Every word that Dixie said was what Ye Feng wanted to say. However, the other three women, Zhuo wanqiu, Scarlett and Monica, seemed not to understand what Dixie meant. They all looked at Dixie in a daze.

Ye Feng nodded at this time and said, "Dixie is right. We five people belong to five different time and space people! I believe the same problem has been found on other spaceships as well! "

Zhuo wanqiu looked at Ye Feng and said, "brother Satan, you don't seem to make any difference to me?"

Ye Feng said to Zhuo wanqiu, "I don't seem to make any difference, but I'm definitely not the Satan of the time and space you belong to!"

Scarlett then said, "although I don't quite understand what you are talking about, I can understand the general meaning. But even if what I want to say is true, it may not have a great impact on us?"

"Star River" said at this time, "you belong to five different time and space, but what I want to tell you is that there should be six different time and space. Neither you nor I belong to the same time and space!"

Ye Feng and Dixie could not help looking at "Xinghe" when they heard the words, but they listened to "Xinghe" continue to say, "my spaceship was not the five of you at all. Now it seems that all of you have changed. That is to say, after several rounds of time pulses, no one is staying on the original Spaceship!"

"Starry sky" immediately said, "although the relationship between the five of you is not disordered, your civilization should also understand the space-time effect. Oh, by the way, in your earth civilization, it should be said that it is the butterfly effect. Although each of you seems to have no change in character, the development of each space-time will be somewhat different Don't worry, but just these differences are likely to produce time and space Well Butterfly effect, will have a great impact on things after

Zhuo wanqiu said, "I don't feel much difference."

At this time, Dixie asked Zhuo wanqiu, "in your time and space, what is your relationship with Satan?"

Zhuo wanqiu suddenly turned red and said, "no..."

But Dixie snorted coldly, "it doesn't matter. What are you blushing about? In my time and space, you always love Satan, but I see your expression. In your time and space, you and Satan have an indescribable relationship, right

Zhuo wanqiu suddenly faltered and couldn't speak. Finally, she stamped her foot and looked at Ye Feng and said, "brother Satan, are you and I still at that stage in your time and space?"

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "in my time and space, I always regard you as my sister!"

Hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu's face suddenly moved, "that's no good. I finally got together with my brother Satan. Here, I want to start again? Do you know how hard I've been chasing you? "

At this moment, Dixie immediately said to Scarlett, "what is the relationship between you and Satan in your time and space?"

Scarlett immediately snorted, "what can I have to do with him? He killed my husband. I've been following him all the time. I'm looking for revenge! "

When Ye Feng heard this, she couldn't help staring at Scarlett. In her own time and space, the death of Scarlett's husband is really related to her, but it's already a thing of the past. They have already had a relationship on Stewart Island. Unexpectedly, in the present time and space of Scarlett, she and she still keep the same relationship as before What was the relationship before the Department?

Finally, she looks back at Monica and asks, "what about you?"

Monica shrugged at Dixie and said, "in my time and space, he and I are unmarried!"

Ye Feng was stunned when he heard this, but she continued, "I know that there is something ambiguous between him and you. I won't agree with him. He either marries me or marries you. I can't stand my man's being too busy..."

Ye Feng takes a deep breath. He doesn't know what happened to himself and Monica in that time and space. Will he promise to marry Monica?

Just thinking about it, Zhuo wanqiu asked Dixie, "you are here to ask us this, ask us that, then I will ask you, in your time and space, what is the relationship between you and Satan?"

When Ye Feng hears this, he can't help looking at Dixie. In fact, he also wants to know what relationship he has with her in Dixie's time and space.

In fact, Ye Feng has another idea at this time. In so many different time and space, the experiences of himself and the four women are not the same. In fact, it means that in the future, there are so many different possibilities for the development of himself and the four women.

At this time, after pondering for a moment, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "in my time and space, he and I..." Said to see a leaf maple, immediately cold hum a way, "what relation all have no!"

Zhuo wanqiu snorted with disdain, "I don't believe it!"

Scarlett also snorted coldly, "I don't believe it. Listen to your tone, the relationship is unusual!"Although Monica didn't say a word, her eyes seemed to tell her that she didn't believe what she said.

At this time, Dixie hummed coldly, "believe it or not, I'm too lazy to tell you!"

Then he looked at the "Star River" and said, "if we want to return to our own time and space, what can we do?"

"Xinghe" immediately said, "there is no way for me, but since the confusion of time and space is caused by the hesitation of the time wheel pulse, maybe only the time wheel pulse can solve it!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately toward "Star River" ask a way, "but at present already did not have the time wheel pulse!"

Without waiting for "Xinghe" to speak, Zhuo wanqiu immediately said, "it's not just the pulse of the time wheel. Look outside!"

Ye Feng and others immediately looked out, but they saw that in the endless starry sky outside, those spaceships that had been flying with their spaceships had disappeared.

Scarlett's face moved and said, "other spaceships have disappeared, that is to say, we can't go back any more?"

Zhuo wanqiu was depressed and said, "do I have to pursue my brother Satan again?"

Monica said coldly, "I won't give you a chance to pursue him!"

Dixie looked out of the window, pondering for a long time, but there seemed to be a lot of words in her eyes.

Ye Feng then looked back at the "Star River" and said, "that is to say, now we can only accept the result of this kind of space-time disorder?"

"Star River" is toward Ye Feng said, "although this result is not satisfactory for each of you, but at present, it can only be so!"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately said no, "I want to go back to my time and space!"

Ye Feng said to "Xinghe," you must have a way, and you don't want to see chaos on our side. Each of us should only be in harmony with their own time and space... "

Did not wait for Ye Feng to finish, but Scarlett toward Ye Feng cold hum a way, "no matter go to any time and space, I can't be with you?"

Ye Feng knows that in Scarlett's time and space, she and she are still enemies of life and death. To keep her by her side may be to give her a chance to revenge. Therefore, in her time and space, she really won't agree with her.

At this time, the "Star River" said, "the way is not without, but I don't think it's necessary! Because even if the time wheel pulse appears again, can you guarantee that after a few pulses, you will all return to your own time and space? There are five people on your side. As long as one of them is different from the previous one, the result of this kind of disorderly building is equal to no change! What's the probability that it's going to be exactly what it used to be? "

After hearing the words, he said to the "Star River" immediately, "even so, we'll try!"

"Xinghe" said to Dixie, "if you want to reappear, you must cause a certain degree of explosion on the surface of the space-time crack, but the explosion setting on this spaceship is far from possible!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "didn't you say before that your spaceship can explode as thrust?"

"Xinghe" immediately said, "that is to push this spaceship away from the rift of time and space. If you use it to make time wheel pulse, the spaceship will be sucked in by the rift of time and space! Compared with this, I think it's more important to stay away from the cracks of time and space? "

Ye Feng can't help pondering when he hears the speech. "Xinghe" is right. The chance of explosion is one time. It's either to create a pulse or as a boost force. Now they are faced with the choice of one or two.

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