of indifference and non-interference, so we have no malice towards this spaceship. But in the future, can you guarantee that we will be the same as us? "

Suddenly all the light sources were silent for a while. The first light source looked at all the light sources at this time, and then said, "don't you have anything to say?"

All halos still did not speak, but the first halo looked at Ye Feng, who had not spoken all the time, and said in a deep voice, "your words almost caused the division of our ethnic group. Do you have anything to say?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm sorry for that. I just said that. I didn't expect that it could cause your argument! But if you ask me if I have any suggestions, I do have one! "

The halo of the leader immediately said, "you say!"

Ye Feng said, "I don't know the development history of your civilization, but as far as my planet is concerned, the lessons from our development tell us that we must fall behind and be beaten when we shut down our country. Only when we communicate, integrate, benefit and communicate with other countries and civilizations can we be strong. If we want to avoid being bullied, we have to be strong and integrate with the world To be an indispensable part of the world together can not only contribute to the world, but also ensure that our interests will not be deprived. In another word, the leader of a country on earth said that weak countries have no diplomacy, which means that poor countries have no ability to control their own destiny! "

Speaking of this, Ye Feng continued, "I believe the same is true in the universe. Have you ever thought that the reason why you can wander on the edge of the universe and have not been disturbed for so many years is not that you have followed the principle of indifference and non-interference, but that your civilization has surpassed most of the civilizations in the universe from the beginning. What are your reasons Because you are strong, so you are not disturbed and attacked. If you meet a civilization stronger than you, can you still live the life you want now? "

Finally, Ye Feng added, "as for the guardians of the universe, that's how I feel about you. I think you are. Unfortunately, after listening to your debate, I know you are not!"

The humanoid light source immediately said, "it wasn't before, but it can be in the future!"

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