The delicate voice immediately echoed, "yes, we have no choice in our development path. There is only one road. Now we can choose this road by ourselves. When we really meet a stronger civilization, what choice do we have?"

After pondering for a long time, the leader asked aloud, "do you have any other opinions?"

All the light sources were silent. Just as the leading light source was about to continue to speak, another voice immediately sounded, "I still don't think we should change the status quo. Who can guarantee that we will be safe after we communicate with other civilizations!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "your civilization is so advanced now. It can be seen from the fact that your life body is light energy. Even your civilization of this level is afraid of contacting with other civilizations. I just want to ask, when you are still strong, do you take the initiative to contact with other civilizations, and do you have no malicious contact, or do you wait until you are better than you When powerful civilizations force and force contact with you, and with malice? "

The voice was speechless, and the other light sources didn't speak any more. The leading light source coughed and said, "well, since I don't have any opinions, then I..."

Who knows, the voice immediately said, "I know, you want to change our route, just to let us help you find the civilization of eisf, you are just using us!"

As soon as the light sources heard this, they couldn't help looking at Ye Feng, including the first light source.

The voice continued, "can you explain that?"

Ye Feng then said to the light source, "to tell you the truth, the destination of our spaceship this time is aesf. If we hadn't met you and forced us to change our course, maybe we would have reached aesf. So I'm using you to find the planet of love? Where to start? "

The first light source looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "is the destination of your spaceship the eisf civilization?"

The humanoid light source immediately said to Ye Feng, "do you know that the eisf civilization has always been a legendary civilization, its specific location, even we don't know, you such a low-end civilization, will know where the eisf civilization is?"

Ye Feng said, "our civilization is indeed inferior to you, but in the universe, many times, it is not only by civilization level to accomplish many things. For example, your civilization has always been a policy of indifference and non-interference to other civilizations, and you don't even know the significance of your own existence in the universe. How can you go to eisf civilization? I can say that this is because your civilization is too strong to look for, but for us small civilizations, if we don't develop, we can only wait to die. Therefore, our desire and interest in the civilization of eisf is certainly greater than that of your civilization. With a little bit of luck, it's normal for us to find the civilization of eisf! "

In fact, Ye Feng did not know how the star stroven found the aesf civilization, but at this moment, Ye Feng could only say so.

When he finished, all the light sources were silent. They were thinking, yes, their own civilization has always been purposeless, so although they heard about the existence of the eisf civilization many times, they never mentioned their interest in the eisf civilization from the beginning to the end. At the moment, it is also because ye Feng mentioned this civilization, which makes the name of this civilization appear in the world again In front of the crowd, if it wasn't for Ye Feng, the three words of eisf would have been buried in the memory of all of them.

At this time, the first light source looked at Ye Feng and said, "your destination is eisf?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, the intelligent system of our spaceship has found the coordinates of the aesf civilization. We have been sailing in the universe for a long time, and the destination is aesf!"

The first light source pondered for a moment, then he said to Ye Feng, "in this case, we can take your spaceship as the main spaceship, and follow your spaceship to the civilization of eisf!"

The voice, who had been against it before, immediately said, "I'm against contact with the civilization of eisf!"

The humanoid light source immediately sneered, "what don't you object to? You object to everything we say! "

The voice of opposition immediately said, "this time I have a point in opposing it!"

The humanoid light source continued to sneer, "your objection is unreasonable!"

At this time, the leading light source asked the voice of opposition, "why do you oppose this time?"

The voice of opposition immediately said, "even if we can change the policy we have always adhered to and take the initiative to contact with other civilizations, we can contact those lower end civilizations. The aesf civilization, which has always been a legendary civilization, is said to have jumped out of the universe. It is believed that there is no civilization in the universe because of its strength It can be described in words. Relatively speaking, the civilization is not comparable to ours. We don't know whether eisf is good or evil at all, so we take the initiative to contact with them. For us, the uncertainty is too great and the danger is too great. How can we contact a civilization that is even higher than ours and doesn't know the good and evil Looking for a way to die? "But the humanoid light source still sneered, "even their lower civilization dares to contact with the civilization of eisf. Why? Is our high-end civilization less daring than a lower civilization? "

But the voice of opposition said, "you are not right. Our warships are the whole of our civilization. We are a star free civilization and a wandering civilization. If we are in danger, we will face the collapse of the whole civilization. Since then, there will be no more civilization in the universe, and they are just one of the countless spaceships with star civilization When we are in danger, we will lose only one spaceship, but we are all. Is this comparable? "

Listening to this voice, suddenly the whole space fell into a silence, including the human light source who had been singing against him before, and he didn't say a word at this time.

At this time, the leader of the light source said, "what you said is very reasonable. Our warship is our civilization. All of our civilization is here. Once there is a danger, we are facing the collapse of civilization. We really shouldn't take this risk!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately nodded a way, "I also agree, you really shouldn't risk! We are determined to die, but your compatriots are right. We are only one in a billion of our civilization, and you are all. We are not sorry to die, but you have a long way to go, so you really shouldn't go! "

At this time, the humanoid light source suddenly said to the leader, "I have a suggestion that we can send people to form a joint fleet with them. It doesn't need a lot of people, just one or two people. First, we can find out the specific situation of the eisf civilization. If it's kind, we can get in touch with it as a whole. If it's dangerous, we can sacrifice it It's just one or two people! "

The first light source could not help nodding and said, "that's a good idea, but who is going to shoot?"

All the other light sources were silent. The humanoid light source looked around and immediately said, "in that case, I'll go!"

As soon as the leader heard this, he immediately said, "are you going?"

The humanoid light source immediately said, "I am the first one to talk about the reform, and I am the first one to propose the formation of a joint fleet. Of course, I am the one to go. It's not controversial!"

After pondering for a long time, the first light source asked the people, "do you have any other opinions?"

The opposition voice immediately said, "I also think this proposal is good, and since he is willing and his own proposal, of course he is the best choice!"

The light source of the head hears speech is a burst of silence again, look to Ye Feng way, "do you have what opinion?"

As soon as Ye Feng heard this, he immediately said with a smile, "what opinions can we have? If we can get your help from such a low civilization, it's certainly our honor and we can't get it!"

As soon as the head of the light source heard this, he immediately said in a deep voice, "in that case, it's so decided!"

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