After that, the head of the light source also said to Ye Feng, "we'll send you back now. You wait on your own spaceship, and then we'll let our people go and join you. We need to hold another meeting inside!"

Ye Feng certainly understands that there are many words in front of his outsider, so many of them have no way to speak so clearly, which is actually a kind of respect for him.

If the other party doesn't respect him at all, he doesn't have to worry about whether he's on the scene or not. Human beings will not temporarily interrupt the meeting because there is a bug in the meeting room, because the bug can't affect human's decision at all. If his civilization level is compared with that of the other party, he is a bug.

Of course, although the other side shows enough respect for him, it doesn't mean that Ye Feng really has a say here. If Ye Feng can't see this, he will have no self-knowledge.

So Ye Feng didn't say anything. He just nodded his head to show his agreement. At the moment when he nodded, a strong light hit him. He felt that his body was decomposed again and then reorganized. When he could see everything in front of him, he had returned to the spaceship.

At this time, on the spaceship, four women, Dixie and Scarlett, are anxious about Ye Feng, but they feel helpless.

At this time, a strong light appeared in the center of the spaceship. After the strong light dissipated, Ye Feng stood in front of everyone intact.

Four women see Ye Feng intact back, are excited toward Ye Feng around.

Zhuo wanqiu was the first to run to Ye Feng, took Ye Feng's arm and asked, "brother Satan, where did they take you? They didn't do anything to you, did they? Are you still Satan's brother? Did you get hurt? Is it horrible there? What do aliens look like? Brother Satan, are you talking? Aren't you scared by them? "

Dixie said to Zhuo wanqiu on one side, "you have asked so many questions in a row. Your mouth is like a machine gun. How do you want him to answer?"

When Scarlett heard this, she couldn't help echoing, "yes, you don't shut up. No one can get in. What else can you answer? I forgot what you asked! "

Zhuo wanqiu then spat out her tongue and said with a smile, "sorry, I'm too excited, too excited, incoherent!"

Ye Feng then said to the four women, "I'm ok. I attended a meeting of them, and then they need to discuss it internally, so they sent me back first!"

The four women haven't spoken yet. The voice of the starry sky rings and asks Ye Feng, "did you participate in their meeting?"

Ye Feng side head a see, the star sky virtual appearance is own side, toward the void a little way, "right!"

The starry sky can't wait to ask Ye Feng, "what meeting? Will they involve you in their meetings? "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "the other side is very How to put it? Generally speaking, they are pacifists, and their civilization is all these warships, and there are not many of them. They are immortal, even immortal, and have no reproductive capacity, and their life form is a beam of light, that is what they look like... "

Zhuo wanqiu is curious about what else she wants to ask, but she is held by Scarlett.

And starry sky then toward leaf maple way, "they didn't ask you any questions?"

Ye Feng said, "of course, I said that I belong to the Starr civilization. They have contacted you and met the spaceships of the Starr civilization. Because they pursue the policy of indifference and non-interference, they should not take the initiative to contact your civilization. At most, it is similar to this time. They happened to meet you in the universe and have a better understanding That's all

The starry sky immediately asked Ye Feng, "didn't you ask our purpose?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "of course I asked!" Then, without waiting for the sky to ask any more questions, he immediately said, "and I also said, we are going to the planet of essf!"

Xinghe immediately said in a loud voice, "you actually said our purpose? And pretending you're from our star

Ye Feng is staring at the Star River, "how? Can't you say that? You didn't tell me before, can't you tell me about it? "

The Star River ponders for a while, and suddenly the whole spaceship is quiet. Zhuo wanqiu wants to talk to Ye Feng several times, but they are all stopped by Scarlett and Dixie.

After pondering for a long time, Xinghe asked Ye Feng, "what else happened?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "they are also very interested in eisf, so they decided to go to eisf with us!"

On hearing this, Xinghe immediately exclaimed excitedly, "that's impossible! Absolutely not

Ye Feng heard Xinghe speak so excitedly for the first time. According to Ye Feng's previous understanding of artificial intelligence, they all have no temper, so they have never seen Xinghe speak with special emotions before. They feel very natural and normal. But at this time, Xinghe talk makes Ye Feng feel not very adapted.

Then Xinghe said, "I won't allow you to go to eisf with them!" Then he said to Ye Feng in a tone of reprimand, "why do you promise them? With my permission? Don't make a mistake. I'm the one who has the final say on this ship. You are not qualified to be any masters at all! Is it because I'm too polite to you that you have the illusion that you are the real masters of this spaceship? "Zhuo wanqiu at this time finally couldn't help it, immediately toward the Star River, "aren't you a robot? Or the invisible kind of virtual Why should we listen to you? "

At this time, a box like object appeared on the top of the spaceship. In an instant, a laser beam hit Zhuo wanqiu in front of her. A deep mark appeared on the black and silver metal on the ground, and there was smoke.

Zhuo wanqiu was so frightened by this sudden scene that he stepped back several steps in a row. Even Ye Feng and Dixie were also moving. This was the first time that Xinghe got angry since they contacted with Xinghe, and started the weapon to warn them.

Ye Feng is very clear, just that kind of situation, if Xinghe wants to hit Zhuo wanqiu, Zhuo wanqiu may have been directly cut in two by the light, so this time, the warning is heavy.

The star river then sink a voice toward leaf maple way, "you make me very angry!"

But Ye Feng frowned at the Star River and said, "I wonder if you made a mistake?"

Xinghe asked Ye Feng, "am I wrong? Are you not mistaken? "

Ye Feng said to Xinghe, "first of all, although the other side is friendly at present, it doesn't mean that our danger is eliminated. The good and evil of the other side depend on our decision. Secondly, the civilization of the other side is much higher than that of your star stele. Will they discuss with you what they want to do? In their eyes, people of your level of civilization are all bedbugs. What's more, I'm the lowest civilized life. Do I have any choice? "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Xinghe didn't speak for a long time. After a long time, the box on the top of the spaceship was put away.

Xinghe then said to Yefeng, "anyway, we can't take them to eisf!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "first, I have no ability to refuse. The other party doesn't discuss with us. Second, I'm not you. If you have the ability to stop it, you can try to stop it later. Anyway, they haven't come yet!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Xinghe immediately pondered. After a long time, he sighed and asked Ye Feng, "when will they come?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I don't know. Before I came back, they said they would hold an internal meeting, maybe after the meeting! Who knows! "

Star River immediately said, "wait, you mean they're coming, not taking our ship with them?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "it should be. They won't all participate. They just send one or two representatives to help us go to eisf!"

The star river immediately disappeared after hearing the words, and it didn't appear again after a long time.

Zhuo wanqiu said, "what's the matter? How can this robot get angry? He was shooting at me? "

At this time, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "it seems that Xinghe is extremely reluctant to come to each other's people, and is very resistant to their going to eisf!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, everyone can see it, but the problem is that we can't stop the pace of the other party! We have no choice at all

Scarlett said at once, "well, what now?"

Ye Feng said, "Xinghe is already trying to figure out a way, so let them communicate. We are just the audience!"

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