At this time, not only Zhuo wanqiu, but also Dixie, they all felt awe inspiring. They all heard that although the appearance and sound of the virtual robot in front of them were stars, he was no longer stars. I don't know if, in a sense, stars were dead.

The humanoid light source body then said, "now that I have fully taken over this ship, you all follow my command. Is there any problem?"

Zhuo wanqiu just want to speak, Ye Feng is the first step forward, "no problem!"

Hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu looked at Ye Feng in surprise. At this time, he nodded with satisfaction and said, "very good!" Then he immediately said, "I'll check the route map first."

With that, the body of the humanoid light source body was again scattered into countless small halos, which were scattered all over the cabin of the spaceship.

Zhuo wanqiu see this, then immediately toward Ye Feng said, "why with what to listen to him?"

Ye Feng asked Zhuo wanqiu, "we can't compete with Xinghe. Do you think we will be his opponents?"

At this time, Dixie went to Ye Feng's side and said in a low voice, "Xinghe just transferred some knowledge to my mind. I have a certain understanding of the structure of this spaceship. There is an emergency device somewhere in the spaceship. If it is started, it can make the spaceship return to the earth!"

Ye Feng smell speech face suddenly move, did not expect that the Star River spaceship indeed has can return to the earth device, before the Star River has not said.

But after thinking about it, Ye Feng said to Dixie, "don't use this device. In the face of a civilization like stele, the civilization of the earth is no match. If we don't completely solve the problem of the civilization we are facing now, wouldn't we lead the wolf into the room?"

After hearing what Ye Feng said, Dixie immediately felt some truth and nodded, "you're right, so we can't start this device for the moment! We'll wait until we've completely solved them! "

After Ye Feng nodded, he immediately asked Dixie in a low voice, "in addition to these, what else have you learned?"

Dixie said to Ye Feng, "I know all the structure and operation of the spaceship now! Other things should be in Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu's mind! "

Ye Feng then asked Scarlett, Zhuo wanqiu and Monica, "what about you? What have you learned? "

Zhuo wanqiu immediately said to Ye Feng, "I will make oxygen and food!"

Monika said, "I will use some scientific instruments in the spaceship, including organic and inorganic materials to create a new body!"

Scarlett said to Ye Feng, "I know all the weapons on the spaceship. I can operate all the weapons!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding after hearing the speech. That is to say, now the four women, Dixie, Scarlett, Zhuo wanqiu and Monika, are fully able to operate everything on this spaceship. If they want to escape from the endless universe, they have to rely on them.

Just thinking about it, at this time, in the space of the cabin of the spaceship, countless halo dots appeared immediately, and then condensed into a human light source body somewhere.

The humanoid light source body then said, "I have checked the navigation map. It seems that the stele civilization has reached a level that does not match their civilization level in the aspect of interstellar aviation. It really makes me look at it with new eyes."

Ye Feng said to the humanoid light source, "so, do they really know where the civilization of eisf lies?"

The humanoid light source body said, "yes, although the route is a bit complicated and a lot of time is wasted, it is also based on the basic limitations of their own civilization, and they can only do so, and it is based on the limitations of their civilized scientific and technological development, the shortest time and the shortest distance they take!"

Ye Feng said to the humanoid light source, "then you must have improved the journey and shortened the sailing time?"

The humanoid light source body sighs slightly, "that's not true!"

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move, frown way, "no? Why? "

The humanoid light source body said, "the space voyage of the Stirling civilization is self-contained. Many of the codes are complicated. Although the paths are similar, the encryption program of the key code is special, so the decryption program is complicated, so I can't solve it for the moment!"

Ye Feng can't help but wonder, "your civilization has reached the cosmic level. It's so difficult to decipher the code of a galaxy level civilization?"

The humanoid light source said, "with our civilization level, it's not difficult to decrypt these codes. The problem is I'm not an expert of this type So, I need to send these codes back to our civilization warship, let the experts over there decipher them, and then send them back to me to decrypt them! "

Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved again when he heard the words. He got an important message from this. Originally, Ye Feng thought that many problems must have been easy for life to achieve universal civilization. But now it seems that no matter how advanced the civilization is, it's impossible for all-round talents to appear in it. It's just that all kinds of talents can be learned.Ye Feng thought of this, can't help but ask in front of the humanoid light source body way, "then what do you master?"

But the human body said with a mysterious smile, "I know a lot of things, but I just don't know these things..."

Then the humanoid light source body immediately turned away from the topic and said, "by the way, after my previous inspection, I also know that you are not the living body of the Stirling civilization, you are from the distant and low-level earth civilization?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "yes!"

The humanoid light source body was not angry because ye Feng once said that it was the stele civilization that deceived them, but said curiously, "according to your civilization level, why did the stele civilization want to go to the eisf civilization with you? Has your earth civilization surpassed the Stirling civilization in space navigation technology? "

Without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, he immediately denied himself, "it's impossible. The earth civilization is a planetary civilization, which belongs to the lowest level of civilization. The stele civilization belongs to the galactic civilization, which is two levels higher than you. Their space navigation technology has been able to achieve seamless and free performance among galaxies, and you can't even come out of the solar system, How can there be such a problem? "

At this point, the humanoid light source body can not help asking Ye Feng, "you are talking about, why did the stele civilization want to find you?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I have asked this question several times, but I haven't got the answer. Don't you know the reason for your advanced civilization?"

The humanoid light source body said to Ye Feng, "no civilization is omnipotent. In addition, our civilization has always pursued a policy of indifference and non-interference. We have little contact with star stele. It's normal not to understand their thoughts and your thoughts."

Ye Feng, however, looked at the humanoid light source body in a dazed way, thinking that their life forms had been freed from the bondage of the body. According to his own understanding, how could the higher intelligent animals in this life form not feel that their intelligence quotient was much higher than that of himself, except that their external forms were somewhat different?

However, Ye Feng soon realized a problem. Is it because his IQ has been improved for a long time? After all, he has received most of the stell civilization. Is it because his IQ is now at the level of Galaxy level civilization that he feels the difference between the intelligence of his civilization and that of a higher civilization What about the distance?

Just thinking about it, but listening to the light source body of the human figure lightly said, "it doesn't matter if you don't know. When you get to eisf, all the answers will be clear!"

Ye Feng didn't say a word for a long time, but there was a problem. He blurted out, "you didn't doubt it. In fact, I know why they came to me, but I didn't tell you?"

Hearing the speech, he could not help standing in front of Ye Feng and staring at Ye Feng for a long time before he said, "of course, I don't rule out this possibility!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when hearing the speech, "but you are not angry at all?"

The humanoid light source body said to Ye Feng, "why should I be angry? Because I just said that after the civilization of eisf, I will naturally know the answer!"

Ye Feng continued to say, "maybe it's a mistake to go to eisf civilization?"

After pondering for a moment, the humanoid light source body said, "no one can guarantee that it must be a mistake, and no one can guarantee that it must be right, and right and wrong are unknown. Aren't we the forerunners to verify the correctness and falsity? Don't you feel so proud of it? In one's lifetime, it's a kind of honor to be able to contact the existence of the most top civilization in the universe, even if you die at the first sight, isn't it? "

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