Zhuo wanqiu looked at him angrily when he heard that. However, she shuddered when she thought of what he said.

At this time, the humanoid light source reminds Ye Feng, "get ready. There may be many phenomena that are impossible under normal circumstances. We must keep our ordinary heart, and we can't mess with ourselves!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng frowned at him and said, "what's impossible?"

The humanoid light source said, "it's hard for me to explain. The last time we encountered a rift in time and space, we sacrificed at least ten members!"

Ye Feng looked at the humanoid light source body hesitantly and said, "sacrifice ten members? what do you mean? Either you're all sucked in, or you're all escaped. Why did you sacrifice only ten? "

The humanoid light source body said, "it's hard to explain what I said. I can tell you that we are not affected by the gravity of the space-time rift from the beginning to the end. Our warships are always floating on the edge of the space-time rift, but afterwards, when we count the number of people, we find that ten members are dead!"

Ye Feng immediately asked, "how did you die?"

The humanoid light source body said, "God knows, maybe only when they come back to life can they tell us what happened at that time! This incident is still under study on our main warship. Maybe the truth will come out one day! "

Ye Feng took a deep breath. Ten people died on the warship, but he didn't know how to die. Moreover, according to their civilization level, he didn't even know. It's estimated that few civilizations in the world can know.

The human body saw that Ye Feng didn't say a word, and immediately added, "in a word, be careful later!" Then he said, "I'm going to prepare for the explosion process of the spaceship. You all protect yourself!" With that, the light source of the body gradually dispersed and turned into a little blue halo, which fell on the floor and directly intruded into the hull of the spacecraft.

Zhuo wanqiu then came up and asked Ye Feng, "what does he mean?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "although I don't know what he meant, what I can hear is that from now on, we are in danger. We should take good care of ourselves and be careful!"

Dixie, they all nodded to Ye Feng. At this moment, Monica looked to one side and said, "you see, there seems to be a spaceship over there too!"

Scarlett said, "it's not their ship, is it?" It's obviously the spaceship of their civilization.

And Ye Feng at this time side head looked in the past, but saw that the spaceship from their side said far away, said near also not close, but can't see what happened inside the spaceship.

If the Star River is still there, maybe he can help them find out the origin of the parallel flying spacecraft. Unfortunately, the Star River is no longer there.

At this time, Zhuo wanqiu immediately said, "not only on the left, but also on the right..."

as like as two peas, they were all in a state of mind. Several people were looking at the right side and found that on the right side there was a ship that was exactly the same as the one on the left, and it was parallel to their spacecraft.

"Look at those two ships, they're almost the same. They should be the same people," said Dickens

Zhuo wanqiu said nervously, "who is it? Why are you following us? "

Monika said, "it's not the strangest thing. The strangest thing is that it's close to the rift between space and time. Other spaceships can't avoid it. Why are they following us? Are you going to die with us? "

Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved, and he thought to himself that what Monica said was right. If they met the spaceships of other civilizations, they couldn't be unaware that there was danger here. Why did they follow them? Moreover, even stars can be absorbed by the power of this rift in time and space. The visible power is no smaller than that of black holes, and even the civilization of the light source can not compete with that of other civilizations. Besides, has the civilization of these two spaceships surpassed that of the light source?

What's more, the only civilization that can surpass them is eisf, which may be beyond the universe. Are these two spaceships sent by eisf on purpose because they know they are looking for eisf?

But looking at the appearance of the two spaceships, there is no big difference between them and the spaceships of the Stirling civilization. Isn't the spaceship of the top civilization in the universe, even outside the universe, such as eisf, so low-end?

Just thinking about it, at this time, the virtual shadow behind Ye Feng suddenly appeared in front of them, and said in a cold voice, "we have received the signal from the spaceship next door, and they are asking us who we are, where we are going, and what our purpose is!"

As soon as Ye Feng heard this, he immediately looked back at the "Star River" in front of him. Although the brain of the Star River has been completely occupied by the light source civilization, this function still exists.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng could not help muttering, "this is what we want to ask each other! Didn't expect them to ask us first? "

Said Ye Feng immediately asked "Star River" way, "you investigate out they belong to what civilization?""Xinghe" continued to say in a cold voice, "I have surveyed their spaceship level, that is, Galaxy level, and their spaceship will only have life bodies and numbers, just like ours!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "what do you mean?"

"Star River" immediately said, "that is to say, there are five people on the other side, and they come from the same place as you, that is, the earth civilization!"

When everyone heard this, they could not help but look at each other in surprise, and immediately looked out of the window at the spaceship.

After Ye Feng looked at it, he asked "Xinghe" in surprise, "are the people on earth in their spaceship?"

, as like as two peas, "immediately," the starstream said, "no mistake. Your genetic components are exactly the same. The probability of coming from the same planet is 99.99%! "

At this time, Dixie not only asked Ye Feng, "besides us, are there other people on earth who have also been kidnapped into space and forced to look for eisf?"

"Xinghe" immediately said, "three more spaceships have been found..."

As soon as they heard this, their faces moved again. They immediately went to the window and looked out of the window. However, they could only see one spaceship on the left and one on the right!

"Xinghe" explained to them, "you can't see them with your naked eyes. They are flying parallel to us, and they are just blocked by the spaceships on the left and right sides of our spaceship! And after my investigation, the three spaceships are also Galaxy level, and the life on the spaceship is also from your civilization

Zhuo wanqiu couldn't help but look horrified and said, "how many earthlings have they captured?"

At this time, however, Dixie said in a loud voice, "no..."

People can't help but look at Dixie, Ye Feng asked Dixie, "what's wrong?"

Dixie did not answer Ye Feng's question, but looked at the "Star River" and said, "how many life bodies are in the three new spaceships?"

"Star River" listen to such a question, immediately said, "there are five in the single spaceship, a total of 15!"

Dixie immediately said to Ye Feng, "Why are there five earth people in each spaceship? Is this a coincidence? Or does it have a special meaning? "

After pondering for a while, ye Fengxin immediately said to "Xinghe," are the other five spaceships all one man and four women? "

"Xinghe" immediately said, "that's right..."

When everyone heard this, they could not help but feel awed. At this time, the "Star River" immediately said, "now it's not five, it's eleven! And the situation is the same for each of the six more spaceships that have just come out! "

Zhuo wanqiu at this time immediately called out, "what's the matter?"

Dixie a burst of silence, Scarlett is staring at Ye Feng look, Monica then said, "is there a possibility?"

Ye Feng then looked at Monica, took a deep breath, and then said, "all the spaceships are copied, our spaceships?"

All people listen to Ye Feng so a say, immediately heart is a Lin, Zheng Zheng ground looking at Ye Feng.

Zhuo wanqiu puzzled looking at Ye Feng way, "copy our spaceship?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "the spaceship of the other side is similar to ours. The life bodies on it are all from the earth like us, and they are all one man and four women. Even before they appeared, there was no signal at all. All of a sudden, there was such an obvious feature, only this possibility!"

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