People listen to Ye Feng say so, can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise, although they also feel that the sudden appearance of these spaceships around is very strange, but they never thought of such a strange thing.

According to Ye Feng said, those suddenly appeared in the spacecraft, are they? This is a bit beyond their expectation and understanding. If there are so many self-existence, it would be a mess.

At this time, Dixie stares at Ye Feng. She seems to believe Ye Feng's words. She nods to Ye Feng and says, "if this is the case, what should we do?"

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "according to our limited knowledge, it's probably because there are cracks in time and space around here, so there are chaos in time and space, which leads to so many of us! Maybe as long as we go through the rift of time and space, everything will return to normal! "

Dixi Si stares at Ye Feng to see a way, "you mean we do nothing, can only wait?"

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "what else can we do? Fortunately, every spaceship is sealed, and we can't communicate with them. Otherwise, there are so many of us in the same space, isn't it a mess? "

Just at this time, I suddenly heard Zhuo wanqiu shouting, "look over there, what's the golden one?"

As soon as they heard this, their faces changed. They immediately went to the window and looked in the direction that Zhuo wanqiu was pointing to. However, they saw a long and narrow golden wave outside the eye of the starry sky in the distance, and it was still floating towards them.

Ye Feng stares at the golden wave, but he can't see what it is. At this time, he listens to the explanation of "Star River" on one side, "it's the pulse of the time wheel!"

Ye Feng can't help looking at the "Star River" in surprise? What's this? "

"Xinghe" explains to Ye Feng, "it's a kind of impact of time! Just like the ultraviolet rays of the sun... "

Ye Feng looked at that time round pulse is running towards them, heart can't help but ask "Star River" way, "if we are hit by this round pulse, what will happen?"

"Xinghe" sighed, "I don't know. Maybe it's the wrong time. Maybe it's something more serious!"

When he heard the words, he immediately said to the "Star River," is there any way for us to avoid this round of pulse

"Star River" said to Dixie, "now the gravity of space-time cracks on us makes it impossible for our spaceship to escape the time wheel pulse!"

Ye Feng murmured at this time, "it seems that we can only carry it hard!"

"Star River" says lightly, "everybody is ready psychologically! It's coming... "

With the voice of "Xinghe", Ye Feng felt the hull of the spaceship shaking violently. Suddenly, the whole cabin seemed to be weightless, floating in the mid air. When they watched the golden time wheel pulse passing by, they all felt that the eardrum of their ears was going to be broken. Suddenly, they were full of tears It's golden.

When the round of pulse flashed by, everyone fell heavily on the ground, everyone fell dizzy, didn't come back for a long time, Ye Feng is also like this.

When Ye Feng finally recovered, he immediately sat up and looked around. However, he saw that the four women were sitting on the ground, just like himself, looking around in surprise. Seeing that they seemed to be all right, Ye Feng was relieved.

Ye Feng immediately stood up and looked out of the window, but he saw that the eye of the starry sky was not far away and was watching them. Looking out of the window behind him, the golden time wheel pulse had gone far away, and the color was getting lighter and lighter. Obviously, the farther away from the rift of time and space, the less powerful the time wheel pulse was.

At this time, they all stood up one by one, humming and groaning. It was obvious that they had just been thrown indistinctly.

At this time, Ye Feng noticed that Dixie was originally wearing a white suit, but now it became light gray. I don't know if it was because of the influence of the time wheel pulse that even the color of his clothes changed?

Ye Feng quickly looked at his clothes and found that the color of the clothes did not change.

In the heart is strange, at this time Dixi Si walked toward Ye Feng to come over a way, "you are all right?"

Ye Feng shakes his head and says it's OK. When he looks at Scarlett, Zhuo wanqiu and Monica, his heart moves slightly. It's not only Dixie, but the color of their three clothes seems to be different from before. What's more, Monica, who originally had long hair, now has shoulder length short hair.

Dixie see Ye Feng is staring at the other three women to see, at this time the complexion is also slightly moving toward Ye Feng way, "how did the color of your clothes change?"

Ye Feng smell speech and instinctively looked at his clothes color, found that or the original color, there is no change at all, why does Dixie say his clothes color changed?

Thinking about Ye Feng, I can't help thinking about the time wheel pulse phenomenon before. Is it because the brain is affected by the pulse that leads to the visual problems of all of them? In fact, the color of everyone's clothes hasn't changed, but the color of each other has changed?Just thinking about it, Zhuo wanqiu also looked at Monica in surprise and said, "your hair is short?"

Scarlett also said to Zhuo wanqiu, "aren't you jeans just now? How did it become Capris now? "

Monica also said to Scarlett, "your hair was not golden before, but now it's dark purple?"

Everyone was surprised to see the scene in front of him. Ye Feng took a deep breath. It must have something to do with the time wheel pulse just now, but whether it was the pulse that caused their vision problems? Ye Feng is not sure, just a little suspicious.

And at this time, "Star River" reminds people, "the second time wheel pulse is coming again!"

Ye Feng and others immediately looked out of the window, but saw another golden pulse coming towards them. Suddenly, weightlessness reappeared, and everyone was floating in the cabin of the spaceship.

Ye Feng didn't expect that there was more than one pulse at this time, but at this time he had one more heart. Although his body was completely weightless, his eyes were always staring at the women.

But the moment Ye Feng's eardrum is a burst of pain, the moment is completely filled with gold, in front of everything can't see clearly.

After Ye Feng's eyes returned to normal, all of them fell to the ground again in an instant, and the whole body seemed to fall apart.

At the same time, Ye Feng noticed that Dixie's gray clothes had become light blue, and the colors of other women's clothes had changed, and Monica's hair had become shawl long hair, just like dyed black.

After waiting for everyone to stand up, Ye Feng suddenly has a doubt in his heart.

At this time, the third wave of the time wheel pulse came again. After the third wave passed, there was the fourth wave. One wave came faster than the other, but the power was smaller.

Finally, after all the clock pulses are over, Ye Feng slowly stands up and finds that the four women in front of him have already changed their colors.

Dixie seemed to notice the problem, and immediately stood up and looked at the people around him in surprise.

Ye Feng at this time immediately toward the "Star River" way, "Star River, do you find any problem?"

"Star River" said faintly at this time, "of course there are problems! But it's not very serious! "

Ye Feng looked at the "Star River", and at this time Dixie said, "we are all people from different spaceships, right?"

Ye Feng smell speech heart immediately a Lin, this is what he is worried about, did not expect Dixie also found, and said.

Zhuo wanqiu looked at Dixie and said, "what do you mean?"

"Every time the time wheel pulse comes, our clothes are changing. The only explanation is that the time wheel pulse causes not only the disorder of time, but also the disorder of space. The five people we are present should come from five different spaceships!"

Ye Feng listened as like as two peas, and Disis moved from the other ships. So it means that several people in other ships knew their existence, and they all knew the other ships were exactly the same as them.

After seeing that the crowd didn't speak, Dixie immediately added, "now the only explanation is this, otherwise I really can't explain why your hair style and clothes color change after each pulse!"

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