Dixie said at this time, "Xinghe must have come to prepare for each other's people!"

Scarlett said, "ready? What have to prapare? We've all heard of his so-called seven civilizations before? He said before that the other side is a cosmic civilization, and their star stele is a galaxy civilization. There are too many differences between them. It's not a level at all. What can he guard against? "

After hearing this, Dixie pondered for a long time, but Zhuo wanqiu said, "anyway, brother Satan is right. We are free ticket audience. We just watch the opera for free. We don't care who is strong or weak. We just watch them fight each other, and we can make a profit."

Monica didn't speak all the time. At this time, she said to Ye Feng, "I don't know if it's because my body was created by the stele civilization. I always feel that I can feel something between myself and this galaxy. Since I entered this body, I've been feeling it vaguely!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the brow can't help a wrinkly ground ask a way, "what feeling?"? What do you feel? "

But Monica shook her head and said, "I don't know. Anyway, it's the kind of feeling, but it's hard to say what you really want to feel, and it's like there's no feeling at all!"

After hearing the words staring at Monica for a long time, Dixie whispered to Ye Feng, "can it be Xinghe? In fact, what hidden danger is left in Monica's body? In order to control our pieces at the critical time? "

As soon as Monica heard this, her face suddenly moved and said, "I didn't do anything! I didn't say anything to Xinghe

But Dixie said to Monica, "you don't have to worry too much. In Xinghe's words, his body is the whole spaceship. In fact, he may not know what we are talking about, but he never breaks it! And now is not the time for him to use your body! "

"If that's the case, I'd rather not have this body..."

Ye Feng hastily said, "these are conjectures, which are not enough to explain anything. Now let's go step by step. Let's see what Xinghe can do after the other party's people come over!"

Just then, the virtual scene flickered before meeting, and the virtual robot star river appeared in front of Ye Feng again.

Just after the star river appeared, he immediately sighed, "it seems that there is no way at all!"

Ye Feng surprised way, "no way?"

Star River nodded and said, "when they hijacked our spaceship, our spaceship's system had been completely controlled and read!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion immediately move, a pair of desire to talk and stop appearance, but finally nothing said.

Xinghe seemed to notice the change of Ye Feng's expression, and immediately asked, "did you think of anything?"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "no!"

Xinghe stares at Ye Feng for a long time, and then says, "now you are on guard against me. You think I am harming you, and you think the other party's people can rescue you?"

Zhuo wanqiu didn't wait for Ye Feng to speak, and immediately said to Xinghe, "isn't it clear at a glance? Brother Satan was captured by them No, to be exact, it should be to ask you to go there, but come back intact. And you, don't you forget that you almost killed me the moment before? Who's worse than who's worse? "

After hearing what Zhuo wanqiu said, Xinghe immediately sighed, "if you think so, then you are too shallow. You know too little about the intrigue in the universe. What you see on the surface may not be true!"

Ye Feng smell speech still didn't say a word, Star River then look to Ye Feng way, "do you also think I am harming you?"

Zhuo wanqiu grabbed in front of Ye Feng and said to Xinghe, "at least you forced us to go with you to eisf. Is that true? You take us away from the earth without our permission and consent. Isn't that harmful? "

Ye Feng said to Xinghe at this time, "at this time, don't you want to explain that you are going to take us to the planet of essf?"

After hearing the silence, Xinghe sighed, "since you don't believe me, I don't have an explanation!"

It's your business whether you explain or not. We believe it's our business. You can't feel that we can't understand your action without explaining at all! This logic is untenable! "

Zhuo wanqiu immediately grew up and wanted to say something, but felt that she didn't speak to the point as much as Dixie, and finally just nodded, "yes, how do you know we won't believe you?"

Xinghe stares at Ye Feng for a moment and then says, "do you really want to know?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "of course!"

Xinghe then said, "you've been to a virtual world before, isn't that right?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "no mistake!"

Xinghe immediately said, "after that, you successfully left this virtual world, isn't that wrong?"Ye Feng immediately nodded again, "that's right!"

Xinghe said, "I can tell you now that the success rate of escaping from a virtual world is one in a billion!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately heart bottom a ground to look at Star River.

But Xinghe continued, "in other words, your previous success is not only unique in your civilization, but also extremely rare in the whole universe!"

Ye Feng then frowned, "that is to say, when you take us away from the earth, you already know my past?"

Xinghe said without denying, "don't forget that you have been here to spend some civilization knowledge memory about our star stele, but when you read our civilization knowledge memory, I am also reading your memory. It's not difficult to know everything about you, so it's not strange to know your past!"

Ye Feng still stares at the Star River and says, "listen to what you mean, the reason why you took us away from the earth is that it has something to do with my past?"

Xinghe immediately said, "it's not wrong. It's not only related, but also very big!"

After pondering for a moment, Ye Feng continued to say to the Milky way, "as you said before, the planet of aesf is probably the existence of the ultimate civilization, a mythical civilization, and an existence beyond the universe, that is to say..."

Xinghe did not wait for Ye Feng to finish, and immediately interrupted, "yes, your conjecture is not wrong, but all this is just conjecture. Our civilization discovered this problem tens of thousands of years ago, so we have been within the limits of our scientific and technological development, and we have been looking for the planet of essf. Of course, our previous understanding of the planet of essf is simple Yes, it's just like the ancient civilization of your earth chasing gods. In the process of chasing, we gradually understand some truths. In fact, the planet of aesf or the aesf civilization does not exist, at least it does not exist in our multiverse! "

At this point, Xinghe reminds Ye Feng, "so, you can synthesize your previous experience and think about what you know now. In fact, the answer is ready, isn't it?"

Ye Feng can't help but move when he hears the speech. In fact, this doubt has been more than once. Ye Feng has doubted at least three times. But Ye Feng always feels that he can't be so coincidental. He always encounters such things, so he doesn't take it to heart.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng stares at Xinghe and says, "so you want me to go there with you and see how to leave the universe?"

However, Xinghe sighed, "maybe it is, maybe it is not. According to your experience, even if our conjecture is positive, it may be confirmed in the end, but it doesn't seem to be so meaningful, because even if it is confirmed that our universe is a virtual one, and finally arrives at eisf, what about eisf civilization? In addition to the civilization of eisf, is there another existence similar to eisf? Is eisf really realistic? All of this, perhaps, will always be a mystery

Ye Feng also nodded at this time and said, "what you said, in fact, I have thought about it!" Then he looked at the Xinghe River, "since you know it is likely to be this result, why do you still pursue it?"

Xinghe did not answer Ye Feng's question. Instead, he asked Ye Feng, "you human beings on earth know that birth is about to face death. Why do you still have to live?"

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