Ye Feng was thinking about what Xinghe said, but he didn't speak. At this time, the strong light in the center of the cabin of the spaceship suddenly came on, and the Zhou people couldn't open their eyes. But after a moment, the strong light immediately disappeared, leaving only a group of human shaped blue light source.

After that blue light source body appears, say toward Ye Feng immediately, "I came!"

After staring at the blue light source for a moment, Ye Feng said, "your internal meeting is over?"

The humanoid light source body said, "naturally, it's over, otherwise I won't come here..."

As soon as the voice fell, the whole spaceship suddenly trembled, just like a strong earthquake of several magnitudes. Ye Feng and several of them suddenly stood unsteadily in the cabin of the spaceship. After a long time, the hull gradually returned to normal.

At this time, Zhuo wanqiu looked out of the window and said, "look, the warship is getting farther and farther away from us!"

Ye Feng and others looked out of the window, but saw that the cosmos class warship was slowly moving towards the top of the slope at this time. At the beginning, it was still slowly, and it disappeared in front of us in a moment.

The humanoid light source then said, "now your ship is free! We don't need to be attached to our warships any more! "

He continued, "but your spaceship is too backward. We have left a spaceship, which is linked to the tail of your spaceship. We can help you upgrade your spaceship later..."

When Ye Feng and others heard this, they immediately went to the tail of the spaceship and looked outside. However, they saw that the tail of the spaceship was indeed following a spaceship, and the two hull had been tightly attached together.

At this time, Xinghe said to the humanoid light source, "our spaceship can't be compared with yours, but we don't need to upgrade..."

The humanoid light source body didn't wait for Xinghe to finish, but said faintly, "in terms of your spaceship technology, it's not impossible to find eisf, but it takes too long, and you must transform your spaceship to speed up..."

Just then, Zhuo wanqiu exclaimed in surprise, "look at the back..."

Ye Feng looked back at the tail of the spaceship, but saw that the place where the two spaceships intersected was emitting a light blue halo, and the halo was getting bigger and bigger. The body of the spaceship behind seemed to be burning gas, and the whole body was getting smaller and smaller. The black and silver surface of the spaceship of stele star seemed to be infected by the blue halo, and the body did not happen What changes, but where the surface is burned by the gas, it turns blue.

At this moment, Xinghe immediately said, "you are invading our star stele, you know?"

The humanoid light source said faintly, "invasion? We are just helping you to improve your technology. Our civilization is a peaceful race and will not invade any other lower civilization! "

Xinghe said coldly, "even if it's to improve the technology, have you got my permission?"

But the humanoid light source still said flatly, "do you need your permission? What we have done, in terms of the level of your civilization, you can't understand at all. We are also for your good! "

After a moment of silence, the Star River said to Ye Feng, "I don't need to say anything more. You can see everything in your eyes. Do you believe that you already have your own judgment in your heart?"

Ye Feng stares at the humanoid light source for a long time without saying a word, but they all look at Ye Feng and Xinghe in surprise, and finally look at the humanoid light source.

"They are eroding the system of the spaceship, and I may be completely assimilated by them in the next few hours," he said

At this time, the humanoid light source body said, "your intelligent system of this kind of spaceship should belong to the lowest end. I'm helping you upgrade, and you still talk so much nonsense!"

Say human form light source body, toward leaf maple they way, "now start, all actions of this spaceship, all listen to me! No one can leave this cabin without my permission

Then the humanoid light source body immediately said, "now I'm going to reform the system of this spaceship myself. You all stay where you are and wait for me to come back!"

As soon as the voice fell, the light sources in the human light source body suddenly began to float away, just like the seeds of countless dandelions, and like countless fireflies, one by one blue halo, more like the raindrops falling from the sky, fell on the black and silver floor, and instantly integrated into the spacecraft floor.

And at this time, Ye Feng's brain suddenly thought of a voice, said, "I may soon disappear, before disappear, I will ship all the important consultation are transmitted to your brain!"

Ye Feng heard the voice of Xinghe at this time, but heard Xinghe continue to say, "however, with the level of our civilization, it is estimated that this transmission process will soon be discovered and interrupted, so I will choose the most important transmission first, and the secondary transmission later. In a limited time, I will try my best to transmit all the data to you. After I disappear, you can only rely on yourself I'm going to compete with them. "

Ye Fenggang was about to ask Xinghe something in his mind, but he felt a sudden sense of being concentrated by the current in his head, and even made him feel as if he had been paralyzed all over.The voice of Xinghe continued in Ye Feng's mind and said, "why can the data of the spaceship be preserved as soon as possible before they are destroyed? Unless I transmit it to you, several of your friends are also receiving similar transmission work at the same time. However, the data they receive are more common, even auxiliary, or just like you Now you all try to put down your guard, otherwise the speed of transmission will be greatly limited... "

After listening to Xinghe's words, Ye Feng immediately let go of all the caution in his heart. He felt that there were countless things drilling into his head. Some things seemed to be similar to those he had understood before, but they were not the same. It just added to the vacancy of Ye Feng's reading before.

Ye Feng even felt that her head was connected with the heads of Dixie, Scarlett, Zhuo wanqiu and Monica at this moment. Presumably, the four women could feel it at this time, but because their brains were all receiving the transmission of the stars, there was no communication between them.

I don't know how much time has passed. Ye Feng has even forgotten the existence of time. At this time, Ye Feng feels his head suddenly tightened, and the previous feeling disappears instantly.

Ye Feng involuntarily opened his eyes, but saw that although the side in front of him was almost the same as before, the black and silver of the whole spaceship had become light blue.

Moreover, the virtual robot galaxy has already disappeared, not only can't be seen by the naked eye, but also can't feel the existence of the galaxy in the consciousness.

At this time, Ye Feng looks at the four women, Monica, Dixie, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu, but sees that they are all at a loss.

At this time, countless blue halos suddenly appeared on the ground, and they were gradually condensing towards the middle of the spaceship. Just a moment later, a human light source was formed.

As soon as the light source body was formed, he said, "well, your spaceship has been successfully transformed by us. Next, no matter in terms of speed or performance, it will completely crush the previous technology. It will be easier to find eisf faster!"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately asked the humanoid light source, "where's the Milky way?"

The humanoid light source looked at Zhuo wanqiu and said, "Star River? Do you mean the intelligent system of this spaceship? "

Zhuo wanqiu immediately nodded, "that's right!"

The humanoid light source body said faintly, "he is just a set of operating system. After upgrading, he has become more powerful. Let's say, in the past, his ability was only Galaxy level, but now, it is universe level!"

Then, in front of the humanoid light source, a virtual robot appears again. However, this time, the virtual robot no longer looks so virtual. It looks like a real robot standing in front of the public, and it looks quite similar to the previous star river.

Ye Feng's heart moved when he saw it. From this detail alone, we can see that the human form light source body's scientific and technological civilization has completely crushed the stele civilization.

Zhuo wanqiu asked Xinghe, "Xinghe? Is that you? "

And that robot smell speech to see to Zhuo Wan Qiu, nodded a way, "is me!" The voice is still that voice, but the tone is particularly cold.

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